| java.lang.Object org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.QueryTreeNode org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.QueryTreeNodeVector org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.ResultColumnList
Method Summary | |
public void | addRCForRID() Add an RC to the end of the list for the RID from an index.
NOTE: RC.expression is a CurrentRowLocationNode. | public void | addResultColumn(ResultColumn resultColumn) | public void | adjustVirtualColumnIds(int adjust) Walk the list and adjust the virtualColumnIds in the ResultColumns
by the specified amount. | boolean | allExpressionsAreColumns(ResultSetNode sourceRS) Determine if all of the RC.expressions are columns in the source result set.
This is useful for determining if we need to do reflection
at execution time.
Parameters: sourceRS - The source ResultSet. | int | allTopCRsFromSameTable() Return whether or not all of the RCs in the list whose
expressions are ColumnReferences are
from the same table. | public void | appendResultColumns(ResultColumnList resultColumns, boolean destructiveCopy) Append a given ResultColumnList to this one, resetting the virtual
column ids in the appended portion. | public void | bindExpressions(FromList fromList, SubqueryList subqueryList, Vector aggregateVector) Bind the expressions in this ResultColumnList. | public void | bindResultColumnsByName(TableDescriptor targetTableDescriptor) Bind the result columns by their names. | public FormatableBitSet | bindResultColumnsByName(TableDescriptor targetTableDescriptor, DMLStatementNode statement) Bind the result columns by their names. | public void | bindResultColumnsByName(ResultColumnList fullRCL, FromVTI targetVTI, DMLStatementNode statement) Bind the result columns by their names. | public void | bindResultColumnsByPosition(TableDescriptor targetTableDescriptor) Bind the result columns by ordinal position. | public void | bindResultColumnsToExpressions() Bind the result columns to the expressions that live under them.
All this does is copy the datatype information to from each expression
to each result column. | public void | bindUntypedNullsToResultColumns(ResultColumnList bindingRCL) Bind any untyped null nodes to the types in the given ResultColumnList.
Nodes that don't know their type may pass down nulls to
children nodes. | public ExecRow | buildEmptyIndexRow(TableDescriptor td, ConglomerateDescriptor cd, StoreCostController scc, DataDictionary dd) Build an empty index row for the given conglomerate. | public ExecRow | buildEmptyRow() Build an empty row with the size and shape of the ResultColumnList. | public void | checkAutoincrement(ResultColumnList sourceRSRCL) check if any autoincrement columns exist in the result column list. | public void | checkAutoincrementUnion(ResultSetNode rs) If the resultset is a UnionNode (e.g., multi-rows in VALUES clause), we recursively call itself. | public void | checkColumnUpdateability(String[] ucl, String cursorName) Verify that all of the columns in the SET clause of a positioned update
appear in the cursor's FOR UPDATE OF list.
Parameters: ucl - The cursor's FOR UPDATE OF list. | void | checkForInvalidDefaults() Walk the RCL and check for DEFAULTs. | void | checkStorableExpressions(ResultColumnList toStore) Verify that all the result columns have expressions that
are storable for them. | void | checkStorableExpressions() Verify that all the result columns have expressions that
are storable for them. | public void | clearColumnReferences() Clear the column references from the RCL. | public void | clearTableNames() | boolean | columnTypesAndLengthsMatch() | boolean | columnTypesAndLengthsMatch(ResultColumnList otherRCL) | ResultColumnList | compactColumns(boolean positionedUpdate, boolean always) Create a new, compacted RCL based on the referenced RCs
in this list. | public boolean | containsAllResultColumn() Return whether or not this RCL contains an AllResultColumn. | public void | copyColumnsToNewList(ResultColumnList targetList, FormatableBitSet copyList) Copy the RCs from this list to the supplied target list. | public ResultColumnList | copyListAndObjects() Create a shallow copy of a ResultColumnList and its ResultColumns. | public void | copyOrderBySelect(ResultColumnList src) | public void | copyReferencedColumnsToNewList(ResultColumnList targetList) Copy the referenced RCs from this list to the supplied target list. | void | copyResultColumnNames(ResultColumnList nameList) Copy the result column names from the given ResultColumnList
to this ResultColumnList. | public void | copyTypesAndLengthsToSource(ResultColumnList sourceRCL) Copy the types and lengths for this RCL (the target)
to another RCL (the source). | public int | countNumberOfSimpleColumnReferences() Count the number of RCs with simple ColumnReferences. | public int | countReferencedColumns() Count the number of RCs in the list that are referenced. | public void | createListFromResultSetMetaData(ResultSetMetaData rsmd, TableName tableName, String javaClassName) Generate an RCL to match the contents of a ResultSetMetaData. | public void | decOrderBySelect() | public void | disablePrivilegeCollection() | public void | doProjection() Project out any unreferenced ResultColumns from the list and
