A select widget that recursively collects all
org.opencms.xml.content.CmsXmlContent resources of a given type
(name) under a given path and creates select options that contain the xmlcontents field value specified by a name
(xpath) as display String and the xmlcontents path (given) as the value.
The configuration String has to be of the following form:
is a String containing valid OpenCms macros or xpath expression in the form:
"You are viewing: %(property.Title) "
"%(xpath.Firstname) %(xpath.Lastname), Nocakla inc."
in which the xpath macros will be replaced with
is a valid resource path to a folder in the VFS where search is started from,
is a resource type name defined in opencms-modules.xml and
[|propertyname = propertyvalue]*
is a arbitrary number of properties value mappings that have to exist on the resources to show.
Please note
- The widget will not offer xmlcontents that are in a different locale than the current page that displays it.
Only if the "matching" xmlcontent has defined a language node for the locale that is set on the page for this widget
and the xpath expression to display is not empty, the xmlcontent will be selectable. |