| java.lang.Object org.openharmonise.rm.resources.AbstractObject org.openharmonise.rm.resources.AbstractEditableObject
All known Subclasses: org.openharmonise.rm.resources.AbstractProfiledObject,
Method Summary | |
public void | acquireEditWriteLock() | protected void | addColumnsToPopulateQuery(SelectStatement select, boolean bIsHist) | protected void | addDataToSave(InsertStatement insert) Adds data to insert statement which will be executed in the
save() method. | public void | addEditEventListener(EditEventListener listener) | public Editable | archive() | public Editable | changeStatus(Status status) | public void | clear() | public Object | clone() | public Editable | createNewVersion() | protected void | delete(boolean bDeleteHist) Deletes object data from data store. | public List | getAllVersions() | public static ColumnRef | getColumnRef(String sClassname, String sColumn, boolean bHist) | public String | getDisplayName() Returns the display name of this resource. | public List | getHistoricalVersions() | public java.util.Date | getHistoryDate() Returns the date this object was archived if this object is an
archived object, otherwise it will return a null. | public ColumnRef | getInstanceColumnRef(String sColumn, boolean bIsHist) | public Editable | getLiveVersion() | public User | getLockOwner() | public int | getLockUserId() Returns the user id for the lock on this object. | public static ColumnRef | getObjectColumnRef(String sTable, String sColumn) | public List | getPendingVersions() | public Status | getStatus() | public String | getVersionComment() Returns the version comment. | public java.util.Date | getVersionDate() Returns the version date of this object. | public int | getVersionNumber() Returns the version number of this object. | protected boolean | isKeySupported() | public boolean | isLiveVersion() | protected boolean | isLockThread() Returns true if a write lock has been acquired on
this object and the current thread acquired that lock, or there
is no write lock currently acquired. | public boolean | isLocked() | public boolean | isPendingVersion() Returns true if this object is a pending version. | public synchronized void | lock(User usr) | public void | populate(Element xmlElement, State state) | protected void | populateFromResultSetRow(ResultSet rs, SelectStatement select) | public Element | publish(Element topEl, HarmoniseOutput xmlDoc, State state) | public Editable | reactivate() | public void | releaseEditWriteLock() | public void | removeEditEventListener(EditEventListener listener) | public Editable | save() | abstract protected void | saveCoreData() Save data external to the main object DB table yet part of
it's core data to the database. | abstract protected void | saveNonCoreData() Saves data external to the main object DB table and not part of
it's core data gets saved to the database. | public void | setDisplayName(String sDisplayName) | public void | setVersionComment(String sVersionComment) Sets the version comment attached to this object. | public void | unlock(User usr) | protected void | update() Updates data in database. | protected void | updateDBStatus() Updates the database with the new status value and any
other relavent changes, such as id, key and live id. | public void | workflowObjectArchived(EditEvent event) | public void | workflowObjectLocked(EditEvent event) | public void | workflowObjectReactivated(EditEvent event) | public void | workflowObjectSaved(EditEvent event) | public void | workflowObjectStatusChanged(EditEvent event) | public void | workflowObjectUnlocked(EditEvent event) |
ATTRIB_IS_LOCKED | final public static String ATTRIB_IS_LOCKED(Code) | | Is locked attribute name
CLMN_DISPLAY_NAME | final protected static String CLMN_DISPLAY_NAME(Code) | | Display name column name
TAG_DISPLAY_NAME | final public static String TAG_DISPLAY_NAME(Code) | | Display name tag name
TAG_HISTORICAL_VERSION | final public static String TAG_HISTORICAL_VERSION(Code) | | Historical version tag name
TAG_HISTORY_DATE | final public static String TAG_HISTORY_DATE(Code) | | History date tag name
TAG_LIVE_VERSION | final public static String TAG_LIVE_VERSION(Code) | | Live version tag name
TAG_LOCKED | final public static String TAG_LOCKED(Code) | | Locked tag name
TAG_PENDING_VERSION | final public static String TAG_PENDING_VERSION(Code) | | Pending version tag name
TAG_STATUS | final public static String TAG_STATUS(Code) | | Status tag name
TAG_VERSION | final public static String TAG_VERSION(Code) | | Version tag name
TAG_VERSION_COMMENT | final public static String TAG_VERSION_COMMENT(Code) | | Version comment tag name
TAG_VERSION_DATE | final public static String TAG_VERSION_DATE(Code) | | Version date tag name
m_nLiveId | protected int m_nLiveId(Code) | | The id of the live version
m_nLockUserId | protected int m_nLockUserId(Code) | | The id of the user that locked this resource
m_nVersionNumber | protected int m_nVersionNumber(Code) | | The version number
m_sDisplayName | protected String m_sDisplayName(Code) | | The display name
m_sVersionComment | protected String m_sVersionComment(Code) | | The version comment
AbstractEditableObject | public AbstractEditableObject()(Code) | | Constructs a new or anonymous instance without an interface
to the database.
