| java.lang.Object org.ozoneDB.OzoneObject org.ozoneDB.xml.dom.NodeImpl org.ozoneDB.xml.dom.DocumentImpl
All known Subclasses: org.ozoneDB.xml.dom.DocumentTypeImpl, org.ozoneDB.xml.dom.html.HTMLDocumentImpl, org.ozoneDB.xml.XMLDocument,
Method Summary | |
public void | acquire(long lockTimeout) Called to acquire access to a possible locked resource. | public void | assignDoctype(DocumentTypeProxy docType) | public void | clearDocument() Deletes all child Nodes from this Document to provide a fresh and
empty Document. | public Object | clone() | public synchronized void | cloneInto(NodeProxy into, boolean deep) | public Node | cloneNode(boolean deep) | final public Attr | createAttribute(String name) | final public Attr | createAttribute(String name, String defValue) Creates an attribute with the default value specified in the DTD. | public Attr | createAttributeNS(java.lang.String namespaceURI, java.lang.String qualifiedName) | final public CDATASection | createCDATASection(String data) | final public Comment | createComment(String data) | public Document | createDocument(java.lang.String namespaceURI, java.lang.String qualifiedName, DocumentType doctype) | final public DocumentFragment | createDocumentFragment() | public DocumentType | createDocumentType(java.lang.String qualifiedName, java.lang.String publicId, java.lang.String systemId) | public Element | createElement(String tagName) | public Element | createElementNS(java.lang.String namespaceURI, java.lang.String qualifiedName) | final public EntityReference | createEntityReference(String name) | final public ProcessingInstruction | createProcessingInstruction(String target, String data) | final public Text | createTextNode(String data) | public synchronized boolean | equals(Object other) | public XMLContainerHelper | getContainer() Get the container of this document. | final public DocumentType | getDoctype() | public Element | getDocumentElement() | public Element | getElementById(java.lang.String elementId) | final public NodeList | getElementsByTagName(String tagName) Creates a document type with the specified name (the name follows the
!DOCTYPE entity) and associates it with the document.
If the document is HTML or already has a DTD associated with it, throws
an exception. | public NodeList | getElementsByTagNameNS(java.lang.String namespaceURI, java.lang.String localName) | final public DOMImplementation | getImplementation() | public short | getNodeType() | public boolean | hasFeature(String feature, String version) Return true if certain feature for specific DOM version supported by this
implementation. | public Node | importNode(Node importedNode, boolean deep) | public void | lock() Obtains a lock, preventing other threads from gaining access to the locked
resource. | public void | onDelete() | public void | readExternal(ObjectInput in) | public void | registerElement(String tagName, Class elementClass) Register an application-defined element type. | public void | setContainer(XMLContainerHelper _container) Set the container of this document. | final public void | setDoctype(DocumentType docType) | public void | setElementTypes(Hashtable elementTypes) | final public void | setNodeValue(String value) | final protected boolean | supportsChildern() | public String | toString() | public void | unlock() Releases a lock, so other thread may gain access to the resource. | public void | writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) |
serialVersionUID | final static long serialVersionUID(Code) | | |
DocumentImpl | public DocumentImpl()(Code) | | |
DocumentImpl | protected DocumentImpl(String rootElement)(Code) | | |
acquire | public void acquire(long lockTimeout) throws RuntimeException(Code) | | Called to acquire access to a possible locked resource. If the resource
was locked by the current thread, the method will return immediately.
If the resource was locked by some other thread, the method will block
until the resource is unlocked, or the block has timed out.
See Also: DocumentImpl.lock See Also: DocumentImpl.unlock |
clearDocument | public void clearDocument() throws Exception(Code) | | Deletes all child Nodes from this Document to provide a fresh and
empty Document. Attention: This methods permanently removes the
existing content!
cloneInto | public synchronized void cloneInto(NodeProxy into, boolean deep)(Code) | | |
cloneNode | public Node cloneNode(boolean deep)(Code) | | |
createAttribute | final public Attr createAttribute(String name, String defValue) throws DOMException(Code) | | Creates an attribute with the default value specified in the DTD.
This method is not defined in the DOM but is used by the parser.
Parameters: name - The name of the attribute Parameters: defValue - The default value of the attribute |
equals | public synchronized boolean equals(Object other)(Code) | | |
getContainer | public XMLContainerHelper getContainer()(Code) | | Get the container of this document. This is needed to find the
container that is responsible for a given Node.
getElementsByTagName | final public NodeList getElementsByTagName(String tagName)(Code) | | Creates a document type with the specified name (the name follows the
!DOCTYPE entity) and associates it with the document.
If the document is HTML or already has a DTD associated with it, throws
an exception. This method is not defined in the DOM but is used by the
Parameters: name - The name of the document type Parameters: name - The public identifier, if exists Parameters: name - The system identifier, if exists throws: org.w3c.dom.DOMException - NOT_SUPPORTED_ERRDocument is HTML or already has a DTD |
getNodeType | public short getNodeType()(Code) | | |
hasFeature | public boolean hasFeature(String feature, String version)(Code) | | Return true if certain feature for specific DOM version supported by this
Parameters: feature - Name of feature to check Parameters: version - Optional version number True if supported |
lock | public void lock() throws RuntimeException(Code) | | Obtains a lock, preventing other threads from gaining access to the locked
resource. The lock is retained across multiple calls, until
DocumentImpl.unlock is called. Attempts to call
DocumentImpl.acquire from another thread will be
If the resource is already locked by another thread, the method will
block until the lock is released or until the block has timedout.
DocumentImpl.lock may be called any number of times, and
DocumentImpl.unlock must
be called that number of times to release the lock.
See Also: DocumentImpl.unlock |
registerElement | public void registerElement(String tagName, Class elementClass)(Code) | | Register an application-defined element type. The element's tag name and
class are specified. When a so named element is created with
DocumentImpl.createElement , an object of the specified class is created and returned.
This allows applications to define classes for specific element types.
Parameters: tagName - The name of the element tag Parameters: elementClass - Class derived from org.openxml.XMLElement,used to construct the element |
setContainer | public void setContainer(XMLContainerHelper _container)(Code) | | Set the container of this document. This is needed to find the
container that is responsible for a given Node.
setNodeValue | final public void setNodeValue(String value)(Code) | | |
supportsChildern | final protected boolean supportsChildern()(Code) | | |
unlock | public void unlock()(Code) | | Releases a lock, so other thread may gain access to the resource.
DocumentImpl.unlock must be called as many times as
DocumentImpl.lock was called to
release the lock.
DocumentImpl.unlock may be called an additional number of
times, if so required by the implementation (e.g. to assure that a lock
is released at the end of a thread).
See Also: DocumentImpl.lock |