Method Summary |
public boolean | absolute(int x) Position the resultset to the specified row. |
public void | afterLast() Position the cursor to the end of the ResultSet ,
after the last row. |
final Number | asNumber(Object obj) Are you a number?
Any sort of number?
Even some fancy schmancy number?
Are you?
Or not. |
public void | beforeFirst() Position the cursor to the beginning of the ResultSet ,
before the first row. |
public void | cancelRowUpdates() This function rolls back row updates, as long as
updateRow() hasn't been called yet. |
final void | checkScrollable() Ensure that this ResultSet is scrollable. |
final void | checkUpdatable() Ensure that this ResultSet is updatable. |
public void | clearWarnings() Clears all warnings that have been reported on this
ResultSet object. |
public void | close() Close this ResultSet object. |
public void | deleteRow() Delete the current row from the ResultSet and the
underlying database. |
public void | finalize() We will clean up the user's mess for him. |
public int | findColumn(String column) Return the column number of the specified column. |
public boolean | first() Position the cursor on the first row of the ResultSet . |
public Array | getArray(int col) This release of QED doesn't support ARRAY types. |
public Array | getArray(String column) This release of QED doesn't support ARRAY types. |
public InputStream | getAsciiStream(int col) Return an InputStream object that can be used to read
the specified character value as a stream of ASCII bytes. |
public InputStream | getAsciiStream(String column) Return an InputStream object that can be used to read
the specified character value as a stream of ASCII bytes. |
public BigDecimal | getBigDecimal(int col) Retrieve the specified column as a BigDecimal object. |
public BigDecimal | getBigDecimal(int col, int scale) |
public BigDecimal | getBigDecimal(String column) Retrieve the specified column as a BigDecimal object. |
public BigDecimal | getBigDecimal(String column, int scale) |
public InputStream | getBinaryStream(int col) Return an InputStream object that can be used to read
the specified column value as a stream of bytes. |
public InputStream | getBinaryStream(String column) Return an InputStream object that can be used to read
the specified column value as a stream of bytes. |
public Blob | getBlob(int col) Retrieve the specified column as a Blob object. |
public Blob | getBlob(String column) Retrieve the specified column as a Blob object. |
public boolean | getBoolean(int col) Retrieve the specified column as a boolean . |
public boolean | getBoolean(String column) Retrieve the specified column as a boolean . |
public byte | getByte(int col) Retrieve the specified column as a byte . |
public byte | getByte(String column) Retrieve the specified column as a byte . |
public byte[] | getBytes(int col) Retrieve the specified column as an array of byte s. |
public byte[] | getBytes(String column) Retrieve the specified column as an array of byte s. |
public Reader | getCharacterStream(int col) Return a Reader object that can be used to read
the specified column value as a stream of characters. |
public Reader | getCharacterStream(String column) Return a Reader object that can be used to read
the specified column value as a stream of characters. |
public Clob | getClob(int col) Retrieve the specified column as a Clob object. |
public Clob | getClob(String column) Retrieve the specified column as a Clob object. |
public int | getConcurrency() Return the concurrency level of this ResultSet . |
public String | getCursorName() |
final Row | getCursorRow() Return the current cursor row. |
public Date | getDate(int col) Retrieve the specified column as a Date object. |
public Date | getDate(int col, Calendar c) Retrieve the specified column as a Date object.
Parameters: col - the column number Parameters: c - a Calendar object that is used for convertingthe database date to the local timezone. |
public Date | getDate(String column) Retrieve the specified column as a Date object. |
public Date | getDate(String column, Calendar c) Retrieve the specified column as a Date object.