AbstractEditableObject | public AbstractEditableObject(AbstractDataStoreInterface con)(Code) | | Standard constructor for a new or anonymous resource,
registering an AbstractDataStoreInterface to use
with all database communications.
Parameters: con - the interface to the database |
AbstractEditableObject | public AbstractEditableObject(AbstractDataStoreInterface con, int nId)(Code) | | Standard constructor for an existing resource,
registering an AbstractDataStoreInterface to use
with all database communications.
Parameters: con - the interface to the database Parameters: nId - the id of the resource |
AbstractEditableObject | public AbstractEditableObject(AbstractDataStoreInterface con, int nId, int nKey, boolean bIsHist)(Code) | | Standard constructor for an existing resource which may be historical.
Parameters: con - the interface to the database Parameters: nId - the id of the resource Parameters: nKey - the unique key of the resource Parameters: bIsHist - true if the object is historical |
acquireEditWriteLock | public void acquireEditWriteLock() throws EditException(Code) | | Acquire a lock on child addition and removal
Note: this method provides a mechanism for external
classes to implement locking on the management of
children but does NOT guarantee that other threads
cannot manipulate the children of the collection
throws: EditException - |
clear | public void clear()(Code) | | |
getHistoryDate | public java.util.Date getHistoryDate() throws DataAccessException(Code) | | Returns the date this object was archived if this object is an
archived object, otherwise it will return a null.
the date this object was archived throws: DataAccessException - if an error occurs while populating this object |
getLockUserId | public int getLockUserId() throws DataAccessException(Code) | | Returns the user id for the lock on this object.
the user id for the lock on this object throws: DataAccessException - if an error occurs while populating this object |
getVersionNumber | public int getVersionNumber() throws DataAccessException(Code) | | Returns the version number of this object.
the version number of the object throws: DataAccessException - if an error occurs while populating this object |
isKeySupported | protected boolean isKeySupported()(Code) | | |
isLockThread | protected boolean isLockThread()(Code) | | Returns true if a write lock has been acquired on
this object and the current thread acquired that lock, or there
is no write lock currently acquired.
true if a write lock has been acquired onthis object and the current thread acquired that lock, or thereis no write lock currently acquired. |
isPendingVersion | public boolean isPendingVersion() throws DataAccessException(Code) | | Returns true if this object is a pending version.
true if this object is a pending version throws: DataAccessException - if an error occurs while populating this object |
releaseEditWriteLock | public void releaseEditWriteLock()(Code) | | Release lock on child additions and removals
saveCoreData | abstract protected void saveCoreData() throws EditException(Code) | | Save data external to the main object DB table yet part of
it's core data to the database.
throws: EditException - if an error occurs |
saveNonCoreData | abstract protected void saveNonCoreData() throws EditException(Code) | | Saves data external to the main object DB table and not part of
it's core data gets saved to the database.
throws: EditException - if an error occurs |
setDisplayName | public void setDisplayName(String sDisplayName)(Code) | | Sets the display name
Parameters: sName - the display name of this resource |
setVersionComment | public void setVersionComment(String sVersionComment)(Code) | | Sets the version comment attached to this object.
