java.lang .Object .ClipboardHelper ClipboardHelper public class ClipboardHelper (Code) Helper class for clipboard handling.
version: $Id: 532646 2007-04-26 08:04:08Z andreas $
getClipboard public Clipboard getClipboard(Context context)(Code) Returns the clipboard attachted to the session.
Parameters: context - The context containing the session. A clipboard or null
if no clipboard is attached tothe session.
getSession protected Session getSession(Context context)(Code) Parameters: context - The context. The session of the context.
getSessionAttributeName protected String getSessionAttributeName()(Code) The name of the session attribute to hold the clipboard.
removeClipboard public void removeClipboard(Context context)(Code) Removes the clipboard from the session.
Parameters: context - The context.
saveClipboard public void saveClipboard(Context context, Clipboard clipboard)(Code) Saves the clipboard to the session.
Parameters: context - The context.Parameters: clipboard - The clipboard.