Parameters: column - the column name Parameters: c - a Calendar object that is used for convertingthe database date to the local timezone. |
public double | getDouble(int col) Retrieve the specified column as a double . |
public double | getDouble(String column) Retrieve the specified column as a double . |
public int | getFetchDirection() This release of QED only supports forward cursor movement. |
public int | getFetchSize() QED, being an embedded driver, fetches rows only when they are
needed, with no performance penalty. |
public float | getFloat(int col) Retrieve the specified column as a float . |
public float | getFloat(String column) Retrieve the specified column as a float . |
public int | getInt(int col) Retrieve the specified column as an int . |
public int | getInt(String column) Retrieve the specified column as an int . |
public long | getLong(int col) Retrieve the specified column as a long . |
public long | getLong(String column) Retrieve the specified column as a long . |
public java.sql.ResultSetMetaData | getMetaData() Return a ResultSetMetaData object that can be used
to obtain information about the columns of this
ResultSet . |
public Object | getObject(int col, Type type) Return the value in the specified column as a Java "Object"
after performing the indicated type conversion. |
public Object | getObject(int col) Retrieve the specified column as a Java Object . |
public Object | getObject(String column) Retrieve the specified column as a Java Object . |
public Object | getObject(int col, Map map) Retrieve the specified column as a Java Object ,
using the supplied type map. |
public Object | getObject(String column, Map map) Retrieve the specified column as a Java Object ,
using the supplied type map. |
public Ref | getRef(int col) This release of QED doesn't support REF types. |
public Ref | getRef(String column) This release of QED doesn't support REF types. |
public int | getRow() Return the row number of the current row in the
ResultSet . |
public short | getShort(int col) Retrieve the specified column as a short . |
public short | getShort(String column) Retrieve the specified column as a short . |
public java.sql.Statement | getStatement() Return the Statement object that generated this
ResultSet . |
public String | getString(int col) Retrieve the specified column as a String object. |
public String | getString(String column) Retrieve the specified column as a String object. |
public Time | getTime(int col) Retrieve the specified column as a Time object. |
public Time | getTime(int col, Calendar c) Retrieve the specified column as a Time object.
Parameters: col - the column number Parameters: c - a Calendar object that is used for convertingthe database time to the local timezone. |
public Time | getTime(String column) Retrieve the specified column as a Time object. |
public Time | getTime(String column, Calendar c) Retrieve the specified column as a Time object.
Parameters: column - the column name Parameters: c - a Calendar object that is used for convertingthe database time to the local timezone. |
public Timestamp | getTimestamp(int col) Retrieve the specified column as a Timestamp object. |
public Timestamp | getTimestamp(int col, Calendar c) Retrieve the specified column as a Timestamp object.
Parameters: col - the column number Parameters: c - a Calendar object that is used for convertingthe database time to the local timezone. |
public Timestamp | getTimestamp(String column) Retrieve the specified column as a Timestamp object. |
public Timestamp | getTimestamp(String column, Calendar c) Retrieve the specified column as a Timestamp object.
Parameters: column - the column name Parameters: c - a Calendar object that is used for convertingthe database time to the local timezone. |
public int | getType() This QED release only supports ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY . |
public | getURL(int columnIndex) Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row
of this ResultSet object as a
object in the Java programming language.
Parameters: columnIndex - the index of the column 1 is the first, 2 is the second,... |
public | getURL(String columnName) Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row
of this ResultSet object as a
object in the Java programming language. |
public InputStream | getUnicodeStream(int col) |
public InputStream | getUnicodeStream(String column) |
Value | getValue(int col) Return the value in the specified column. |
final Value | getValue(int col, Type type) Convert the value in the specified column to the given type. |
public SQLWarning | getWarnings() |
public void | insertRow() If this ResultSet is currently positioned on the
insert row, then insert the current row into the database. |
public boolean | isAfterLast() Return true if this cursor is positioned after the
last row. |
public boolean | isBeforeFirst() Return true if this cursor is positioned before the
first row. |
public boolean | isFirst() Return true if this cursor is positioned on the
first row. |
public boolean | isLast() Return true if this cursor is positioned on the
last row. |
public boolean | last() Move to the last row of the ResultSet . |
public void | moveToCurrentRow() If the cursor is on the insert row, move it back to the previous
position in the ResultSet . |
public void | moveToInsertRow() Move the cursor to the insert row. |
public boolean | next() Advance the cursor to the next row in the ResultSet . |
public boolean | previous() Advance the cursor to the next row in the ResultSet . |
public void | refreshRow() |
public boolean | relative(int rows) |
public boolean | rowDeleted() Return true if the current row has been deleted. |
public boolean | rowInserted() Return true if the current row has been inserted. |
public boolean | rowUpdated() Return true if the current row has been updated. |
public void | setFetchDirection(int direction) |
public void | setFetchSize(int size) QED, being an embedded driver, fetches rows only when they are
needed, with no performance penalty. |
public void | setStatement(java.sql.Statement stmt) Attach this result set to its parent statement. |
public void | updateArray(int columnIndex, java.sql.Array x) Updates the designated column with a java.sql.Array value.
The updater methods are used to update column values in the
current row or the insert row. |
public void | updateArray(String columnName, java.sql.Array x) Updates the designated column with a java.sql.Array value.
