| java.lang.Object java.awt.FocusTraversalPolicy workbench.gui.components.WbTraversalPolicy
WbTraversalPolicy | public WbTraversalPolicy()(Code) | | |
getComponentAfter | public Component getComponentAfter(Container focusCycleRoot, Component aComponent)(Code) | | Returns the Component that should receive the focus after aComponent.
focusCycleRoot must be a focus cycle root of aComponent.
Parameters: focusCycleRoot - a focus cycle root of aComponent Parameters: aComponent - a (possibly indirect) child of focusCycleRoot, orfocusCycleRoot itself the Component that should receive the focus after aComponent, ornull if no suitable Component can be found throws: IllegalArgumentException - if focusCycleRoot is not a focus cycleroot of aComponent, or if either focusCycleRoot or aComponent isnull |
getComponentBefore | public Component getComponentBefore(Container focusCycleRoot, Component aComponent)(Code) | | Returns the Component that should receive the focus before aComponent.
focusCycleRoot must be a focus cycle root of aComponent.
Parameters: focusCycleRoot - a focus cycle root of aComponent Parameters: aComponent - a (possibly indirect) child of focusCycleRoot, orfocusCycleRoot itself the Component that should receive the focus before aComponent,or null if no suitable Component can be found throws: IllegalArgumentException - if focusCycleRoot is not a focus cycleroot of aComponent, or if either focusCycleRoot or aComponent isnull |
getDefaultComponent | public Component getDefaultComponent(Container focusCycleRoot)(Code) | | Returns the default Component to focus. This Component will be the first
to receive focus when traversing down into a new focus traversal cycle
rooted at focusCycleRoot.
Parameters: focusCycleRoot - the focus cycle root whose default Component is tobe returned the default Component in the traversal cycle when focusCycleRootis the focus cycle root, or null if no suitable Component canbe found throws: IllegalArgumentException - if focusCycleRoot is null |
getFirstComponent | public Component getFirstComponent(Container focusCycleRoot)(Code) | | Returns the first Component in the traversal cycle. This method is used
to determine the next Component to focus when traversal wraps in the
forward direction.
Parameters: focusCycleRoot - the focus cycle root whose first Component is tobe returned the first Component in the traversal cycle when focusCycleRootis the focus cycle root, or null if no suitable Component can befound throws: IllegalArgumentException - if focusCycleRoot is null |
getLastComponent | public Component getLastComponent(Container focusCycleRoot)(Code) | | Returns the last Component in the traversal cycle. This method is used
to determine the next Component to focus when traversal wraps in the
reverse direction.
Parameters: focusCycleRoot - the focus cycle root whose last Component is to bereturned the last Component in the traversal cycle when focusCycleRoot isthe focus cycle root, or null if no suitable Component can befound throws: IllegalArgumentException - if focusCycleRoot is null |