reset the virtual column ids in the referenced ResultColumns. | public void | expandAllsAndNameColumns(FromList fromList) Expand any *'s in the ResultColumnList. | public ResultColumnList | expandToAll(TableDescriptor td, TableName tableName) Expand this ResultColumnList by adding all columns from the given
table that are not in this list. | public void | exportNames(String[] columnNames) Export the result column names to the passed in String[]. | public ResultColumn | findParentResultColumn(ResultColumn childRC) Given a ResultColumn at the next deepest level in the tree,
search this RCL for its parent ResultColumn. | public void | genVirtualColumnNodes(ResultSetNode sourceResultSet, ResultColumnList sourceResultColumnList) Walk the list and replace ResultColumn.expression with a new
VirtualColumnNode. | public void | genVirtualColumnNodes(ResultSetNode sourceResultSet, ResultColumnList sourceResultColumnList, boolean markReferenced) Walk the list and replace ResultColumn.expression with a new
VirtualColumnNode. | public void | generate(ActivationClassBuilder acb, MethodBuilder mb) Generate the code to place the columns' values into
a row variable named "r". | void | generateCore(ExpressionClassBuilder acb, MethodBuilder mb, boolean genNulls) Generate the code to place the columns' values into
a row variable named "r". | void | generateHolder(ExpressionClassBuilder acb, MethodBuilder mb) Generates a row with the size and shape of the ResultColumnList.
Some structures, like FromBaseTable and DistinctNode,
need to generate rowAllocator functions to get a row
the size and shape of their ResultColumnList. | void | generateHolder(ExpressionClassBuilder acb, MethodBuilder mb, FormatableBitSet referencedCols, FormatableBitSet propagatedCols) Generates a row with the size and shape of the ResultColumnList.
Some structures, like FromBaseTable and DistinctNode,
need to generate rowAllocator functions to get a row
the size and shape of their ResultColumnList. | MethodBuilder | generateHolderMethod(ExpressionClassBuilder acb, FormatableBitSet referencedCols, FormatableBitSet propagatedCols) | void | generateNulls(ActivationClassBuilder acb, MethodBuilder mb) Generate the code to place the columns' values into
a row variable named "r". | public ResultColumn | getAtMostOneResultColumn(ColumnReference cr, String exposedTableName) Get a ResultColumn that matches the specified columnName and
mark the ResultColumn as being referenced. | public String[] | getColumnNames() Get an array of strings for all the columns
in this RCL. | public int[] | getColumnPositions(TableDescriptor td) Get an array of column positions (1-based) for all the columns
in this RCL. | public FormatableBitSet | getColumnReferenceMap() | protected boolean | getCountMismatchAllowed() Return whether or not a count mismatch is allowed between this RCL,
as a derived column list, and an underlying RCL. | ResultColumnList | getJoinColumns(ResultColumnList joinColumns) Get the join columns from this list.
This is useful for a join with a USING clause. | public ResultColumn | getOrderByColumn(int position) Get a ResultColumn from a column position (1-based) in the list,
null if out of range (for order by). | public ResultColumn | getOrderByColumn(String columnName, TableName tableName, int tableNumber) For order by, get a ResultColumn that matches the specified
columnName. | public ResultColumn | getOrderByColumn(String columnName, TableName tableName) For order by, get a ResultColumn that matches the specified
columnName. | public int | getOrderBySelect() | FormatableBitSet | getReferencedFormatableBitSet(boolean positionedUpdate, boolean always, boolean onlyBCNs) Generate a FormatableBitSet representing the columns that are referenced in this RCL.
The caller decides if they want this FormatableBitSet if every RC is referenced.
Parameters: positionedUpdate - Whether or not the scan that the RCL belongs to is for update w/o a column list Parameters: always - Whether or not caller always wants a non-null FormatableBitSet ifall RCs are referenced. Parameters: onlyBCNs - If true, only set bit if expression is a BaseColumnNode,otherwise set bit for all referenced RCs. | public ResultColumn | getResultColumn(int position) | public ResultColumn | getResultColumn(int colNum, ResultSetNode rsn, int[] whichRC) Take a column position and a ResultSetNode and find the ResultColumn
in this RCL whose source result set is the same as the received
RSN and whose column position is the same as the received column
Parameters: colNum - The column position (w.r.t rsn) for which we're searching Parameters: rsn - The result set node for which we're searching. | public ResultColumn | getResultColumn(String columnName) Get a ResultColumn that matches the specified columnName and
mark the ResultColumn as being referenced. | public ResultColumn | getResultColumn(String columnsTableName, String columnName) Get a ResultColumn that matches the specified columnName and
mark the ResultColumn as being referenced. | ResultColumn[] | getSortedByPosition() Return an array that contains references to the columns in this list
sorted by position. | public int[] | getStreamStorableColIds(int heapColCount) Return an array holding the 0 based heap offsets of
the StreamStorable columns in this ResultColumnList.
