| com.nwalsh.saxon.CopyEmitter com.nwalsh.saxon.ColumnUpdateEmitter
ColumnUpdateEmitter | public class ColumnUpdateEmitter extends CopyEmitter (Code) | | Saxon extension to scan the column widthsin a result tree fragment.
$Id: ColumnUpdateEmitter.java,v 1.1 2001/07/16 21:23:57 nwalsh Exp $
Copyright (C) 2000 Norman Walsh.
This class provides a
Saxon 6.*
implementation to scan the column widths in a result tree
The general design is this: the stylesheets construct a result tree
fragment for some colgroup environment. That result tree fragment
is "replayed" through the ColumnUpdateEmitter; the ColumnUpdateEmitter watches
the cols go by and extracts the column widths that it sees. These
widths are then made available.
Change Log:
- 1.0
Initial release.
author: Norman Walsh author: ndw@nwalsh.com version: $Id: ColumnUpdateEmitter.java,v 1.1 2001/07/16 21:23:57 nwalsh Exp $ |
Constructor Summary | |
public | ColumnUpdateEmitter(Controller controller, NamePool namePool, String width) Construct a new ColumnUpdateEmitter. |
foURI | protected static String foURI(Code) | | The FO namespace name.
namePool | protected NamePool namePool(Code) | | |
numColumns | protected int numColumns(Code) | | The number of columns seen.
ColumnUpdateEmitter | public ColumnUpdateEmitter(Controller controller, NamePool namePool, String width)(Code) | | Construct a new ColumnUpdateEmitter.