Method Summary |
public String | getForeignColumnName() |
public String | getForeignTableName() |
public String | getForeignTableSchema() |
public int | getKeySeq() |
public Column | getLocalColumn() |
public String | getLocalColumnName() |
public String | getLocalTableName() |
public String | getLocalTableSchema() |
public void | setForeignColumnName(String foreignColumnName) This is from the column PKCOLUMN_NAME in the metadata ResultSet. |
public void | setForeignTableName(String foreignTableName) This is from the column PKTABLE_NAME in the metadata ResultSet. |
public void | setForeignTableSchema(String foreignTableSchema) This is the schema to which the foreign table belongs. |
public void | setKeySeq(int keySeq) |
public void | setLocalColumn(Column localColumn) |
public void | setLocalColumnName(String localColumnName) This is from the column FKCOLUMN_NAME in the metadata ResultSet. |
public void | setLocalTableName(String localTableName) This is from the column FKTABLE_NAME in the metadata ResultSet. |
public void | setLocalTableSchema(String localTableSchema) This is the schema (or table owner) for the table to which
this column belongs. |
public String | toString() |