| java.lang.Object org.apache.derby.catalog.SystemProcedures
SystemProcedures | public class SystemProcedures (Code) | | Some system built-in procedures, and help routines. Now used for network server.
These procedures are built-in to the SYSIBM schema which match the DB2 SYSIBM procedures.
Currently information on those can be found at url:
Also used for builtin-routines, such as SYSFUN functions, when direct calls
into Java libraries cannot be made.
Method Summary | |
public static void | INSTALL_JAR(String url, String jar, int deploy) Install a jar file in the database. | public static double | LOG10(double value) Base 10 log function. | public static void | METADATA(ResultSet[] rs) | public static double | PI() Method to return the constant PI. | public static void | REMOVE_JAR(String jar, int undeploy) Remove a jar file from the database. | public static void | REPLACE_JAR(String url, String jar) Replace a jar file in the database. | public static void | SQLCAMESSAGE(int sqlcode, short errmcLen, String sqlerrmc, String sqlerrp, int errd0, int errd1, int errd2, int errd3, int errd4, int errd5, String warn, String sqlState, String file, String localeStr, String[] msg, int[] rc) Method used by Cloudscape Network Server to get localized message (original call
from jcc. | public static void | SQLCOLPRIVILEGES(String catalogName, String schemaName, String tableName, String columnName, String options, ResultSet[] rs) | public static void | SQLCOLUMNS(String catalogName, String schemaName, String tableName, String columnName, String options, ResultSet[] rs) | public static void | SQLFOREIGNKEYS(String pkCatalogName, String pkSchemaName, String pkTableName, String fkCatalogName, String fkSchemaName, String fkTableName, String options, ResultSet[] rs) | public static void | SQLFUNCTIONPARAMS(String catalogName, String schemaName, String funcName, String paramName, String options, ResultSet[] rs) Map SQLFunctionParameters to
Parameters: catalogName - SYSIBM.SQLFunctionParameters CatalogNamevarchar(128), Parameters: schemaName - SYSIBM.SQLFunctionParameters SchemaNamevarchar(128), Parameters: funcName - SYSIBM.SQLFunctionParameters FuncNamevarchar(128), Parameters: paramName - SYSIBM.SQLFunctionParameters ParamNamevarchar(128), Parameters: options - SYSIBM.SQLFunctionParameters Optionsvarchar(4000)) Parameters: rs - output parameter, the resultset object containing theresult of getFunctionColumns(). | public static void | SQLFUNCTIONS(String catalogName, String schemaName, String funcName, String options, ResultSet[] rs) | public static void | SQLGETTYPEINFO(short dataType, String options, ResultSet[] rs) | public static void | SQLPRIMARYKEYS(String catalogName, String schemaName, String tableName, String options, ResultSet[] rs) | public static void | SQLPROCEDURECOLS(String catalogName, String schemaName, String procName, String paramName, String options, ResultSet[] rs) | public static void | SQLPROCEDURES(String catalogName, String schemaName, String procName, String options, ResultSet[] rs) | public static void | SQLSPECIALCOLUMNS(short colType, String catalogName, String schemaName, String tableName, short scope, short nullable, String options, ResultSet[] rs) | public static void | SQLSTATISTICS(String catalogName, String schemaName, String tableName, short unique, short approximate, String options, ResultSet[] rs) | public static void | SQLTABLEPRIVILEGES(String catalogName, String schemaName, String tableName, String options, ResultSet[] rs) | public static void | SQLTABLES(String catalogName, String schemaName, String tableName, String tableType, String options, ResultSet[] rs) Map SQLTables to EmbedDatabaseMetaData.getSchemas, getCatalogs,
getTableTypes and getTables, and return the result of the
DatabaseMetaData calls. | public static void | SQLUDTS(String catalogName, String schemaPattern, String typeNamePattern, String udtTypes, String options, ResultSet[] rs) | public static void | SYSCS_BACKUP_DATABASE(String backupDir) Backup the database to a backup directory. | public static void | SYSCS_BACKUP_DATABASE_AND_ENABLE_LOG_ARCHIVE_MODE(String backupDir, int deleteOnlineArchivedLogFiles) Backup the database to a backup directory and enable the log archive
mode that will keep the archived log files required for roll-forward
from this version of the backup.
This procedure will throw error if there are any unlogged
operation executed in the same transaction backup is started.
