| java.lang.Object org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.QueryTreeNode org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.ResultSetNode org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.FromTable org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.TableOperatorNode org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.JoinNode org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.HalfOuterJoinNode
HalfOuterJoinNode | public class HalfOuterJoinNode extends JoinNode (Code) | | An HalfOuterJoinNode represents a left or a right outer join result set.
Right outer joins are always transformed into left outer joins during
preprocessing for simplicity.
author: Jerry Brenner |
Method Summary | |
public boolean | LOJ_bindResultColumns(boolean anyChange) | public boolean | LOJ_reorderable(int numTables) This method determines if (1) the query is a LOJ, and (2) if the LOJ is a candidate for
reordering (i.e., linearization). | public JBitSet | LOJgetNPReferencedTables(int numTables) | protected int | addOuterJoinArguments(ActivationClassBuilder acb, MethodBuilder mb) Generate and add any arguments specifict to outer joins.
Generate the methods (and add them as parameters) for
returning an empty row from 1 or more sides of an outer join,
if required. | protected void | adjustNumberOfRowsReturned(CostEstimate costEstimate) | public void | generate(ActivationClassBuilder acb, MethodBuilder mb) Generate the code for an inner join node. | ResultSetNode | getLogicalLeftResultSet() Return the logical left result set for this qualified
join node. | ResultSetNode | getLogicalRightResultSet() Return the logical right result set for this qualified
join node. | protected int | getNumJoinArguments() Return the number of arguments to the join result set. | public void | init(Object leftResult, Object rightResult, Object onClause, Object usingClause, Object rightOuterJoin, Object tableProperties) Initializer for a HalfOuterJoinNode. | public boolean | isRightOuterJoin() | protected void | oneRowRightSide(ActivationClassBuilder acb, MethodBuilder mb) | public ResultSetNode | preprocess(int numTables, GroupByList gbl, FromList fromList) Put a ProjectRestrictNode on top of each FromTable in the FromList.
ColumnReferences must continue to point to the same ResultColumn, so
that ResultColumn must percolate up to the new PRN. | public void | pushExpressions(PredicateList outerPredicateList) Push expressions down to the first ResultSetNode which can do expression
evaluation and has the same referenced table map.
RESOLVE - This means only pushing down single table expressions to
DistinctNodes today. | public boolean | pushOptPredicate(OptimizablePredicate optimizablePredicate) | public String | toString() Convert this object to a String. | public FromTable | transformOuterJoins(ValueNode predicateTree, int numTables) Transform any Outer Join into an Inner Join where applicable. |
LOJ_reorderable | public boolean LOJ_reorderable(int numTables) throws StandardException(Code) | | This method determines if (1) the query is a LOJ, and (2) if the LOJ is a candidate for
reordering (i.e., linearization). The condition for LOJ linearization is:
1. only LOJ in the fromList, i.e., no INNER, no FULL JOINs, no ROJs
2. ON clause must be equality join between left and right operands and in CNF (i.e., AND is allowed)
addOuterJoinArguments | protected int addOuterJoinArguments(ActivationClassBuilder acb, MethodBuilder mb) throws StandardException(Code) | | Generate and add any arguments specifict to outer joins.
Generate the methods (and add them as parameters) for
returning an empty row from 1 or more sides of an outer join,
if required. Pass whether or not this was originally a
right outer join.
Parameters: acb - The ActivationClassBuilder Parameters: mb - the method the generate code is to go intoreturn The args that have been added exception: StandardException - Thrown on error |
getLogicalLeftResultSet | ResultSetNode getLogicalLeftResultSet()(Code) | | Return the logical left result set for this qualified
join node.
(For RIGHT OUTER JOIN, the left is the right
and the right is the left and the JOIN is the NIOJ).
getLogicalRightResultSet | ResultSetNode getLogicalRightResultSet()(Code) | | Return the logical right result set for this qualified
join node.
(For RIGHT OUTER JOIN, the left is the right
and the right is the left and the JOIN is the NIOJ).
getNumJoinArguments | protected int getNumJoinArguments()(Code) | | Return the number of arguments to the join result set.
init | public void init(Object leftResult, Object rightResult, Object onClause, Object usingClause, Object rightOuterJoin, Object tableProperties) throws StandardException(Code) | | Initializer for a HalfOuterJoinNode.
