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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Database Client » squirrel sql 2.6.5a » net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.dialects 
Source Cross Referenced  Class Diagram Java Document (Java Doc) 

001:        package net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.dialects;
003:        /*
004:         * Copyright (C) 2007 Rob Manning
005:         *
006:         *
007:         * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
008:         * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
009:         * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
010:         * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
011:         *
012:         * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
013:         * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
015:         * Lesser General Public License for more details.
016:         *
017:         * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
018:         * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
019:         * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
020:         */
021:        import java.sql.Connection;
022:        import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
023:        import java.sql.SQLException;
024:        import java.sql.Statement;
025:        import java.util.ArrayList;
026:        import java.util.Iterator;
027:        import java.util.List;
028:        import java.util.ResourceBundle;
029:        import java.util.StringTokenizer;
031:        import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.ApplicationArguments;
032:        import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.ISession;
033:        import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.MockSession;
034:        import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.sql.ITableInfo;
035:        import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.sql.SQLDatabaseMetaData;
036:        import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.sql.TableColumnInfo;
037:        import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.sql.TableInfo;
039:        /**
040:         * The purpose of this class is to hookup to the database(s) specified in 
041:         * and test SQL generation parts of the dialect 
042:         * syntatically using the database' native parser.  This is not a JUnit test, 
043:         * as it requires a running database to complete.
044:         * 
045:         * @author manningr
046:         */
047:        public class DialectLiveTestRunner {
049:            ArrayList<ISession> sessions = new ArrayList<ISession>();
050:            ResourceBundle bundle = null;
052:            TableColumnInfo firstCol = null;
053:            TableColumnInfo secondCol = null;
054:            TableColumnInfo thirdCol = null;
055:            TableColumnInfo fourthCol = null;
056:            TableColumnInfo dropCol = null;
057:            TableColumnInfo noDefaultValueVarcharCol = null;
058:            TableColumnInfo noDefaultValueIntegerCol = null;
059:            TableColumnInfo renameCol = null;
060:            TableColumnInfo pkCol = null;
061:            // This column is created in the create script abd unused unless testing DB2 
062:            TableColumnInfo db2pkCol = null;
063:            TableColumnInfo notNullIntegerCol = null;
065:            // two columns to represent a Primary key in the pktest table
066:            TableColumnInfo doubleColumnPKOne = null;
067:            TableColumnInfo doubleColumnPKTwo = null;
069:            private static final String DB2_PK_COLNAME = "db2pkCol";
071:            public DialectLiveTestRunner() throws Exception {
072:                ApplicationArguments.initialize(new String[] {});
073:                bundle = ResourceBundle
074:                        .getBundle("net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.dialects.dialectLiveTest");
075:                initSessions();
076:            }
078:            private void initSessions() throws Exception {
079:                String dbsToTest = bundle.getString("dbsToTest");
080:                StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(dbsToTest, ",");
081:                ArrayList<String> dbs = new ArrayList<String>();
082:                while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
083:                    String db = st.nextToken().trim();
084:                    dbs.add(db);
085:                }
086:                for (Iterator<String> iter = dbs.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
087:                    String db =;
088:                    String url = bundle.getString(db + "_jdbcUrl");
089:                    String user = bundle.getString(db + "_jdbcUser");
090:                    String pass = bundle.getString(db + "_jdbcPass");
091:                    String driver = bundle.getString(db + "_jdbcDriver");
092:                    String catalog = bundle.getString(db + "_catalog");
093:                    String schema = bundle.getString(db + "_schema");
094:                    MockSession session = new MockSession(driver, url, user,
095:                            pass);
096:                    session.setDefaultCatalog(catalog);
097:                    session.setDefaultSchema(schema);
098:                    sessions.add(session);
099:                }
100:            }
