| com.mobixess.jodb.soda.api.ObjectSet
All known Subclasses: com.mobixess.jodb.core.transaction.JODBQueryList,
ObjectSet | public interface ObjectSet extends List<Clazz>,Iterator<Clazz>(Code) | | query resultset.
The ObjectSet interface serves as a cursor to
iterate through a set of objects retrieved by a query.
Method Summary | |
public boolean | hasNext() returns true if the ObjectSet has more elements. | public Clazz | next() returns the next object in the ObjectSet . | public void | reset() resets the ObjectSet cursor before the first element. | public int | size() returns the number of elements in the ObjectSet . |
hasNext | public boolean hasNext()(Code) | | returns true if the ObjectSet has more elements.
boolean true if the ObjectSet has moreelements. |
next | public Clazz next()(Code) | | returns the next object in the ObjectSet .
the next object in the ObjectSet . |
reset | public void reset()(Code) | | resets the ObjectSet cursor before the first element.
A subsequent call to next() will return the first element.
size | public int size()(Code) | | returns the number of elements in the ObjectSet .
the number of elements in the ObjectSet . |