reset() This method resets the state of this Database object so that it can
be re-used.
Note: currently this method resets the variables related to security
mechanisms that have been investigated as needing a reset.
Get default statement for use in EXCIMM with specified pkgnamcsn
The pkgnamcsn has the encoded isolation level
Parameters: pkgnamcsn - package/ section # for statement DRDAStatement
Make a new connection using the database name and set
the connection in the database
Parameters: p - Properties for connection attributes to pass to connect
This makes a dummy connection to the database in order to
boot and/or create this last one. If database cannot
be found or authentication does not succeed, this will throw
a SQLException which we catch and do nothing. We don't pass a
userid and password here as we don't need to for the purpose
of this method - main goal is to cause the database to be
booted via a dummy connection.
Get a new DRDA statement and store it in the stmtTable if stortStmt is
true. If possible recycle an existing statement. When the server gets a
new statement with a previously used pkgnamcsn, it means that
client-side statement associated with this pkgnamcsn has been closed. In
this case, server can re-use the DRDAStatement by doing the following:
1) Retrieve the old DRDAStatement associated with this pkgnamcsn and
close it.
2) Reset the DRDAStatement state for re-use.
Parameters: pkgnamcsn - Package name and section DRDAStatement
This method resets the state of this Database object so that it can
be re-used.
Note: currently this method resets the variables related to security
mechanisms that have been investigated as needing a reset.
TODO: Investigate what all variables in this class need to be
reset when this database object is re-used on a connection pooling or
transaction pooling. see DRDAConnThread.parseACCSEC (CodePoint.RDBNAM)
where database object is re-used on a connection reset.
Set the internal isolation level to use for preparing statements.
Subsequent prepares will use this isoalation level
Parameters: level - internal isolation level throws: SQLException - See Also:EngineConnection.setPrepareIsolation