org.opencms.jsp.decorator |
HTML postprocessor, used to tag single words or phrases in the HTML output.
@version $Revision: 1.4 $
@since 6.1.3
Java Source File Name | Type | Comment | | Class | CmsDecorationBundle, contains a map of merged CmsDEcorationMaps.
The map inside the decoration bundle uses the decoration as keys and CmsDecorationObjects as values.
A decoration bundle contains either all decoarions for one locale (similar to a resource bundle), or
is locale independend. | | Class | | | Class | The CmsDecorationMap is the object representation of a single decoartion file.
The semicolon seperated elements of the decoartion file are stored in a map. | | Class | The CmsDecorationObject defines a single text decoration.
It uses the information of a
CmsDecorationDefintion to create the
pre- and postfix for a text decoration. | | Class | The CmsDecoratorConfiguration initalizes and stores the text decorations.
It uses uses the information of one or more
CmsDecorationDefintion to create the
pre- and postfixs for text decorations. | | Class | The CmsHtmlDecorator is the main object for processing the text decorations.
It uses the information of a
CmsDecoratorConfiguration to process the
text decorations. | | Interface | Interface for a CmsDecoratorConfiguration.
This interface describes a CmsDecoratorConfiguration which provides methods to
get a filled CmsDecorationBundle. | | Class | |