102:            private void init(ISession session) throws Exception {
103:                createTestTables(session);
104:                firstCol = getIntegerColumn("nullint", fixTableName(session,
105:                        "test1"), true, "0", "An int comment");
106:                secondCol = getIntegerColumn("notnullint", fixTableName(
107:                        session, "test2"), false, "0", "An int comment");
108:                thirdCol = getVarcharColumn("nullvc", fixTableName(session,
109:                        "test3"), true, "defVal", "A varchar comment");
110:                fourthCol = getVarcharColumn("notnullvc", fixTableName(session,
111:                        "test4"), false, "defVal", "A varchar comment");
112:                noDefaultValueVarcharCol = getVarcharColumn(
113:                        "noDefaultVarcharCol", fixTableName(session, "test"),
114:                        true, null, "A varchar column with no default value");
115:                dropCol = getVarcharColumn("dropCol", fixTableName(session,
116:                        "test5"), true, null, "A varchar comment");
117:                noDefaultValueIntegerCol = getIntegerColumn(
118:                        "noDefaultIntgerCol", fixTableName(session, "test5"),
119:                        true, null, "An integer column with no default value");
120:                renameCol = getVarcharColumn("renameCol", fixTableName(session,
121:                        "test"), true, null, "A column to be renamed");
122:                pkCol = getIntegerColumn("pkCol",
123:                        fixTableName(session, "test"), false, "0",
124:                        "primary key column");
125:                notNullIntegerCol = getIntegerColumn("notNullIntegerCol",
126:                        fixTableName(session, "test5"), false, "0",
127:                        "potential pk column");
128:                db2pkCol = getIntegerColumn(DB2_PK_COLNAME, fixTableName(
129:                        session, "test"), false, "0",
130:                        "A DB2 Primary Key column");
132:                // These two columns will be the only ones in the pktest table.  They will 
133:                // start out being nullable, and we will test that the dialect correctly
134:                // converts them to non-null then applies the PK constraint to them.
135:                // This test shall not be run against any database dialect that claims not
136:                // to support changing the nullability of a column.
137:                doubleColumnPKOne = getIntegerColumn("pk_col_1", fixTableName(
138:                        session, "pktest"), true, null,
139:                        "an initially nullable field to be made part of a PK");
140:                doubleColumnPKTwo = getIntegerColumn("pk_col_2", fixTableName(
141:                        session, "pktest"), true, null,
142:                        "an initially nullable field to be made part of a PK");
143:            }
145:            private ITableInfo getTableInfo(ISession session, String tableName)
146:                    throws Exception {
147:                SQLDatabaseMetaData md = session.getSQLConnection()
148:                        .getSQLMetaData();
149:                String catalog = ((MockSession) session).getDefaultCatalog();
150:                String schema = ((MockSession) session).getDefaultSchema();
151:                if (md.storesUpperCaseIdentifiers()) {
152:                    tableName = tableName.toUpperCase();
153:                } else {
154:                    tableName = tableName.toLowerCase();
155:                }
156:                //System.out.println("Looking for table with catalog="+catalog+" schema="+schema+" tableName="+tableName);
157:                ITableInfo[] infos = md.getTables(catalog, schema, tableName,
158:                        new String[] { "TABLE" }, null);
159:                if (infos.length > 1) {
160:                    throw new IllegalStateException(
161:                            "Found more than one table matching name="
162:                                    + tableName);
164:                }
165:                if (infos.length == 0) {
166:                    return null;
167:                }
169:                return infos[0];
171:            }
173:            private void dropTable(ISession session, String tableName)
174:                    throws Exception {
175:                HibernateDialect dialect = DialectFactory.getDialect(
176:                        DialectFactory.DEST_TYPE, session.getApplication()
177:                                .getMainFrame(), session.getMetaData());
178:                try {
179:                    ITableInfo ti = getTableInfo(session, tableName);
180:                    if (ti == null) {
181:                        System.out.println("Table " + tableName
182:                                + " couldn't be dropped - doesn't exist");
183:                        return;
184:                    }
185:                    runSQL(session, dialect.getTableDropSQL(ti, true, false));
186:                } catch (SQLException e) {
187:                    // Do Nothing
188:                }
189:            }
191:            /**
192:             * Setup the test tables.  This used to be only one table but it grew due
193:             * primarily to Ingres' inability to have a table with more than 5-10 
194:             * columns.