If there any unlogged operations in progess in other transaction, it
will wait until those transactions are completed before starting the backup.
Examples of unlogged operations include: create index and bulk insert.
Note that once the backup begins these operations will not block,
instead they are automatically converted into logged operations.
Parameters: backupDir - the name of the directory where the backup should bestored. | public static void | SYSCS_BACKUP_DATABASE_AND_ENABLE_LOG_ARCHIVE_MODE_NOWAIT(String backupDir, int deleteOnlineArchivedLogFiles) Backup the database to a backup directory and enable the log archive
mode that will keep the archived log files required for roll-forward
from this version backup.
This procedure will throw error, if there are any uncommitted unlogged
operation before stating the backup. | public static void | SYSCS_BACKUP_DATABASE_NOWAIT(String backupDir) Backup the database to a backup directory.
This procedure will throw error, if there are any uncommitted unlogged
operation before stating the backup. | public static void | SYSCS_BULK_INSERT(String schemaName, String tableName, String vtiName, String vtiArg) Perform bulk insert using the specificed vti . | public static void | SYSCS_CHECKPOINT_DATABASE() | public static int | SYSCS_CHECK_TABLE(String schema, String tablename) | public static void | SYSCS_COMPRESS_TABLE(String schema, String tablename, int sequential) Compress the table.
Calls the "alter table compress {sequential}" sql. | public static void | SYSCS_DISABLE_LOG_ARCHIVE_MODE(int deleteOnlineArchivedLogFiles) Disables the log archival process, i.e No old log files
will be kept around for a roll-forward recovery. | public static void | SYSCS_EXPORT_QUERY(String selectStatement, String fileName, String columnDelimiter, String characterDelimiter, String codeset) Export data from a select statement to given file. | public static void | SYSCS_EXPORT_TABLE(String schemaName, String tableName, String fileName, String columnDelimiter, String characterDelimiter, String codeset) Export data from a table to given file. | public static void | SYSCS_FREEZE_DATABASE() Freeze the database. | public static String | SYSCS_GET_DATABASE_PROPERTY(String key) Get the value of a property of the database in current connection. | public static String | SYSCS_GET_RUNTIMESTATISTICS() | public static void | SYSCS_IMPORT_DATA(String schemaName, String tableName, String insertColumnList, String columnIndexes, String fileName, String columnDelimiter, String characterDelimiter, String codeset, short replace) Import data from a given file into the specified table columns from the
specified columns in the file. | public static void | SYSCS_IMPORT_TABLE(String schemaName, String tableName, String fileName, String columnDelimiter, String characterDelimiter, String codeset, short replace) Import data from a given file to a table. | public static void | SYSCS_INPLACE_COMPRESS_TABLE(String schema, String tablename, int purgeRows, int defragementRows, int truncateEnd) | public static void | SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY(String key, String value) Set/delete the value of a property of the database in current connection. | public static void | SYSCS_SET_RUNTIMESTATISTICS(int enable) | public static void | SYSCS_SET_STATISTICS_TIMING(int enable) | public static void | SYSCS_UNFREEZE_DATABASE() Unfreeze the database. |
SQLERRMC_MESSAGE_DELIMITER | public static String SQLERRMC_MESSAGE_DELIMITER(Code) | | SQLERRMC_MESSAGE_DELIMITER When message argument tokes are sent,
this value separates the tokens for mulitiple error messages
INSTALL_JAR | public static void INSTALL_JAR(String url, String jar, int deploy) throws SQLException(Code) | | Install a jar file in the database.
Parameters: url - URL of the jar file to be installed in the database. Parameters: jar - SQL name jar will be installed as. Parameters: deploy - Ignored. exception: SQLException - Error installing jar file. |
LOG10 | public static double LOG10(double value)(Code) | | Base 10 log function. SYSFUN.LOG10
Calculated by
log(value) / log(10)
where log is the natural log.
PI | public static double PI()(Code) | | Method to return the constant PI.
PI |
REMOVE_JAR | public static void REMOVE_JAR(String jar, int undeploy) throws SQLException(Code) | | Remove a jar file from the database.
Parameters: jar - SQL name of jar to be replaced. Parameters: undeploy - Ignored. exception: SQLException - Error removing jar file. |
REPLACE_JAR | public static void REPLACE_JAR(String url, String jar) throws SQLException(Code) | | Replace a jar file in the database.
