This Avalon component runs the broken link checker inside an Avalon container
at specified times.
Parameter name |
Requiredness |
Description |
enabled |
Required |
Whether or not the broken link checker is enabled. If true
the broken link checks will be performed. |
role-of-this-component |
Required if enabled |
To be able to schedule itself this component must know its role.
Unfortunately this component cannot obtain its role from the Avalon
environment, so it must be specified by the user. |
job-name |
Optional |
The name under which to schedule this component in the job scheduler.
This name must be different from other jobs and names used for other
instances of this component. If ommitted the fully-qualified class name of
this component,
nl.hippo.cms.brokenlinkchecker.avalon.BrokenLinkCheckerAvalonWrapper ,
will be used. |
cron-expression |
Required if enabled |
A scheduling expression specifying when the broken link checker should
run. See the Cron
Triggers Tutorial of Quartz for more information about the scheduling
expression. |
document-tree-to-check-root-url |
Required if enabled |
The absolute URL of the root of the tree that should be checked for
documents containing broken links. For example:
http://localhost:60000/default/files/default.www/content/bulk . |
documents-base-url |
Required if enabled |
The document URLs returned by the repository contain the complete path
from the root of the webserver. This (relative) URL is the base URL that will
be removed from the returned document URLs. For example:
/default/files/default.www . |
internal-url-prefixes-to-ignore |
Optional |
Not all internal links point to documents. To prevent these links from
incorrectly being reported as broken, a set of URL prefixes can be specified.
If an internal URL starts with one of these prefixes, it is not checked for
brokenness. The format of this parameter is a set of space-separated relative
URLs. For example: /assets/binaries/ /binaries/ . |
internal-links-base-url |
Required if enabled |
Internal links are specified using relative URLs. To be able to check if
an internal link is broken an absolute URL is needed. This absolute URL will
be prefixed to the URL of internal links so they can be checked. Note: this
URL must point to a location that is part of the same repository as the tree
containing the documents to check. For example:
http://localhost:60000/default/files/default.www . |
repository-username |
Required if enabled |
The username to use to login to the repository containing the documents
to check, the documents pointed to by internal links and the result document. |
repository-password |
Required if enabled |
The password to use to login to the repository containing the documents
to check, the documents pointed to by internal links and the result document. |
result-document-url |
Required if enabled |
The absolute URL of the document to which the results must be written.
The folder in which the document must be stored must already exist. Note:
this URL must point to a location that is part of the same repository as the
tree containing the documents to check. For example:
http://localhost:60000/default/files/default.www/broken-links.xml . |
document-batch-size |
Optional |
For technical and performance reasons it is not possible to retrieve all
documents containing links using one search request. This parameter specifies
how many documents must be processed per search request. Valid values: [1,
1000]. If this parameter is omitted 100 documents will be processed per
request. |
number-of-link-checking-threads |
Optional |
Checking links is a time-consuming process because external servers have
to be contacted. The checking does not use a lot of resources so it is no
problem to check multiple links simultaneously. This parameter specifies how
many links must be checked simultaneously. Valid values: [1, ∞>
(practically the maximum value is 231 - 1 = 2147483647), but
values greater than 25 are discouraged because of performance reasons. If
this parameter is omitted 10 links will be checked simultaneously. |
link-check-timeout-seconds |
Optional |
It is possible that a server to which a link points is unresponsive. The
thread checking the link will wait a while before deciding that the link is
broken. This timeout (in seconds) specifies how long a thread should wait for
an unresponsive server before marking the link as broken. Valid values: [1,
2147483]. If this parameter is omitted the threads will wait 10 seconds for
unresponsive servers. |