195:             * 
196:             * @param session
197:             * @throws Exception
198:             */
199:            private void createTestTables(ISession session) throws Exception {
200:                HibernateDialect dialect = DialectFactory.getDialect(
201:                        DialectFactory.DEST_TYPE, session.getApplication()
202:                                .getMainFrame(), session.getMetaData());
204:                dropTable(session, fixTableName(session, "test"));
205:                dropTable(session, fixTableName(session, "test1"));
206:                dropTable(session, fixTableName(session, "test2"));
207:                dropTable(session, fixTableName(session, "test3"));
208:                dropTable(session, fixTableName(session, "test4"));
209:                dropTable(session, fixTableName(session, "test5"));
210:                dropTable(session, fixTableName(session, "pktest"));
211:                if (DialectFactory.isOracle(session.getMetaData())) {
212:                    dropTable(session, fixTableName(session, "matview"));
213:                }
215:                String pageSizeClause = "";
217:                if (DialectFactory.isIngres(session.getMetaData())) {
218:                    // alterations fail for some reason unless you do this...
219:                    pageSizeClause = " with page_size=4096";
220:                }
222:                if (DialectFactory.isDB2(session.getMetaData())) {
223:                    // db2pkCol is used to create a PK when using DB2.  DB2 doesn't allow
224:                    // you to add a PK to a table after it has been constructed unless the
225:                    // column(s) that comprise the PK were originally there when created
226:                    // *and* created not null.
227:                    runSQL(session, "create table "
228:                            + fixTableName(session, "test")
229:                            + " ( mychar char(10), " + DB2_PK_COLNAME
230:                            + " integer not null)");
231:                } else {
232:                    runSQL(session, "create table "
233:                            + fixTableName(session, "test")
234:                            + " ( mychar char(10))" + pageSizeClause);
235:                }
237:                runSQL(session, "create table "
238:                        + fixTableName(session, "test1")
239:                        + " ( mychar char(10))" + pageSizeClause);
240:                runSQL(session, "create table "
241:                        + fixTableName(session, "test2")
242:                        + " ( mychar char(10))" + pageSizeClause);
243:                runSQL(session, "create table "
244:                        + fixTableName(session, "test3")
245:                        + " ( mychar char(10))" + pageSizeClause);
246:                runSQL(session, "create table "
247:                        + fixTableName(session, "test4")
248:                        + " ( mychar char(10))" + pageSizeClause);
249:                runSQL(session, "create table "
250:                        + fixTableName(session, "test5")
251:                        + " ( mychar char(10))" + pageSizeClause);
253:                if (dialect.supportsAlterColumnNull()) {
254:                    runSQL(session, "create table "
255:                            + fixTableName(session, "pktest")
256:                            + " ( pk_col_1 integer, pk_col_2 integer )"
257:                            + pageSizeClause);
258:                }
259:            }
261:            private void runTests() throws Exception {
262:                for (Iterator<ISession> iter = sessions.iterator(); iter
263:                        .hasNext();) {
264:                    ISession session =;
265:                    HibernateDialect dialect = DialectFactory.getDialect(
266:                            DialectFactory.DEST_TYPE, session.getApplication()
267:                                    .getMainFrame(), session.getMetaData());
269:                    init(session);
270:                    testAddColumn(session);
271:                    testDropColumn(session);
272:                    testAlterDefaultValue(session);
273:                    testColumnComment(session);
274:                    testAlterNull(session);
275:                    testAlterName(session);
276:                    testAlterColumnlength(session);
277:                    // DB2 cannot alter a column's null attribute directly (only 
278:                    // through constraints).  Not only that, but it's apparently not a
279:                    // valid thing to do to create a primary key using a column that has
280:                    // been made "not null" via a check constraint.  Therefore, the only
281:                    // columns that qualify to be made PKs are those that were declared
282:                    // not null at the time of table creation.