Parameters: url - URL of the jar file to be installed in the database. Parameters: jar - SQL name of jar to be replaced. exception: SQLException - Error replacing jar file. |
SQLCAMESSAGE | public static void SQLCAMESSAGE(int sqlcode, short errmcLen, String sqlerrmc, String sqlerrp, int errd0, int errd1, int errd2, int errd3, int errd4, int errd5, String warn, String sqlState, String file, String localeStr, String[] msg, int[] rc)(Code) | | Method used by Cloudscape Network Server to get localized message (original call
from jcc.
Parameters: sqlcode - sqlcode, not used. Parameters: errmcLen - sqlerrmc length Parameters: sqlerrmc - sql error message tokens, variable part of error message (ie.,arguments) plus messageId, separated by separator. Parameters: sqlerrp - not used Parameters: errd0 - not used Parameters: errd1 - not used Parameters: errd2 - not used Parameters: errd3 - not used Parameters: errd4 - not used Parameters: errd5 - not used Parameters: warn - not used Parameters: sqlState - 5-char sql state Parameters: file - not used Parameters: localeStr - client locale in string Parameters: msg - OUTPUT parameter, localized error message Parameters: rc - OUTPUT parameter, return code -- 0 for success |
SQLCOLPRIVILEGES | public static void SQLCOLPRIVILEGES(String catalogName, String schemaName, String tableName, String columnName, String options, ResultSet[] rs) throws SQLException(Code) | | Map SQLColPrivileges to EmbedDatabaseMetaData.getColumnPrivileges
Parameters: catalogName - SYSIBM.SQLColPrivileges CatalogName varchar(128), Parameters: schemaName - SYSIBM.SQLColPrivileges SchemaName varchar(128), Parameters: tableName - SYSIBM.SQLColPrivileges ProcName varchar(128), Parameters: columnName - SYSIBM.SQLColPrivileges ColumnName varchar(128), Parameters: options - SYSIBM.SQLColPrivileges Options varchar(4000)) Parameters: rs - output parameter, the resultset object containing the result of getColumnPrivileges |
SQLCOLUMNS | public static void SQLCOLUMNS(String catalogName, String schemaName, String tableName, String columnName, String options, ResultSet[] rs) throws SQLException(Code) | | Map SQLColumns to EmbedDatabaseMetaData.getColumns
Parameters: catalogName - SYSIBM.SQLColumns CatalogName varchar(128), Parameters: schemaName - SYSIBM.SQLColumns SchemaName varchar(128), Parameters: tableName - SYSIBM.SQLColumns TableName varchar(128), Parameters: columnName - SYSIBM.SQLColumns ColumnName varchar(128), Parameters: options - SYSIBM.SQLColumns Options varchar(4000))If options contains the string 'DATATYPE='ODBC'', call the ODBCversion of this procedure. Parameters: rs - output parameter, the resultset object containing the result of getProcedures |
SQLFOREIGNKEYS | public static void SQLFOREIGNKEYS(String pkCatalogName, String pkSchemaName, String pkTableName, String fkCatalogName, String fkSchemaName, String fkTableName, String options, ResultSet[] rs) throws SQLException(Code) | | Map SQLForeignKeys to EmbedDatabaseMetaData.getImportedKeys, getExportedKeys, and getCrossReference
Parameters: pkCatalogName - SYSIBM.SQLForeignKeys PKCatalogName varchar(128), Parameters: pkSchemaName - SYSIBM.SQLForeignKeys PKSchemaName varchar(128), Parameters: pkTableName - SYSIBM.SQLForeignKeys PKTableName varchar(128), Parameters: fkCatalogName - SYSIBM.SQLForeignKeys FKCatalogName varchar(128), Parameters: fkSchemaName - SYSIBM.SQLForeignKeys FKSchemaName varchar(128), Parameters: fkTableName - SYSIBM.SQLForeignKeys FKTableName varchar(128), Parameters: options - SYSIBM.SQLForeignKeys Options varchar(4000)) Parameters: rs - output parameter, the resultset object containing the result of the DatabaseMetaData callsJCC overloads this method:If options contains the string 'EXPORTEDKEY=1', call getImportedKeysIf options contains the string 'IMPORTEDKEY=1', call getExportedKeysotherwise, call getCrossReference |