This returns null if this list does not contain any
StreamStorableColumns. | public int | getTotalColumnSize() Get the size of all the columns added
together. | public boolean | hasConsistentTypeInfo() Verify that all ResultColumns and their expressions have type information
and that the type information between the respective RCs and
expressions matches. | public void | incOrderBySelect() | public boolean | isCloneable() Return whether or not this RCL can be flattened out of a tree. | public boolean | isExactTypeAndLengthMatch(ResultColumnList otherRCL) Do the 2 RCLs have the same type & length.
This is useful for UNIONs when deciding whether a NormalizeResultSet is required.
Parameters: otherRCL - The other RCL. | public ResultColumnDescriptor[] | makeResultDescriptors() Make a ResultDescription for use in a ResultSet. | ResultColumnDescriptor[] | makeResultDescriptors(ExecutionContext ec) | int[] | mapSourceColumns() Map the source columns to these columns. | public void | markAllUnreferenced() Walk the list and mark all RCs as unreferenced. | void | markColumnsInSelectListUpdatableByCursor(Vector updateColumns) Mark all the columns in the select sql that this result column list represents
as updatable if they match the columns in the given update column list. | protected void | markInitialSize() | void | markUpdatableByCursor() Mark all the (base) columns in this list as updatable by a positioned update
statement. | void | markUpdatableByCursor(Vector updateColumns) | void | markUpdated() Mark all the columns in this list as updated by an update statement. | void | markUpdated(ResultColumnList updateColumns) Mark as updatable all the columns in this result column list
that match the columns in the given update column list. | public void | nameAllResultColumns() Generate (unique across the entire statement) column names for those
ResultColumns in this list which are not named. | public boolean | nopProjection(ResultColumnList childRCL) Determine whether this RCL is a No-Op projection of the given RCL. | public void | populate(TableDescriptor table, int[] columnIDs) Build this ResultColumnList from a table description and
an array of column IDs. | public void | preprocess(int numTables, FromList outerFromList, SubqueryList outerSubqueryList, PredicateList outerPredicateList) Preprocess the expression trees under the RCL. | public void | propagateDCLInfo(ResultColumnList derivedRCL, String tableName) Validate the derived column list (DCL) and propagate the info
from the list to the final ResultColumnList. | void | pullVirtualIsReferenced() Or in any isReferenced booleans from the virtual column chain. | public void | recordColumnReferences(int[] idArray, int basis) Record the column ids of the referenced columns in the specified array. | public void | recordColumnReferences(boolean[] colArray1, JBitSet[] tableColMap, int tableNumber) Record the top level ColumnReferences in the specified array
and table map
This is useful when checking for uniqueness conditions. | void | rejectParameters() Look for and reject ? parameters under ResultColumns. | void | rejectXMLValues() Check for (and reject) XML values directly under the ResultColumns.