283:                    if (DialectFactory.isDB2(session.getMetaData())) {
284:                        testAddPrimaryKey(session,
285:                                new TableColumnInfo[] { db2pkCol });
286:                        testDropPrimaryKey(session, db2pkCol.getTableName());
287:                    } else {
288:                        try {
289:                            testAddPrimaryKey(session,
290:                                    new TableColumnInfo[] { notNullIntegerCol });
291:                        } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
292:                            System.err
293:                                    .println("doesn't support adding primary keys");
294:                        }
295:                        try {
296:                            testDropPrimaryKey(session, notNullIntegerCol
297:                                    .getTableName());
298:                        } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
299:                            System.err
300:                                    .println("doesn't support dropping primary keys");
301:                        }
303:                        // Test whether or not the dialect correctly converts nullable
304:                        // columns to not-null before applying the primary key - if 
305:                        // necessary
306:                        if (dialect.supportsAlterColumnNull()) {
307:                            try {
308:                                TableColumnInfo[] infos = new TableColumnInfo[] {
309:                                        doubleColumnPKOne, doubleColumnPKTwo };
310:                                testAddPrimaryKey(session, infos);
311:                            } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
312:                                System.err
313:                                        .println("doesn't support adding primary keys");
314:                            }
315:                        }
316:                    }
317:                    testDropMatView(session);
318:                }
319:            }
321:            /**
322:                CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW matview2
323:                    REFRESH COMPLETE
324:                    NEXT  SYSDATE + 1
325:                    WITH PRIMARY KEY 
326:                    AS SELECT * FROM TEST;
328:             * @param session
329:             * @throws Exception
330:             */
331:            private void testDropMatView(ISession session) throws Exception {
332:                if (!DialectFactory.isOracle(session.getMetaData()))
333:                    return;
334:                HibernateDialect dialect = DialectFactory.getDialect(
335:                        DialectFactory.DEST_TYPE, session.getApplication()
336:                                .getMainFrame(), session.getMetaData());
338:                testAddPrimaryKey(session, new TableColumnInfo[] { pkCol });
339:                String createMatViewSQL = "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW MATVIEW "
340:                        + "       REFRESH COMPLETE " + "   NEXT  SYSDATE + 1 "
341:                        + "   WITH PRIMARY KEY " + "   AS SELECT * FROM TEST ";
342:                runSQL(session, createMatViewSQL);
343:                MockSession msession = (MockSession) session;
344:                String cat = msession.getDefaultCatalog();
345:                String schema = msession.getDefaultSchema();
346:                SQLDatabaseMetaData md = session.getSQLConnection()
347:                        .getSQLMetaData();
348:                ITableInfo info = new TableInfo(cat, schema, "MATVIEW",
349:                        "TABLE", "", md);
350:                List<String> dropSQL = dialect.getTableDropSQL(info, true,
351:                        false);
352:                runSQL(session, dropSQL);
353:            }
355:            private void testAlterName(ISession session) throws Exception {
356:                HibernateDialect dialect = DialectFactory.getDialect(
357:                        DialectFactory.DEST_TYPE, session.getApplication()
358:                                .getMainFrame(), session.getMetaData());
360:                TableColumnInfo newNameCol = getVarcharColumn("newNameCol",
361:                        "test", true, null, "A column to be renamed");
362:                if (dialect.supportsRenameColumn()) {
363:                    String sql = dialect.getColumnNameAlterSQL(renameCol,
364:                            newNameCol);
365:                    runSQL(session, sql);
366:                } else {
367:                    try {
368:                        dialect.getColumnNameAlterSQL(renameCol, newNameCol);
369:                    } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
370:                        // this is expected
371:                        System.err.println(e.getMessage());
372:                    }
373:                }
374:            }
376:            private void testDropColumn(ISession session) throws Exception {
377:                HibernateDialect dialect = DialectFactory.getDialect(
378:                        DialectFactory.DEST_TYPE, session.getApplication()
379:                                .getMainFrame(), session.getMetaData());
381:                if (dialect.supportsDropColumn()) {
382:                    dropColumn(session, dropCol);
383:                } else {
384:                    try {
385:                        dropColumn(session, dropCol);
386:                        throw new IllegalStateException(
387:                                "Expected dialect to fail to provide SQL for dropping a column");
388:                    } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
389:                        // This is what we expect
390:                        System.err.println(e.getMessage());
391:                    }
392:                }
393:            }
395:            private void testAlterColumnlength(ISession session)
396:                    throws Exception {
397:                HibernateDialect dialect = DialectFactory.getDialect(
398:                        DialectFactory.DEST_TYPE, session.getApplication()
399:                                .getMainFrame(), session.getMetaData());
401:                //convert nullint into a varchar(100)
402:                /*
403:                 * This won't work on Derby where non-varchar columns cannot be 
404:                 * altered among other restrictions.
