Some predefined implementations for often used scheduled job tasks.
@version $Revision: 1.7 $
@since 6.0.0
Java Source File Name | Type | Comment | | Class | | | Class | A schedulable OpenCms job to clear the history.
The user to execute the process should have have access to the required "Workplace manager" role.
If there is an Uri set for the scheduled job, which should only be folders, it will be used
for clearing the history only in there (and the subfolders).
Job parameters:
- Number/Integer to control how many versions will be kept.
- Boolean to configure if the versions of deleted resources should be cleared.
The default is false.
- Number/Integer to configure the number of days the versions of deleted resources will
be kept.
| | Class | A schedulable OpenCms job that clear the image cache for the scaled images created by the
org.opencms.loader.CmsImageLoader .
Job parameters:
maxage={time in hours}
- Specifies the maximum age (in hours) images can be unused before they are removed from the cache.
| | Class | Scheduled job for time based publishing.
This class is called via the scheduled job backoffice to publish a project at a given time.
Per default, it publishes all new, edited and deleted resources in the project which are not locked.
To unlock all resources in the project before publishing, add the parameter unlock=true
in the scheduled job configuration. | | Class | A schedulable OpenCms job to write a complete static export (e.g. | | Class | |