SQLFUNCTIONPARAMS | public static void SQLFUNCTIONPARAMS(String catalogName, String schemaName, String funcName, String paramName, String options, ResultSet[] rs) throws SQLException(Code) | | Map SQLFunctionParameters to
Parameters: catalogName - SYSIBM.SQLFunctionParameters CatalogNamevarchar(128), Parameters: schemaName - SYSIBM.SQLFunctionParameters SchemaNamevarchar(128), Parameters: funcName - SYSIBM.SQLFunctionParameters FuncNamevarchar(128), Parameters: paramName - SYSIBM.SQLFunctionParameters ParamNamevarchar(128), Parameters: options - SYSIBM.SQLFunctionParameters Optionsvarchar(4000)) Parameters: rs - output parameter, the resultset object containing theresult of getFunctionColumns(). |
SQLFUNCTIONS | public static void SQLFUNCTIONS(String catalogName, String schemaName, String funcName, String options, ResultSet[] rs) throws SQLException(Code) | | Map SQLFunctions to EmbedDatabaseMetaData.getFunctions
Parameters: catalogName - SYSIBM.SQLFunctions CatalogName varchar(128), Parameters: schemaName - SYSIBM.SQLFunctions SchemaName varchar(128), Parameters: funcName - SYSIBM.SQLFunctions ProcName varchar(128), Parameters: options - SYSIBM.SQLFunctions Options varchar(4000)) (not used) Parameters: rs - output parameter, the resultset object containing the result of getFunctions |
SQLGETTYPEINFO | public static void SQLGETTYPEINFO(short dataType, String options, ResultSet[] rs) throws SQLException(Code) | | Map SQLGetTypeInfo to EmbedDatabaseMetaData.getTypeInfo
Parameters: dataType - SYSIBM.SQLGetTypeInfo DataType smallint, Parameters: options - SYSIBM.SQLGetTypeInfo Options varchar(4000))If options contains the string 'DATATYPE='ODBC'', call the ODBCversion of this procedure. Parameters: rs - output parameter, the resultset object containing theresult of getTypeInfo |
SQLPRIMARYKEYS | public static void SQLPRIMARYKEYS(String catalogName, String schemaName, String tableName, String options, ResultSet[] rs) throws SQLException(Code) | | Map SQLPrimaryKeys to EmbedDatabaseMetaData.getPrimaryKeys
Parameters: catalogName - SYSIBM.SQLPrimaryKeys CatalogName varchar(128), Parameters: schemaName - SYSIBM.SQLPrimaryKeys SchemaName varchar(128), Parameters: tableName - SYSIBM.SQLPrimaryKeys TableName varchar(128), Parameters: options - SYSIBM.SQLPrimaryKeys Options varchar(4000))If options contains the string 'DATATYPE='ODBC'', call the ODBCversion of this procedure. Parameters: rs - output parameter, the resultset object containing the result of getPrimaryKeys |
SQLPROCEDURECOLS | public static void SQLPROCEDURECOLS(String catalogName, String schemaName, String procName, String paramName, String options, ResultSet[] rs) throws SQLException(Code) | | Map SQLProcedureCols to EmbedDatabaseMetaData.getProcedureColumns
Parameters: catalogName - SYSIBM.SQLProcedureCols CatalogName varchar(128), Parameters: schemaName - SYSIBM.SQLProcedureCols SchemaName varchar(128), Parameters: procName - SYSIBM.SQLProcedureCols ProcName varchar(128), Parameters: paramName - SYSIBM.SQLProcedureCols ParamName varchar(128), Parameters: options - SYSIBM.SQLProcedureCols Options varchar(4000)) Parameters: rs - output parameter, the resultset object containing the result of getProcedureColumnsIf options contains the string 'DATATYPE='ODBC'', call the ODBCversion of this procedure. |