405:                 * 
406:                TableColumnInfo nullintVC = 
407:                    getVarcharColumn("nullint", true, "defVal", "A varchar comment");
408:                String alterColTypeSQL = dialect.getColumnTypeAlterSQL(firstCol, nullintVC);
409:                runSQL(session, alterColTypeSQL);
410:                 */
411:                TableColumnInfo thirdColLonger = getVarcharColumn("nullvc",
412:                        "test3", true, "defVal", "A varchar comment", 30);
413:                if (dialect.supportsAlterColumnType()) {
414:                    List<String> alterColLengthSQL = dialect
415:                            .getColumnTypeAlterSQL(thirdCol, thirdColLonger);
416:                    runSQL(session, alterColLengthSQL);
417:                } else {
418:                    try {
419:                        dialect.getColumnTypeAlterSQL(thirdCol, thirdColLonger);
420:                        throw new IllegalStateException(
421:                                "Expected dialect to fail to provide SQL for altering column type");
422:                    } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
423:                        // this is expected
424:                    }
425:                }
426:            }
428:            private void testAlterDefaultValue(ISession session)
429:                    throws Exception {
430:                HibernateDialect dialect = DialectFactory.getDialect(
431:                        DialectFactory.DEST_TYPE, session.getApplication()
432:                                .getMainFrame(), session.getMetaData());
434:                TableColumnInfo varcharColWithDefaultValue = getVarcharColumn(
435:                        "noDefaultVarcharCol", noDefaultValueVarcharCol
436:                                .getTableName(), true, "Default Value",
437:                        "A column with a default value");
439:                TableColumnInfo integerColWithDefaultVal = getIntegerColumn(
440:                        "noDefaultIntgerCol", noDefaultValueIntegerCol
441:                                .getTableName(), true, "0",
442:                        "An integer column with a default value");
444:                if (dialect.supportsAlterColumnDefault()) {
445:                    String defaultValSQL = dialect
446:                            .getColumnDefaultAlterSQL(varcharColWithDefaultValue);
447:                    runSQL(session, defaultValSQL);
449:                    defaultValSQL = dialect
450:                            .getColumnDefaultAlterSQL(integerColWithDefaultVal);
451:                    runSQL(session, defaultValSQL);
452:                } else {
453:                    try {
454:                        dialect
455:                                .getColumnDefaultAlterSQL(noDefaultValueVarcharCol);
456:                        throw new IllegalStateException(
457:                                "Expected dialect to fail to provide SQL for column default alter");
458:                    } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
459:                        // This is what we expect.