Parameters: sVersionComment - the version comment |
updateDBStatus | protected void updateDBStatus() throws PopulateException(Code) | | Updates the database with the new status value and any
other relavent changes, such as id, key and live id.
throws: PopulateException - if an error occurs |
workflowObjectArchived | public void workflowObjectArchived(EditEvent event)(Code) | | |
workflowObjectLocked | public void workflowObjectLocked(EditEvent event)(Code) | | |
workflowObjectReactivated | public void workflowObjectReactivated(EditEvent event)(Code) | | |
workflowObjectStatusChanged | public void workflowObjectStatusChanged(EditEvent event)(Code) | | |
workflowObjectUnlocked | public void workflowObjectUnlocked(EditEvent event)(Code) | | |
Methods inherited from org.openharmonise.rm.resources.AbstractObject | public void addCacheListener(CacheListener listener)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void addColumnsToPopulateQuery(SelectStatement select, boolean bIsHist) throws DataStoreException(Code)(Java Doc) public void clear()(Code)(Java Doc) public Object clone()(Code)(Java Doc) public int compareTo(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean exists()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void fullPopulate() throws PopulateException(Code)(Java Doc) public List getCacheListeners()(Code)(Java Doc) public static ColumnRef getColumnRef(AbstractObject obj, String sColumn) throws DataStoreException(Code)(Java Doc) public static ColumnRef getColumnRef(String sClassname, String sColumn) throws DataStoreException(Code)(Java Doc) public static ColumnRef getColumnRef(String sClassname, String sColumn, boolean bHist) throws DataStoreException(Code)(Java Doc) protected static Collection getCoreColumnRefs(String sClassname) throws DataStoreException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public String getDBTableName()(Code)(Java Doc) public AbstractDataStoreInterface getDataStoreInterface()(Code)(Java Doc) protected String getHistoricalDBTableName()(Code)(Java Doc) public int getId()(Code)(Java Doc) public ColumnRef getInstanceColumnRef(String sColumn, boolean bIsHist) throws DataStoreException(Code)(Java Doc) public int getKey() throws DataAccessException(Code)(Java Doc) public String getName() throws DataAccessException(Code)(Java Doc) protected static ColumnRef getObjectColumnRef(String sDBTable, String sColumn) throws DataStoreException(Code)(Java Doc) public String getSummary() throws DataAccessException(Code)(Java Doc) public static String getTableName(String sClassname, boolean bHist) throws DataStoreException(Code)(Java Doc) protected String getTableName(boolean bIsHist)(Code)(Java Doc) public String getType() throws DataAccessException(Code)(Java Doc) public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isChanged() throws DataAccessException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isHistorical()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected boolean isKeySupported()(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean isPopulated()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void markAsNew() throws PopulateException(Code)(Java Doc) public void notifyCacheListeners()(Code)(Java Doc) public void populate(Element xmlElement, State state) throws PopulateException(Code)(Java Doc) protected synchronized void populateFromDatabase() throws PopulateException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void populateFromResultSetRow(ResultSet rs, SelectStatement select) throws PopulateException(Code)(Java Doc) public Element publish(Template template, HarmoniseOutput xmlDoc, State state) throws PublishException(Code)(Java Doc) public Element publish(Element topEl, HarmoniseOutput xmlDoc, State state) throws PublishException(Code)(Java Doc) public void removeCacheListener(CacheListener listener)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setDataStoreInterface(AbstractDataStoreInterface dsi) throws PopulateException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setHistorical(boolean bIsHistorical)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setId(int nId)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setIsChanged(boolean bIsChanged)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setKey(int nKey)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setName(String sName) throws InvalidNameException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setSummary(String sSummary)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setType(String type)(Code)(Java Doc)