Store an object.
Parameters: obj - Object to be stored. exception: DuplicateObjectException - Thrown if an object of the same class as objand with the same identifier is already in the cache.
Adds a listener for changes to the cache entry for the passed class.
Parameters: lis - a IObjectCacheChangeListener that will be notifiedwhen objects are added or removed from this cacheentry. Parameters: objClass - The class of objects whose cache we want to listento.
Retrieve a stored object.
Parameters: objClass - The class of the object to be retrieved. Parameters: id - The IIdentifier that identifiesthe object to be retrieved. The IHasIdentifier retrieved or nullif no object exists for id.
public synchronized Class<E>[] getAllClasses()(Code)
Removes a listener for changes to the cache entry for the passed class.
Parameters: lis - a IObjectCacheChangeListener that will be notifiedwhen objects are added or removed from this cacheentry. Parameters: objClass - The class of objects whose cache we want to listento.