Parameters: leftResult - The ResultSetNode on the left side of this join Parameters: rightResult - The ResultSetNode on the right side of this join Parameters: onClause - The ON clause Parameters: usingClause - The USING clause Parameters: rightOuterJoin - Whether or not this node represents a userspecified right outer join Parameters: tableProperties - Properties list associated with the table exception: StandardException - Thrown on error |
isRightOuterJoin | public boolean isRightOuterJoin()(Code) | | Return true if right outer join or false if left outer join
Used to set Nullability correctly in JoinNode
preprocess | public ResultSetNode preprocess(int numTables, GroupByList gbl, FromList fromList) throws StandardException(Code) | | Put a ProjectRestrictNode on top of each FromTable in the FromList.
ColumnReferences must continue to point to the same ResultColumn, so
that ResultColumn must percolate up to the new PRN. However,
that ResultColumn will point to a new expression, a VirtualColumnNode,
which points to the FromTable and the ResultColumn that is the source for
the ColumnReference.
(The new PRN will have the original of the ResultColumnList and
the ResultColumns from that list. The FromTable will get shallow copies
of the ResultColumnList and its ResultColumns. ResultColumn.expression
will remain at the FromTable, with the PRN getting a new
VirtualColumnNode for each ResultColumn.expression.)
We then project out the non-referenced columns. If there are no referenced
columns, then the PRN's ResultColumnList will consist of a single ResultColumn
whose expression is 1.
Parameters: numTables - Number of tables in the DML Statement Parameters: gbl - The group by list, if any Parameters: fromList - The from list, if any The generated ProjectRestrictNode atop the original FromTable. exception: StandardException - Thrown on error |
pushExpressions | public void pushExpressions(PredicateList outerPredicateList) throws StandardException(Code) | | Push expressions down to the first ResultSetNode which can do expression
evaluation and has the same referenced table map.
RESOLVE - This means only pushing down single table expressions to
DistinctNodes today. Once we have a better understanding of how
the optimizer will work, we can push down join clauses.
Parameters: outerPredicateList - The PredicateList from the outer RS. exception: StandardException - Thrown on error |
toString | public String toString()(Code) | | Convert this object to a String. See comments in QueryTreeNode.java
for how this should be done for tree printing.
This object as a String |
transformOuterJoins | public FromTable transformOuterJoins(ValueNode predicateTree, int numTables) throws StandardException(Code) | | Transform any Outer Join into an Inner Join where applicable.
(Based on the existence of a null intolerant
predicate on the inner table.)
Parameters: predicateTree - The predicate tree for the query block The new tree top (OuterJoin or InnerJoin). exception: StandardException - Thrown on error |
Methods inherited from org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.JoinNode | public boolean LOJ_reorderable(int numTables) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public JBitSet LOJgetReferencedTables(int numTables) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public Visitable accept(Visitor v) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) protected int addOuterJoinArguments(ActivationClassBuilder acb, MethodBuilder mb) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void adjustNumberOfRowsReturned(CostEstimate costEstimate)(Code)(Java Doc) public void bindResultColumns(FromList fromListParam) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void bindResultColumns(TableDescriptor targetTableDescriptor, FromVTI targetVTI, ResultColumnList targetColumnList, DMLStatementNode statement, FromList fromListParam) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public FromList flatten(ResultColumnList rcl, PredicateList outerPList, SubqueryList sql, GroupByList gbl) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void generate(ActivationClassBuilder acb, MethodBuilder mb) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void generateCore(ActivationClassBuilder acb, MethodBuilder mb, int joinType) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void generateCore(ActivationClassBuilder acb, MethodBuilder mb, int joinType, ValueNode joinClause, SubqueryList subquerys) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public ResultColumnList getAllResultColumns(TableName allTableName) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public CostEstimate getFinalCostEstimate() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) protected PredicateList getLeftPredicateList() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) ResultSetNode getLogicalLeftResultSet()(Code)(Java Doc) ResultSetNode getLogicalRightResultSet()(Code)(Java Doc) public ResultColumn getMatchingColumn(ColumnReference columnReference) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) protected int getNumJoinArguments()(Code)(Java Doc) protected PredicateList getRightPredicateList() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void init(Object leftResult, Object rightResult, Object onClause, Object usingClause, Object selectList, Object tableProperties, Object joinOrderStrategyProperties) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isFlattenableJoinNode()(Code)(Java Doc) boolean isOrderedOn(ColumnReference[] crs, boolean permuteOrdering, Vector fbtVector) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public static String joinTypeToString(int joinType)(Code)(Java Doc) public Optimizable modifyAccessPath(JBitSet outerTables) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void normExpressions() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) void notFlattenableJoin()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void oneRowRightSide(ActivationClassBuilder acb, MethodBuilder mb) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public CostEstimate optimizeIt(Optimizer optimizer, OptimizablePredicateList predList, CostEstimate outerCost, RowOrdering rowOrdering) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public ResultSetNode preprocess(int numTables, GroupByList gbl, FromList fromList) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void printSubNodes(int depth)(Code)(Java Doc) void projectResultColumns() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void pushExpressions(PredicateList outerPredicateList) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void pushExpressionsToLeft(PredicateList outerPredicateList) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean pushOptPredicate(OptimizablePredicate optimizablePredicate) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) void setAggregateVector(Vector aggregateVector)(Code)(Java Doc) void setSubqueryList(SubqueryList subqueryList)(Code)(Java Doc) public FromTable transformOuterJoins(ValueNode predicateTree, int numTables) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public int updateTargetLockMode()(Code)(Java Doc)