The updater methods are used to update column values in the
current row or the insert row. |
public void | updateAsciiStream(int col, InputStream is, int length) Update the specified character value using an
InputStream that contains a stream of ASCII bytes. |
public void | updateAsciiStream(String column, InputStream is, int length) Update the specified character value using an
InputStream that contains a stream of ASCII bytes. |
public void | updateBigDecimal(int col, BigDecimal val) Update the specified column with a BigDecimal value. |
public void | updateBigDecimal(String column, BigDecimal val) Update the specified column with a BigDecimal value. |
public void | updateBinaryStream(int col, InputStream is, int length) Update the specified value using an
InputStream that contains a stream of bytes. |
public void | updateBinaryStream(String column, InputStream is, int length) Update the specified value using an
InputStream that contains a stream of bytes. |
public void | updateBlob(int columnIndex, java.sql.Blob x) Updates the designated column with a java.sql.Blob value.
The updater methods are used to update column values in the
current row or the insert row. |
public void | updateBlob(String columnName, java.sql.Blob x) Updates the designated column with a java.sql.Blob value.
The updater methods are used to update column values in the
current row or the insert row. |
public void | updateBoolean(int col, boolean val) Update the specified column with a boolean value. |
public void | updateBoolean(String column, boolean val) Update the specified column with a boolean value. |
public void | updateByte(int col, byte val) Update the specified column with a byte value. |
public void | updateByte(String column, byte val) Update the specified column with a byte value. |
public void | updateBytes(int col, byte[] val) Update the specified column with a byte array value. |
public void | updateBytes(String column, byte[] val) Update the specified column with a byte array value. |
public void | updateCharacterStream(int col, Reader r, int length) Update the specified character value using a
Reader that contains a stream of characters. |
public void | updateCharacterStream(String column, Reader r, int length) Update the specified character value using a
Reader that contains a stream of characters. |
public void | updateClob(int columnIndex, java.sql.Clob x) Updates the designated column with a java.sql.Clob value.
The updater methods are used to update column values in the
current row or the insert row. |
public void | updateClob(String columnName, java.sql.Clob x) Updates the designated column with a java.sql.Clob value.
The updater methods are used to update column values in the
current row or the insert row. |
public void | updateDate(int col, Date val) Update the specified column with a Date value. |
public void | updateDate(String column, Date val) Update the specified column with a Date value. |
public void | updateDouble(int col, double val) Update the specified column with a double value. |
public void | updateDouble(String column, double val) Update the specified column with a double value. |
public void | updateFloat(int col, float val) Update the specified column with a float value. |
public void | updateFloat(String column, float val) Update the specified column with a float value. |
public void | updateInt(int col, int val) Update the specified column with a int value. |
public void | updateInt(String column, int val) Update the specified column with a int value. |
public void | updateLong(int col, long val) Update the specified column with a long value. |
public void | updateLong(String column, long val) Update the specified column with a long value. |
public void | updateNull(int col) Update the specified column with a null value. |
public void | updateNull(String column) Update the specified column with a null value. |
public void | updateObject(int col, Object val) Update the specified column with the value of a
Java Object . |
public void | updateObject(int col, Object val, int scale) Update the specified column with the value of a
Java Object . |
public void | updateObject(String column, Object val) Update the specified column with the value of a
Java Object . |
public void | updateObject(String column, Object val, int scale) Update the specified column with the value of a
Java Object . |
public void | updateRef(int columnIndex, java.sql.Ref x) Updates the designated column with a java.sql.Ref value.
The updater methods are used to update column values in the
current row or the insert row. |
public void | updateRef(String columnName, java.sql.Ref x) Updates the designated column with a java.sql.Ref value.
The updater methods are used to update column values in the
current row or the insert row. |
public void | updateRow() Update the current row (based on previous calls to the
updateXXX methods) in the database. |
public void | updateShort(int col, short val) Update the specified column with a short value. |
public void | updateShort(String column, short val) Update the specified column with a short value. |
public void | updateString(int col, String val) Update the specified column with a String value. |
public void | updateString(String column, String val) Update the specified column with a String value. |
public void | updateTime(int col, Time val) Update the specified column with a Time value. |
public void | updateTime(String column, Time val) Update the specified column with a Time value. |
public void | updateTimestamp(int col, Timestamp val) Update the specified column with a Timestamp value. |
public void | updateTimestamp(String column, Timestamp val) Update the specified column with a Timestamp value. |
public boolean | wasNull() Return true if the last value fetched (via a
getXXX() method) was NULL . |