SQLPROCEDURES | public static void SQLPROCEDURES(String catalogName, String schemaName, String procName, String options, ResultSet[] rs) throws SQLException(Code) | | Map SQLProcedures to EmbedDatabaseMetaData.getProcedures
Parameters: catalogName - SYSIBM.SQLProcedures CatalogName varchar(128), Parameters: schemaName - SYSIBM.SQLProcedures SchemaName varchar(128), Parameters: procName - SYSIBM.SQLProcedures ProcName varchar(128), Parameters: options - SYSIBM.SQLProcedures Options varchar(4000)) Parameters: rs - output parameter, the resultset object containing the result of getProceduresIf options contains the string 'DATATYPE='ODBC'', call the ODBCversion of this procedure. |
SQLSPECIALCOLUMNS | public static void SQLSPECIALCOLUMNS(short colType, String catalogName, String schemaName, String tableName, short scope, short nullable, String options, ResultSet[] rs) throws SQLException(Code) | | Map SQLSpecialColumns to EmbedDatabaseMetaData.getBestRowIdentifier and getVersionColumns
Parameters: colType - SYSIBM.SQLSpecialColumns ColType smallint,where 1 means getBestRowIdentifier and 2 getVersionColumns was called. Parameters: catalogName - SYSIBM.SQLSpecialColumns CatalogName varchar(128), Parameters: schemaName - SYSIBM.SQLSpecialColumns SchemaName varchar(128), Parameters: tableName - SYSIBM.SQLSpecialColumns TableName varchar(128), Parameters: scope - SYSIBM.SQLSpecialColumns Scope smallint, Parameters: nullable - SYSIBM.SQLSpecialColumns Nullable smallint; 0=false, 1=true, Parameters: options - SYSIBM.SQLSpecialColumns Options varchar(4000))If options contains the string 'DATATYPE='ODBC'', call the ODBCversion of this procedure. Parameters: rs - output parameter, the resultset object containing the result of the DatabaseMetaData call |
SQLSTATISTICS | public static void SQLSTATISTICS(String catalogName, String schemaName, String tableName, short unique, short approximate, String options, ResultSet[] rs) throws SQLException(Code) | | Map SQLStatistics to EmbedDatabaseMetaData.getIndexInfo
Parameters: catalogName - SYSIBM.SQLStatistics CatalogName varchar(128), Parameters: schemaName - SYSIBM.SQLStatistics SchemaName varchar(128), Parameters: tableName - SYSIBM.SQLStatistics TableName varchar(128), Parameters: unique - SYSIBM.SQLStatistics Unique smallint; 0=SQL_INDEX_UNIQUE(0); 1=SQL_INDEX_ALL(1), Parameters: approximate - SYSIBM.SQLStatistics Approximate smallint; 1=true; 0=false, Parameters: options - SYSIBM.SQLStatistics Options varchar(4000))If options contains the string 'DATATYPE='ODBC'', call the ODBCversion of this procedure. Parameters: rs - output parameter, the resultset object containing the result of getIndexInfo |
SQLTABLEPRIVILEGES | public static void SQLTABLEPRIVILEGES(String catalogName, String schemaName, String tableName, String options, ResultSet[] rs) throws SQLException(Code) | | Map SQLTablePrivileges to EmbedDatabaseMetaData.getTablePrivileges
Parameters: catalogName - SYSIBM.SQLTablePrivileges CatalogName varchar(128), Parameters: schemaName - SYSIBM.SQLTablePrivileges SchemaName varchar(128), Parameters: tableName - SYSIBM.SQLTablePrivileges ProcName varchar(128), Parameters: options - SYSIBM.SQLTablePrivileges Options varchar(4000)) Parameters: rs - output parameter, the resultset object containing the result of getTablePrivileges |
SQLTABLES | public static void SQLTABLES(String catalogName, String schemaName, String tableName, String tableType, String options, ResultSet[] rs) throws SQLException(Code) | | Map SQLTables to EmbedDatabaseMetaData.getSchemas, getCatalogs,
getTableTypes and getTables, and return the result of the
DatabaseMetaData calls.