Methods inherited from org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.TableOperatorNode | public Visitable accept(Visitor v) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void bindExpressions(FromList fromListParam) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void bindExpressionsWithTables(FromList fromListParam) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public ResultSetNode bindNonVTITables(DataDictionary dataDictionary, FromList fromListParam) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void bindResultColumns(FromList fromListParam) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void bindResultColumns(TableDescriptor targetTableDescriptor, FromVTI targetVTI, ResultColumnList targetColumnList, DMLStatementNode statement, FromList fromListParam) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public ResultSetNode bindVTITables(FromList fromListParam) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) void decrementLevel(int decrement)(Code)(Java Doc) public String getExposedName()(Code)(Java Doc) protected FromTable getFromTableByName(String name, String schemaName, boolean exactMatch) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public ResultSetNode getLeftResultSet()(Code)(Java Doc) public ResultSetNode getLeftmostResultSet()(Code)(Java Doc) public ResultSetNode getRightResultSet()(Code)(Java Doc) public void init(Object leftResultSet, Object rightResultSet, Object tableProperties) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) void markOrderingDependent()(Code)(Java Doc) public Optimizable modifyAccessPath(JBitSet outerTables) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public ResultSetNode modifyAccessPaths() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean needsSpecialRCLBinding()(Code)(Java Doc) public ResultSetNode optimize(DataDictionary dataDictionary, PredicateList predicateList, double outerRows) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) protected ResultSetNode optimizeSource(Optimizer optimizer, ResultSetNode sourceResultSet, PredicateList predList, CostEstimate outerCost) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public ResultSetNode preprocess(int numTables, GroupByList gbl, FromList fromList) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void printSubNodes(int depth)(Code)(Java Doc) void projectResultColumns() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean referencesSessionSchema() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean referencesTarget(String name, boolean baseTable) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void rejectParameters() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) void replaceDefaults(TableDescriptor ttd, ResultColumnList tcl) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setLeftmostResultSet(ResultSetNode newLeftResultSet)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setLevel(int level)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setNestedInParens(boolean nestedInParens)(Code)(Java Doc) void setReferencedColumns()(Code)(Java Doc) public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateBestPlanMap(short action, Object planKey) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void verifyProperties(DataDictionary dDictionary) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
Methods inherited from org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.FromTable | public boolean LOJ_reorderable(int numTables) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void assignCostEstimate(CostEstimate newCostEstimate)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean canBeOrdered()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean considerSortAvoidancePath()(Code)(Java Doc) public int convertAbsoluteToRelativeColumnPosition(int absolutePosition)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean cursorTargetTable()(Code)(Java Doc) void decrementLevel(int decrement)(Code)(Java Doc) public CostEstimate estimateCost(OptimizablePredicateList predList, ConglomerateDescriptor cd, CostEstimate outerCost, Optimizer optimizer, RowOrdering rowOrdering) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean feasibleJoinStrategy(OptimizablePredicateList predList, Optimizer optimizer) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void fillInReferencedTableMap(JBitSet passedMap)(Code)(Java Doc) public FromList flatten(ResultColumnList rcl, PredicateList outerPList, SubqueryList sql, GroupByList gbl) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean forUpdate()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getBaseTableName()(Code)(Java Doc) public AccessPath getBestAccessPath()(Code)(Java Doc) public AccessPath getBestSortAvoidancePath()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getCorrelationName()(Code)(Java Doc) protected CostEstimate getCostEstimate(Optimizer optimizer)(Code)(Java Doc) public AccessPath getCurrentAccessPath()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getExposedName() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public CostEstimate getFinalCostEstimate() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) protected FromTable getFromTableByName(String name, String schemaName, boolean exactMatch) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public int getLevel()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getName() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public int getNumColumnsReturned()(Code)(Java Doc) public TableName getOrigTableName()(Code)(Java Doc) public Properties getProperties()(Code)(Java Doc) public ResultColumnList getResultColumnsForList(TableName