| com.quadcap.sql.LogStep com.quadcap.sql.AddConstraint
AddConstraint | public class AddConstraint extends LogStep implements Externalizable(Code) | | Log step to add a constraint to a table.
author: Stan Bailes |
AddConstraint | public AddConstraint()(Code) | | Default constructor
AddConstraint | public AddConstraint(Session session, Table table, Constraint constraint, boolean global)(Code) | | Explicit constructor: {table, constraint, global flag}
redo | public void redo(Session session) throws IOException, SQLException(Code) | | LogStep.redo(): add the constrtaint, perform any constraint-specific
initialization, and update the table with the new constraint
undo | public void undo(Session session) throws IOException, SQLException(Code) | | LogStep.undo(): delete the constraint; perform any constraint-specified
cleanup, and remove the constraint from the table.