| |
| javax.swing.JPanel workbench.gui.profiles.ProfileEditorPanel
dummyAdded | protected boolean dummyAdded(Code) | | |
ProfileEditorPanel | public ProfileEditorPanel(String lastProfileKey)(Code) | | |
componentDisplayed | public void componentDisplayed()(Code) | | |
deleteItem | public void deleteItem() throws Exception(Code) | | Remove an item from the listmodel.
This will also remove the profile from the ConnectionMgr's
profile list.
getProfileCount | public int getProfileCount()(Code) | | |
newItem | public void newItem(boolean createCopy) throws Exception(Code) | | Create a new profile. This will be added to the ListModel and the
ConnectionMgr's profile list.
restoreSettings | public void restoreSettings()(Code) | | |
saveSettings | public void saveSettings()(Code) | | |
setInitialFocus | public void setInitialFocus()(Code) | | |
validateInput | public boolean validateInput()(Code) | | |