allTableName, ResultColumnList inputRcl, TableName tableName) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public SchemaDescriptor getSchemaDescriptor() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public SchemaDescriptor getSchemaDescriptor(TableName tableName) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) protected CostEstimate getScratchCostEstimate(Optimizer optimizer)(Code)(Java Doc) public TableDescriptor getTableDescriptor()(Code)(Java Doc) public TableName getTableName() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public int getTableNumber()(Code)(Java Doc) public AccessPath getTrulyTheBestAccessPath()(Code)(Java Doc) String getUserSpecifiedJoinStrategy()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean hasTableNumber()(Code)(Java Doc) public int[] hashKeyColumns()(Code)(Java Doc) public void init(Object correlationName, Object tableProperties)(Code)(Java Doc) public void initAccessPaths(Optimizer optimizer)(Code)(Java Doc) public int initialCapacity()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isBaseTable()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isCoveringIndex(ConglomerateDescriptor cd) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isFlattenableJoinNode()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isMaterializable() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isOneRowScan() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isTargetTable()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean legalJoinOrder(JBitSet assignedTableMap)(Code)(Java Doc) public float loadFactor()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void markUpdatableByCursor(Vector updateColumns)(Code)(Java Doc) public int maxCapacity(JoinStrategy joinStrategy, int maxMemoryPerTable) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean memoryUsageOK(double rowCount, int maxMemoryPerTable) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public Optimizable modifyAccessPath(JBitSet outerTables) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean needsSpecialRCLBinding()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean nextAccessPath(Optimizer optimizer, OptimizablePredicateList predList, RowOrdering rowOrdering) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public CostEstimate optimizeIt(Optimizer optimizer, OptimizablePredicateList predList, CostEstimate outerCost, RowOrdering rowOrdering) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) void optimizeSubqueries(DataDictionary dd, double rowCount) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void pullOptPredicates(OptimizablePredicateList optimizablePredicates) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) void pushExpressions(PredicateList predicateList) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean pushOptPredicate(OptimizablePredicate optimizablePredicate) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void rememberAsBest(int planType, Optimizer optimizer) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void rememberJoinStrategyAsBest(AccessPath ap)(Code)(Java Doc) public void rememberSortAvoidancePath()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void resetJoinStrategies(Optimizer optimizer)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void setCostEstimate(CostEstimate newCostEstimate)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setHashKeyColumns(int[] columnNumbers)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setLevel(int level)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setOrigTableName(TableName tableName)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setProperties(Properties tableProperties)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setTableNumber(int tableNumber)(Code)(Java Doc) public void startOptimizing(Optimizer optimizer, RowOrdering rowOrdering)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean supportsMultipleInstantiations()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void tellRowOrderingAboutConstantColumns(RowOrdering rowOrdering, OptimizablePredicateList predList)(Code)(Java Doc) public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc) public FromTable transformOuterJoins(ValueNode predicateTree, int numTables) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public double uniqueJoin(OptimizablePredicateList predList) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void updateBestPlanMap(short action, Object planKey) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void verifyProperties(DataDictionary dDictionary) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
Methods inherited from org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.ResultSetNode | public JBitSet LOJgetReferencedTables(int numTables) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public Visitable accept(Visitor v) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public ResultSetNode addNewPredicate(Predicate predicate) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void assignResultSetNumber() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void bindExpressions(FromList fromListParam) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void bindExpressionsWithTables(FromList fromListParam) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public ResultSetNode bindNonVTITables(DataDictionary dataDictionary, FromList fromListParam) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void bindResultColumns(FromList fromListParam) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void bindResultColumns(TableDescriptor targetTableDescriptor, FromVTI targetVTI, ResultColumnList targetColumnList, DMLStatementNode statement, FromList fromListParam) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void bindTargetExpressions(FromList fromListParam) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void bindUntypedNullsToResultColumns(ResultColumnList rcl) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public ResultSetNode bindVTITables(FromList fromListParam) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public ResultSetNode changeAccessPath() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) boolean columnTypesAndLengthsMatch() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public ResultSetNode considerMaterialization(JBitSet outerTables) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract void decrementLevel(int