Method Summary |
public UUID | cloneMe() Clone this UUID. |
public boolean | equals(Object otherObject) Implement value equality. |
public int | getTypeFormatId() Return my format identifier. |
public int | hashCode() Provide a hashCode which is compatible with
the equals() method. |
public void | readExternal(ObjectInput in) |
public String | stringWorkhorse(char separator) Private workhorse of the string making routines. |
public String | toANSIidentifier() Produce a string representation of this UUID which
is suitable for use as a unique ANSI identifier. |
public byte[] | toByteArray() Store this UUID in a byte array. |
public String | toHexString() |
public String | toString() Produce a string representation of this UUID which
can be passed to UUIDFactory.recreateUUID later on
to reconstruct it. |
public void | writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) Write this out. |