Method Summary |
public long | addRow() |
public void | cancelExecution() |
public void | checkAndSelectKeyColumns() |
public boolean | checkUpdateTable() |
public void | clearContent() Clears everything. |
public void | clearStatusMessage() Clears the display on the status bar. |
public boolean | confirmCancel() |
public void | deleteRow() |
public void | deleteRowWithDependencies() |
protected void | disableUpdateActions() |
public void | disconnect() |
public void | dispose() |
public int | duplicateRow() |
public void | endEdit() |
public void | endEdit(boolean restoreData) |
public void | fatalError(String msg) |
public int | getActionOnError(int errorRow, String errorColumn, String data, String errorMessage) |
public CopyRowAction | getCopyRowAction() |
public NamedSortDefinition | getCurrentSort() |
public DeleteDependentRowsAction | getDeleteDependentRowsAction() |
public DeleteRowAction | getDeleteRowAction() |
public InsertRowAction | getInsertRowAction() |
public String | getLastMessage() |
public int | getMaxRows() |
public int | getQueryTimeout() |
public RowActionMonitor | getRowMonitor() |
public SelectKeyColumnsAction | getSelectKeysAction() |
public WbTable | getTable() |
public UpdateDatabaseAction | getUpdateDatabaseAction() |
public boolean | hasKeyColumns() |
public boolean | hasResultSet() |
public boolean | hasUpdateableColumns() |
public void | initTableNavigation(MainWindow container) |
public boolean | isModified() Returns true if the DataStore of the Table has been modified. |
public boolean | isReadOnly() |
public boolean | isUpdateable() |
boolean | prepareDatabaseUpdate() Prepare the DwPanel for saving any changes to the database.
This will check for the PK columns and if necessary
ask the user to specify them. |
public void | rowCountChanged() This method will update the row info display on the statusbar. |
public boolean | runQuery(String aSql, boolean respectMaxRows) Execute the given SQL statement and display the result. |
public int | saveChanges(WbConnection aConnection, JobErrorHandler errorHandler) |
public void | saveChangesToDatabase() |
public void | setBatchUpdate(boolean aFlag) Turns on the batchUpdate mode.
In this mode, the automatic switch to edit mode is disabled. |
public void | setConnection(WbConnection aConn) Defines the connection for this DwPanel. |
public void | setCursor(Cursor newCursor) |
public void | setDefaultStatusMessage(String aMessage) |
public void | setManageUpdateAction(boolean aFlag) |
public void | setMaxRows(int aMax) |
protected void | setMessageDisplayModel(TableModel aModel) |
public void | setPrintHeader(String header) |
public void | setQueryTimeout(int value) |
public void | setReadOnly(boolean aFlag) |
public void | setShowLoadProcess(boolean aFlag) |
public void | setSortDefinition(NamedSortDefinition sort) |
public void | setStatusMessage(String aMsg) Show a message in the status panel. |
public void | setUpdateHandler(DbUpdater aDelegate) Sets the handler which performs the update to the database.
This delegate is passed to the UpdateDatabaseAction. |
public void | setUpdateTable(TableIdentifier table) Define the update table to be used. |
public void | setUpdateTableToBeUsed(TableIdentifier table) Pass the table to be used for future updates to the underlying
DataStore. |
public boolean | shouldSaveChanges(WbConnection aConnection) |
public void | showData(StatementRunnerResult result) Display any result set that is contained in the StatementRunnerResult. |
public void | showData(ResultSet result, String sql) |
public void | showData(DataStore newData, String statement) |
public void | showError(String error) |
public void | showlastExecutionTime() |
public boolean | startEdit() |
public boolean | startEdit(boolean restoreSelection) Starts the "edit" mode of the table. |
public void | stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) Called from the viewport, when the display has been scrolled
We need to update the row display then. |
public void | tableChanged(TableModelEvent e) If the user changes something in the result set (which is possible, as
the table defaults to beeing editable) the edit mode (with status column
and the different actions enabled) is switched on automatically. |
public void | updateStatusBar() |
public void | valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) This is called when the selection in the table changes. |