decrement)(Code)(Java Doc) public void disablePrivilegeCollection()(Code)(Java Doc) public ResultSetNode enhanceRCLForInsert(int numTargetColumns, int[] colMap, DataDictionary dataDictionary, TableDescriptor targetTD, FromVTI targetVTI) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public ResultSetNode ensurePredicateList(int numTables) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void fillInReferencedTableMap(JBitSet passedMap)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean flattenableInFromSubquery(FromList fromList)(Code)(Java Doc) ResultColumn genNewRCForInsert(TableDescriptor targetTD, FromVTI targetVTI, int columnNumber, DataDictionary dataDictionary) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public NormalizeResultSetNode genNormalizeResultSetNode(ResultSetNode normalizeChild, boolean forUpdate) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public ResultSetNode genProjectRestrict() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) protected ResultSetNode genProjectRestrict(int numTables) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) ResultSetNode genProjectRestrictForReordering() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void generateNormalizationResultSet(ActivationClassBuilder acb, MethodBuilder mb, int resultSetNumber, ResultDescription resultDescription) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void generateResultSet(ExpressionClassBuilder acb, MethodBuilder mb) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public ResultColumnList getAllResultColumns(TableName allTableName) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public CostEstimate getCostEstimate()(Code)(Java Doc) FromTable getCursorTargetTable()(Code)(Java Doc) public CostEstimate getFinalCostEstimate() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public FromList getFromList() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) protected FromTable getFromTableByName(String name, String schemaName, boolean exactMatch) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public ResultColumn getMatchingColumn(ColumnReference columnReference) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) protected CostEstimate getNewCostEstimate() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) protected Optimizer getOptimizer(OptimizableList optList, OptimizablePredicateList predList, DataDictionary dataDictionary, RequiredRowOrdering requiredRowOrdering) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) protected OptimizerImpl getOptimizerImpl()(Code)(Java Doc) public JBitSet getReferencedTableMap()(Code)(Java Doc) public ResultColumnList getResultColumns()(Code)(Java Doc) public int getResultSetNumber()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isNotExists()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isOneRowResultSet() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) boolean isOrderedOn(ColumnReference[] crs, boolean permuteOrdering, Vector fbtVector) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) boolean isPossibleDistinctScan(Set distinctColumns)(Code)(Java Doc) boolean isUpdatableCursor(DataDictionary dd) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public ResultDescription makeResultDescription()(Code)(Java Doc) ResultColumnDescriptor[] makeResultDescriptors(ExecutionContext ec)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean markAsCursorTargetTable()(Code)(Java Doc) void markForDistinctScan()(Code)(Java Doc) void markOrderingDependent()(Code)(Java Doc) public void markStatementResultSet()(Code)(Java Doc) public ResultSetNode modifyAccessPaths() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public ResultSetNode modifyAccessPaths(PredicateList predList) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) void notCursorTargetTable()(Code)(Java Doc) void notFlattenableJoin()(Code)(Java Doc) final protected static int numDistinctAggregates(Vector aggregateVector)(Code)(Java Doc) public ResultSetNode optimize(DataDictionary dataDictionary, PredicateList predicates, double outerRows) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public ValueNode parseDefault(String defaultText) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean performMaterialization(JBitSet outerTables) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public ResultSetNode preprocess(int numTables, GroupByList gbl, FromList fromList) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void printSubNodes(int depth)(Code)(Java Doc) void projectResultColumns() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) void pushOrderByList(OrderByList orderByList)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean referencesTarget(String name, boolean baseTable) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void rejectParameters() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void rejectXMLValues() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void renameGeneratedResultNames() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) void replaceDefaults(TableDescriptor ttd, ResultColumnList tcl) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) boolean returnsAtMostOneRow()(Code)(Java Doc) public void setInsertSource()(Code)(Java Doc) public void setReferencedTableMap(JBitSet newRTM)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setResultColumns(ResultColumnList newRCL)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setResultToBooleanTrueNode(boolean onlyConvertAlls) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) void setTableConstructorTypes(ResultColumnList typeColumns) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) boolean subqueryReferencesTarget(String name, boolean baseTable) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc) public int updateTargetLockMode()(Code)(Java Doc) public void verifySelectStarSubquery(FromList outerFromList, int subqueryType) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)