460:                        System.err.println(e.getMessage());
461:                    }
462:                }
463:            }
465:            private void testAlterNull(ISession session) throws Exception {
466:                HibernateDialect dialect = DialectFactory.getDialect(
467:                        DialectFactory.DEST_TYPE, session.getApplication()
468:                                .getMainFrame(), session.getMetaData());
469:                TableColumnInfo notNullThirdCol = getVarcharColumn("nullvc",
470:                        "test3", false, "defVal", "A varchar comment");
471:                if (dialect.supportsAlterColumnNull()) {
472:                    String notNullSQL = dialect
473:                            .getColumnNullableAlterSQL(notNullThirdCol);
474:                    runSQL(session, notNullSQL);
475:                } else {
476:                    try {
477:                        dialect.getColumnNullableAlterSQL(notNullThirdCol);
478:                        throw new IllegalStateException(
479:                                "Expected dialect to fail to provide SQL for column nullable alter");
480:                    } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
481:                        // this is expected
482:                        System.err.println(e.getMessage());
483:                    }
484:                }
485:            }
487:            private void testAddColumn(ISession session) throws Exception {
488:                addColumn(session, firstCol);
489:                addColumn(session, secondCol);
490:                addColumn(session, thirdCol);
491:                addColumn(session, fourthCol);
492:                addColumn(session, dropCol);
493:                addColumn(session, noDefaultValueVarcharCol);
494:                addColumn(session, noDefaultValueIntegerCol);
495:                addColumn(session, renameCol);
496:                addColumn(session, pkCol);
497:                addColumn(session, notNullIntegerCol);
498:            }
500:            private void addColumn(ISession session, TableColumnInfo info)
501:                    throws Exception {
502:                HibernateDialect dialect = DialectFactory.getDialect(
503:                        DialectFactory.DEST_TYPE, session.getApplication()
504:                                .getMainFrame(), session.getMetaData());
506:                String[] sqls = dialect.getColumnAddSQL(info);
507:                for (int i = 0; i < sqls.length; i++) {
508:                    String sql = sqls[i];
509:                    runSQL(session, sql);
510:                }
512:            }
514:            private void testColumnComment(ISession session) throws Exception {
515:                HibernateDialect dialect = getDialect(session);
516:                if (dialect.supportsColumnComment()) {
517:                    alterColumnComment(session, firstCol);
518:                    alterColumnComment(session, secondCol);
519:                    alterColumnComment(session, thirdCol);
520:                    alterColumnComment(session, fourthCol);
521:                } else {
522:                    try {
523:                        alterColumnComment(session, firstCol);
524:                    } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
525:                        // This is expected
526:                        System.err.println(e.getMessage());
527:                    }
528:                }
529:            }
531:            private void alterColumnComment(ISession session,
532:                    TableColumnInfo info) throws Exception {
533:                HibernateDialect dialect = DialectFactory.getDialect(
534:                        DialectFactory.DEST_TYPE, session.getApplication()
535:                                .getMainFrame(), session.getMetaData());
536:                String commentSQL = dialect.getColumnCommentAlterSQL(info);
537:                if (commentSQL != null && !commentSQL.equals("")) {
538:                    runSQL(session, commentSQL);
539:                }
540:            }
542:            private String getPKName(String tableName) {
543:                return tableName.toUpperCase() + "_PK";
544:            }
546:            private void testDropPrimaryKey(ISession session, String tableName)
547:                    throws Exception {
548:                HibernateDialect dialect = DialectFactory.getDialect(
549:                        DialectFactory.DEST_TYPE, session.getApplication()
550:                                .getMainFrame(), session.getMetaData());
551:                String pkName = getPKName(tableName);
552:                String sql = dialect.getDropPrimaryKeySQL(pkName, tableName);
553:                runSQL(session, sql);
554:            }
556:            private void testAddPrimaryKey(ISession session,
557:                    TableColumnInfo[] colInfos) throws Exception {
558:                HibernateDialect dialect = DialectFactory.getDialect(
559:                        DialectFactory.DEST_TYPE, session.getApplication()
560:                                .getMainFrame(), session.getMetaData());
562:                String tableName = colInfos[0].getTableName();
564:                if (session.getSQLConnection().getSQLMetaData()
565:                        .storesUpperCaseIdentifiers()) {
566:                    tableName = tableName.toUpperCase();
567:                }
569:                SQLDatabaseMetaData md = session.getSQLConnection()
570:                        .getSQLMetaData();
571:                String catalog = ((MockSession) session).getDefaultCatalog();
572:                String schema = ((MockSession) session).getDefaultSchema();
574:                ITableInfo[] infos = null;
575:                try {
576:                    md.getTables(catalog, schema, tableName,
577:                            new String[] { "TABLE" }, null);
578:                } catch (SQLException e) {
579:                    // Do nothing
580:                }
582:                ITableInfo ti = null;
583:                if (infos != null && infos.length > 0) {
584:                    ti = infos[0];
585:                } else {
586:                    // Couldn't locate the table - just try to fake it.