JCC and DNC overload this method:
- If options contains the string 'GETSCHEMAS=1',
call getSchemas()
- If options contains the string 'GETSCHEMAS=2',
call getSchemas(String, String)
- If options contains the string 'GETCATALOGS=1',
call getCatalogs()
- If options contains the string 'GETTABLETYPES=1',
call getTableTypes()
- otherwise, call getTables()
Parameters: catalogName - SYSIBM.SQLTables CatalogName varchar(128), Parameters: schemaName - SYSIBM.SQLTables SchemaName varchar(128), Parameters: tableName - SYSIBM.SQLTables TableName varchar(128), Parameters: tableType - SYSIBM.SQLTables TableType varchar(4000)) Parameters: options - SYSIBM.SQLTables Options varchar(4000)) Parameters: rs - output parameter, the resultset object |
SQLUDTS | public static void SQLUDTS(String catalogName, String schemaPattern, String typeNamePattern, String udtTypes, String options, ResultSet[] rs) throws SQLException(Code) | | Map SQLUDTS to EmbedDatabaseMetaData.getUDTs
Parameters: catalogName - SYSIBM.SQLUDTS CatalogName varchar(128), Parameters: schemaPattern - SYSIBM.SQLUDTS Schema_Name_Pattern varchar(128), Parameters: typeNamePattern - SYSIBM.SQLUDTS Type_Name_Pattern varchar(128), Parameters: udtTypes - SYSIBM.SQLUDTS UDTTypes varchar(128), Parameters: options - SYSIBM.SQLUDTS Options varchar(4000)) Parameters: rs - output parameter, the resultset object containingthe result of getUDTs, which will be empty |
SYSCS_BACKUP_DATABASE | public static void SYSCS_BACKUP_DATABASE(String backupDir) throws SQLException(Code) | | Backup the database to a backup directory.
This procedure will throw error, if there are any unlogged
operation executed in the same transaction backup is started.
If there any unlogged operations in progess in other transaction, it
will wait until those transactions are completed before starting the backup.
Examples of unlogged operations include: create index and bulk insert.
Note that once the backup begins these operations will not block,
instead they are automatically converted into logged operations.
Parameters: backupDir - the name of the directory where the backup should bestored. This directory will be created if it does not exist. exception: StandardException - thrown on error |
SYSCS_BACKUP_DATABASE_AND_ENABLE_LOG_ARCHIVE_MODE | public static void SYSCS_BACKUP_DATABASE_AND_ENABLE_LOG_ARCHIVE_MODE(String backupDir, int deleteOnlineArchivedLogFiles) throws SQLException(Code) | | Backup the database to a backup directory and enable the log archive
mode that will keep the archived log files required for roll-forward
from this version of the backup.
This procedure will throw error if there are any unlogged
operation executed in the same transaction backup is started.
If there any unlogged operations in progess in other transaction, it
will wait until those transactions are completed before starting the backup.
Examples of unlogged operations include: create index and bulk insert.
Note that once the backup begins these operations will not block,
instead they are automatically converted into logged operations.
Parameters: backupDir - the name of the directory where the backup should bestored. This directory will be created if not it does not exist. Parameters: deleteOnlineArchivedLogFiles - If non-zero deletes online archived log files that exist before this backup, delete will occur only after the backup is complete. exception: StandardException - thrown on error. |
SYSCS_BACKUP_DATABASE_AND_ENABLE_LOG_ARCHIVE_MODE_NOWAIT | public static void SYSCS_BACKUP_DATABASE_AND_ENABLE_LOG_ARCHIVE_MODE_NOWAIT(String backupDir, int deleteOnlineArchivedLogFiles) throws SQLException(Code) | | Backup the database to a backup directory and enable the log archive
mode that will keep the archived log files required for roll-forward
from this version backup.
This procedure will throw error, if there are any uncommitted unlogged
operation before stating the backup. It will not wait for the unlogged
operations to complete.
Examples of unlogged operations include: create index and bulk insert.
Note that once the backup begins these operations will not block,
instead they are automatically converted into logged operations.
Parameters: backupDir - the name of the directory where the backup should bestored. This directory will be created if not it does not exist. Parameters: deleteOnlineArchivedLogFiles - If non-zero deletes online archived log files that exist before this backup, delete will occur only after the backup is complete. exception: StandardException - thrown on error. |
SYSCS_BACKUP_DATABASE_NOWAIT | public static void SYSCS_BACKUP_DATABASE_NOWAIT(String backupDir) throws SQLException(Code) | | Backup the database to a backup directory.
This procedure will throw error, if there are any uncommitted unlogged
operation before stating the backup. It will not wait for the unlogged
operations to complete.
Examples of unlogged operations include: create index and bulk insert.
Note that once the backup begins these operations will not block,
instead they are automatically converted into logged operations.
Parameters: backupDir - the name of the directory where the backup should bestored. This directory will be created if it does not exist. exception: StandardException - thrown on error |
SYSCS_BULK_INSERT | public static void SYSCS_BULK_INSERT(String schemaName, String tableName, String vtiName, String vtiArg) throws SQLException(Code) | | Perform bulk insert using the specificed vti .