Methods inherited from org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.QueryTreeNode | public Visitable accept(Visitor v) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public QueryTreeNode bind() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public DataValueDescriptor convertDefaultNode(DataTypeDescriptor typeDescriptor) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) protected static void debugFlush()(Code)(Java Doc) public static void debugPrint(String outputString)(Code)(Java Doc) public void disablePrivilegeCollection()(Code)(Java Doc) public String executeSchemaName()(Code)(Java Doc) public String executeStatementName()(Code)(Java Doc) public static String formatNodeString(String nodeString, int depth)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean foundString(String[] list, String search)(Code)(Java Doc) public GeneratedClass generate(ByteArray ignored) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void generate(ActivationClassBuilder acb, MethodBuilder mb) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) void generateAuthorizeCheck(ActivationClassBuilder acb, MethodBuilder mb, int sqlOperation)(Code)(Java Doc) public int getBeginOffset()(Code)(Java Doc) final protected ClassFactory getClassFactory()(Code)(Java Doc) final protected CompilerContext getCompilerContext()(Code)(Java Doc) final public ContextManager getContextManager()(Code)(Java Doc) public Object getCursorInfo() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) final public DataDictionary getDataDictionary()(Code)(Java Doc) final public DependencyManager getDependencyManager()(Code)(Java Doc) public int getEndOffset()(Code)(Java Doc) final public ExecutionFactory getExecutionFactory()(Code)(Java Doc) final public GenericConstantActionFactory getGenericConstantActionFactory()(Code)(Java Doc) protected int getIntProperty(String value, String key) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) final protected LanguageConnectionContext getLanguageConnectionContext()(Code)(Java Doc) final public NodeFactory getNodeFactory()(Code)(Java Doc) protected int getNodeType()(Code)(Java Doc) public ConstantNode getNullNode(TypeId typeId, ContextManager cm) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public DataTypeDescriptor[] getParameterTypes() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public long getRowEstimate()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getSPSName()(Code)(Java Doc) final SchemaDescriptor getSchemaDescriptor(String schemaName) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) final SchemaDescriptor getSchemaDescriptor(String schemaName, boolean raiseError) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) protected int getStatementType()(Code)(Java Doc) final protected TableDescriptor getTableDescriptor(String tableName, SchemaDescriptor schema) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) final protected TypeCompiler getTypeCompiler(TypeId typeId)(Code)(Java Doc) public void init(Object arg1) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void init(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void init(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void init(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void init(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void init(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void init(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6, Object arg7) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void init(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6, Object arg7, Object arg8) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void init(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6, Object arg7, Object arg8, Object arg9) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void init(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6, Object arg7, Object arg8, Object arg9, Object arg10) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void init(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6, Object arg7, Object arg8, Object arg9, Object arg10, Object arg11) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void init(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6, Object arg7, Object arg8, Object arg9, Object arg10, Object arg11, Object arg12) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void init(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6, Object arg7, Object arg8, Object arg9, Object arg10, Object arg11, Object arg12, Object arg13) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void init(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6, Object arg7, Object arg8, Object arg9, Object arg10, Object arg11, Object arg12, Object arg13, Object arg14) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isAtomic() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean isInstanceOf(int nodeType)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isPrivilegeCollectionRequired()(Code)(Java Doc) final boolean isSessionSchema(SchemaDescriptor sd)(Code)(Java Doc) final boolean isSessionSchema(String schemaName)(Code)(Java Doc) public ConstantAction makeConstantAction() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public ResultDescription makeResultDescription() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public TableName makeTableName(String schemaName, String flatName) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean needsSavepoint()(Code)(Java Doc) protected String nodeHeader()(Code)(Java Doc) public QueryTreeNode optimize() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public static QueryTreeNode parseQueryText(CompilerContext compilerContext, String queryText, Object[] paramDefaults, LanguageConnectionContext lcc) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void printLabel(int depth, String label)(Code)(Java Doc) public void printSubNodes(int depth)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean referencesSessionSchema() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public TableName resolveTableToSynonym(TableName tabName) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setBeginOffset(int beginOffset)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setContextManager(ContextManager cm)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setEndOffset(int endOffset)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setNodeType(int nodeType)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setRefActionInfo(long fkIndexConglomId, int[] fkColArray, String parentResultSetId, boolean dependentScan)(Code)(Java Doc) public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc) public void treePrint()(Code)(Java Doc) public void treePrint(int depth)(Code)(Java Doc) String verifyClassExist(String javaClassName, boolean convertCase) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)