587:                    ti = new TableInfo(catalog, schema, tableName, "TABLE", "",
588:                            md);
589:                }
591:                String[] pkSQLs = dialect.getAddPrimaryKeySQL(
592:                        getPKName(tableName), colInfos, ti);
594:                for (int i = 0; i < pkSQLs.length; i++) {
595:                    String pkSQL = pkSQLs[i];
596:                    runSQL(session, pkSQL);
597:                }
598:            }
600:            private void dropColumn(ISession session, TableColumnInfo info)
601:                    throws Exception {
602:                HibernateDialect dialect = DialectFactory.getDialect(
603:                        DialectFactory.DEST_TYPE, session.getApplication()
604:                                .getMainFrame(), session.getMetaData());
606:                String sql = dialect.getColumnDropSQL(info.getTableName(), info
607:                        .getColumnName());
608:                runSQL(session, sql);
609:            }
611:            private HibernateDialect getDialect(ISession session)
612:                    throws Exception {
613:                return DialectFactory.getDialect(DialectFactory.DEST_TYPE,
614:                        session.getApplication().getMainFrame(), session
615:                                .getMetaData());
616:            }
618:            private void runSQL(ISession session, List<String> sql)
619:                    throws Exception {
620:                for (String stmt : sql) {
621:                    runSQL(session, stmt);
622:                }
623:            }
625:            private void runSQL(ISession session, String sql) throws Exception {
626:                HibernateDialect dialect = getDialect(session);
627:                Connection con = session.getSQLConnection().getConnection();
628:                Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
629:                System.out.println("Running SQL (" + dialect.getDisplayName()
630:                        + "): " + sql);
631:                stmt.execute(sql);
632:            }
634:            private TableColumnInfo getIntegerColumn(String name,
635:                    String tableName, boolean nullable, String defaultVal,
636:                    String comment) {
637:                return getColumn(java.sql.Types.INTEGER, "INTEGER", name,
638:                        tableName, nullable, defaultVal, comment, 10, 0);
639:            }
641:            private TableColumnInfo getVarcharColumn(String name,
642:                    String tableName, boolean nullable, String defaultVal,
643:                    String comment, int size) {
644:                return getColumn(java.sql.Types.VARCHAR, "VARCHAR", name,
645:                        tableName, nullable, defaultVal, comment, size, 0);
646:            }
648:            private TableColumnInfo getVarcharColumn(String name,
649:                    String tableName, boolean nullable, String defaultVal,
650:                    String comment) {
651:                return getColumn(java.sql.Types.VARCHAR, "VARCHAR", name,
652:                        tableName, nullable, defaultVal, comment, 20, 0);
653:            }
655:            private TableColumnInfo getColumn(int dataType,
656:                    String dataTypeName, String name, String tableName,
657:                    boolean nullable, String defaultVal, String comment,
658:                    int columnSize, int scale) {
659:                String isNullable = "YES";
660:                int isNullAllowed = DatabaseMetaData.columnNullable;
661:                if (!nullable) {
662:                    isNullable = "NO";
663:                    isNullAllowed = DatabaseMetaData.columnNoNulls;
664:                }
665:                TableColumnInfo result = new TableColumnInfo("testCatalog", // catalog 
666:                        "testSchema", // schema
667:                        tableName, // tableName
668:                        name, // columnName
669:                        dataType, // dataType
670:                        dataTypeName, // typeName 
671:                        columnSize, // columnSize
672:                        scale, // decimalDigits
673:                        10, // radix
674:                        isNullAllowed, // isNullAllowed
675:                        comment, // remarks
676:                        defaultVal, // defaultValue
677:                        0, // octet length
678:                        0, // ordinal position
679:                        isNullable); // isNullable 
680:                return result;
681:            }
683:            private String fixTableName(ISession session, String table)
684:                    throws Exception {
685:                String result = null;
686:                SQLDatabaseMetaData md = session.getSQLConnection()
687:                        .getSQLMetaData();
688:                if (md.storesUpperCaseIdentifiers()) {
689:                    result = table.toUpperCase();
690:                } else {
691:                    result = table.toLowerCase();
692:                }
693:                return result;
694:            }
696:            /**
697:             * @param args
698:             */
699:            public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
700:                DialectLiveTestRunner runner = new DialectLiveTestRunner();
701:                runner.runTests();
702:            }
703:        } | Contact Us
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