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| java.lang.Object org.apache.lenya.config.impl.ConfigureGUI
ConfigureGUI | public class ConfigureGUI (Code) | | A GUI tool to configure the Lenya build
ConfigureGUI | public ConfigureGUI(String rootDir)(Code) | | .ctor
Parameters: rootDir - |
checkFirst | public void checkFirst()(Code) | | Checks if its first step and disables the back button
checkLast | public void checkLast()(Code) | | Checks if its last step and disables next button but adding a save button
comboBox | public void comboBox()(Code) | | Method to create the Comboboxes
currentStep | public void currentStep(String direction)(Code) | | Takes care about the steps progress (list on left side)
Parameters: direction - |
getStep | public int getStep()(Code) | | Returns the current step
steps |
main | public static void main(String[] args)(Code) | | Main method which creates the GUI
Parameters: args - |
moveBack | public void moveBack()(Code) | | Controls behavior if back button is pressed
moveNext | public void moveNext()(Code) | | Controls behavior if next button is pressed
setLocalValue | public void setLocalValue()(Code) | | Set local value depending on chosen value
setRadioButton | public void setRadioButton()(Code) | | Set radio button
showNormalOptions | public void showNormalOptions()(Code) | | Shows the normal options (paramaters)