Comparator for sorting resource objects based on dates.
The comparator can be configured to use any date based on resource attributes or properties.
The user must in the constructor
CmsDateResourceComparator.CmsDateResourceComparator(CmsObject,List,boolean) provide a list of one or more date identifiers that should be checked, in the order they
should be checked.
Extended data structure for the collector, parsed from the collector parameters.
The input data String must have the following format: "{VFS URI}|{Resource type}|{Count}|{AddParam1}|{AddParam2}...", for example: "/my/folder/|xmlcontent|5|p1|p2|p3|p4".
This extends the basic
CmsCollectorData by allowing to append additional
parameters to the input String.
A collector that allows to collect resources within a time range based upon
a configurable property that contains a time stamp.
Additionally a property may be specified that contains a comma separated
list of category Strings that have to match the specified list of categories
to allow.