Will be called as
exception: StandardException - Standard exception policy. |
SYSCS_CHECKPOINT_DATABASE | public static void SYSCS_CHECKPOINT_DATABASE() throws SQLException(Code) | | |
SYSCS_COMPRESS_TABLE | public static void SYSCS_COMPRESS_TABLE(String schema, String tablename, int sequential) throws SQLException(Code) | | Compress the table.
Calls the "alter table compress {sequential}" sql. This syntax
is not db2 compatible so it mapped by a system routine. This
routine will be called when an application calls:
Parameters: schema - schema name of the table to compress. Must benon-null, no default is used. Parameters: tablename - table name of the table to compress. Must benon-null. Parameters: sequential - if non-zero then rebuild indexes sequentially,if 0 then rebuild all indexes in parallel. exception: StandardException - Standard exception policy. |
SYSCS_DISABLE_LOG_ARCHIVE_MODE | public static void SYSCS_DISABLE_LOG_ARCHIVE_MODE(int deleteOnlineArchivedLogFiles) throws SQLException(Code) | | Disables the log archival process, i.e No old log files
will be kept around for a roll-forward recovery.
Parameters: deleteOnlineArchivedLogFiles - If non-zero deletes all theonline archived log files that exist before this call immediately. exception: StandardException - Thrown on error |
SYSCS_EXPORT_QUERY | public static void SYSCS_EXPORT_QUERY(String selectStatement, String fileName, String columnDelimiter, String characterDelimiter, String codeset) throws SQLException(Code) | | Export data from a select statement to given file.
Will be called as
exception: StandardException - Standard exception policy. |
SYSCS_EXPORT_TABLE | public static void SYSCS_EXPORT_TABLE(String schemaName, String tableName, String fileName, String columnDelimiter, String characterDelimiter, String codeset) throws SQLException(Code) | | Export data from a table to given file.
Will be called by system procedure:
exception: StandardException - Standard exception policy. |
SYSCS_FREEZE_DATABASE | public static void SYSCS_FREEZE_DATABASE() throws SQLException(Code) | | Freeze the database.
Call internal routine to freeze the database so that a backup
can be made.
exception: StandardException - Standard exception policy. |
SYSCS_GET_DATABASE_PROPERTY | public static String SYSCS_GET_DATABASE_PROPERTY(String key) throws SQLException(Code) | | Get the value of a property of the database in current connection.
Parameters: key - The property key. exception: StandardException - Standard exception policy. |
SYSCS_IMPORT_DATA | public static void SYSCS_IMPORT_DATA(String schemaName, String tableName, String insertColumnList, String columnIndexes, String fileName, String columnDelimiter, String characterDelimiter, String codeset, short replace) throws SQLException(Code) | | Import data from a given file into the specified table columns from the
specified columns in the file.
Will be called as
exception: StandardException - Standard exception policy. |
SYSCS_IMPORT_TABLE | public static void SYSCS_IMPORT_TABLE(String schemaName, String tableName, String fileName, String columnDelimiter, String characterDelimiter, String codeset, short replace) throws SQLException(Code) | | Import data from a given file to a table.
Will be called by system procedure as
exception: StandardException - Standard exception policy. |
SYSCS_INPLACE_COMPRESS_TABLE | public static void SYSCS_INPLACE_COMPRESS_TABLE(String schema, String tablename, int purgeRows, int defragementRows, int truncateEnd) throws SQLException(Code) | | |
SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY | public static void SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY(String key, String value) throws SQLException(Code) | | Set/delete the value of a property of the database in current connection.
Parameters: key - The property key. Parameters: value - The new value, if null the property is deleted. exception: StandardException - Standard exception policy. |
SYSCS_SET_RUNTIMESTATISTICS | public static void SYSCS_SET_RUNTIMESTATISTICS(int enable) throws SQLException(Code) | | |
SYSCS_SET_STATISTICS_TIMING | public static void SYSCS_SET_STATISTICS_TIMING(int enable) throws SQLException(Code) | | |
SYSCS_UNFREEZE_DATABASE | public static void SYSCS_UNFREEZE_DATABASE() throws SQLException(Code) | | Unfreeze the database.
Call internal routine to unfreeze the database, which was "freezed"
can be made.
exception: StandardException - Standard exception policy. |