org.dspace.content.packager |
Provides an API and implementations of content packages, used in the context of ingest (SIP), or dissemination (DIP)
Packaging Interfaces
The principle interfaces are for ingesters and disseminators.
The PackageIngester interface consists of the method:
WorkspaceItem ingest(Context context, Collection collection, InputStream in,
PackageParameters params, String license)
There is also a 'replace' method, but this is not implemented consistently.
The PackageDisseminator interface consists of the method:
void disseminate(Context context, DSpaceObject object,
PackageParameters params, OutputStream out)
Packaging Implementations
Ingester and disseminator implementations exist for METs and PDF packages, and the
classes are designed to be extended for different profiles.
@see org.dspace.content.packager.AbstractMETSIngester
@see org.dspace.content.packager.AbstractMETSDisseminator
Java Source File Name | Type | Comment | | Class | Base class for disseminator of
METS (Metadata Encoding & Transmission Standard) Package.
This is a generic packager framework intended to be subclassed to create
packagers for more specific METS "profiles". | | Class | Base class for package ingester of
METS (Metadata Encoding & Transmission Standard) Package.
This is a generic packager framework intended to be subclassed to create
ingesters for more specific METS "profiles". | | Class | Packager plugin to produce a
METS (Metadata Encoding & Transmission Standard) package
that is accepted as a DSpace METS SIP (Submission Information Package).
for more information on METS.
This class does not produce a true DSpace DIP, because there was no
DIP standard when it was implemented. | | Class | Packager plugin to ingest a
METS (Metadata Encoding & Transmission Standard) package
that conforms to the DSpace METS SIP (Submission Information Package) Profile. | | Class |
Manage the METS manifest document for METS importer classes,
such as the package importer org.dspace.content.packager.MetsSubmission
and the federated importer
It can parse the METS document, build an internal model, and give the importers
access to that model. | | Interface | Plugin Interface to produce Dissemination Information Package (DIP)
of a DSpace object.
An implementation translates DSpace objects to some external
"package" format. | | Class | This is a superclass for exceptions representing a failure when
importing or exporting a package. | | Interface | Plugin Interface to interpret a Submission Information Package (SIP)
and create (or replace) a DSpace item from its contents.
A package is a single data stream
containing enough information to construct an Item. | | Class | Parameter list for SIP and DIP packagers. | | Class | Container class for code that is useful to many packagers. | | Class | This represents a failure when importing or exporting a package
caused by invalid unacceptable package format or contents; for
example, missing files that were mentioned in the manifest, or
extra files not in manifest, or lack of a manifest.
When throwing a PackageValidationException, be sure the message
includes enough specific information to let the end user diagnose
the problem, i.e. | | Class | Accept a PDF file by itself as a SIP.
This is mainly a proof-of-concept to demonstrate the flexibility
of the packager and crosswalk plugins.
To import, open up the PDF and try to extract sufficient metadata
from its InfoDict.
Export is a crude hack: if the item has a bitstream containing PDF,
send that, otherwise it fails. |