This is done for SELECT/VALUES statements. | public void | remapColumnReferencesToExpressions() Remap all ColumnReferences in this tree to be clones of the
underlying expression. | void | removeJoinColumns(ResultColumnList joinColumns) Remove the columns which are join columns (in the
joinColumns RCL) from this list. | void | replaceDefaults(TableDescriptor ttd, ResultColumnList tcl) Replace any DEFAULTs with the associated tree for the default. | void | resetVirtualColumnIds() Reset the virtual column ids for all of the
underlying RCs. | boolean | reusableResult() Return whether or not the same result row can be used for all
rows returned by the associated ResultSet. | public void | setClause(int clause) | protected void | setCountMismatchAllowed(boolean allowed) Set the value of whether or not a count mismatch is allowed between
this RCL, as a derived column list, and an underlying RCL. | void | setIndexRow(long cid, boolean forUpdate) | public void | setNullability(boolean nullability) | public void | setRedundant() Mark all of the ResultColumns as redundant. | public void | setResultSetNumber(int resultSetNumber) Set the resultSetNumber in all of the ResultColumns. | public void | setUnionResultExpression(ResultColumnList otherRCL, int tableNumber, int level, String operatorName) Set up the result expressions for a UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT:
o Verify union type compatiblity
o Get dominant type for result (type + max length + nullability)
o Create a new ColumnReference with dominant type and name of from this
RCL and make that the new expression. | public int[] | sortMe() Return an array of all my column positions, sorted in
ascending order. | public void | treePrint(int depth) This class needs a treePrint method, even though it is not a
descendant of QueryTreeNode, because its members contain tree
nodes, and these have to be printed and indented properly. | boolean | updatableByCursor(int columnPosition) Returns true if the given column position is for a column that will
be or could be updated by the positioned update of a cursor. | public boolean | updateOverlaps(int[] columns) Does the column list contain any of the given column positions
that are updated? Implements same named routine in UpdateList. | void | verifyAllOrderable() Verify that all of the RCs in this list are comparable. | public String | verifyCreateConstraintColumnList(TableElementList tel) Verify that all of the column names in this list are contained
within the ColumnDefinitionNodes within the TableElementList. | public String | verifyUniqueNames(boolean errForGenCols) Check the uniqueness of the column names within a column list.
Parameters: errForGenCols - Raise an error for any generated column names. |
conglomerateId | protected long conglomerateId(Code) | | |
forUpdate | protected boolean forUpdate(Code) | | |
indexRow | protected boolean indexRow(Code) | | |
orderBySelect | int orderBySelect(Code) | | |
ResultColumnList | public ResultColumnList()(Code) | | |
addRCForRID | public void addRCForRID() throws StandardException(Code) | | Add an RC to the end of the list for the RID from an index.
NOTE: RC.expression is a CurrentRowLocationNode. This was previously only used
for non-select DML. We test for this node when generating the holder above
and generate the expected code. (We really should create yet another new node
type with its own code generation.)
exception: StandardException - Thrown on error |
addResultColumn | public void addResultColumn(ResultColumn resultColumn)(Code) | | Add a ResultColumn (at this point, ResultColumn or
AllResultColumn) to the list
Parameters: resultColumn - The ResultColumn to add to the list |
adjustVirtualColumnIds | public void adjustVirtualColumnIds(int adjust)(Code) | | Walk the list and adjust the virtualColumnIds in the ResultColumns
by the specified amount. If ResultColumn.expression is a VirtualColumnNode,
then we adjust the columnId there as well.
Parameters: adjust - The size of the increment. |
allExpressionsAreColumns | boolean allExpressionsAreColumns(ResultSetNode sourceRS)(Code) | | Determine if all of the RC.expressions are columns in the source result set.
This is useful for determining if we need to do reflection
at execution time.
Parameters: sourceRS - The source ResultSet. Whether or not all of the RC.expressions are columns in the source result set. |
allTopCRsFromSameTable | int allTopCRsFromSameTable()(Code) | | Return whether or not all of the RCs in the list whose
expressions are ColumnReferences are
from the same table. One place this
is useful for distinct elimination based on the existence
of a uniqueness condition.
-1 if all of the top level CRs in the RCLare not ColumnReferences from the same table,else the tableNumber |
appendResultColumns | public void appendResultColumns(ResultColumnList resultColumns, boolean destructiveCopy)(Code) | | Append a given ResultColumnList to this one, resetting the virtual
column ids in the appended portion.
Parameters: resultColumns - The ResultColumnList to be appended Parameters: destructiveCopy - Whether or not this is a descructive copyfrom resultColumns |
bindExpressions | public void bindExpressions(FromList fromList, SubqueryList subqueryList, Vector aggregateVector) throws StandardException(Code) | | Bind the expressions in this ResultColumnList. This means binding
the expression under each ResultColumn node.
Parameters: fromList - The FROM list for the query thisexpression is in, for binding columns. Parameters: subqueryList - The subquery list being built as we find SubqueryNodes Parameters: aggregateVector - The aggregate vector being built as we find AggregateNodes exception: StandardException - Thrown on error |
bindResultColumnsByName | public void bindResultColumnsByName(TableDescriptor targetTableDescriptor) throws StandardException(Code) | | Bind the result columns by their names. This is useful for GRANT and REVOKE statements
like "GRANT SELECT ON t(c1,c1,c3) TO george", where the user specified a column list.
This method does not check for duplicate column names.
Parameters: targetTableDescriptor - The descriptor for the table exception: StandardException - Thrown on error |
bindResultColumnsByName | public FormatableBitSet bindResultColumnsByName(TableDescriptor targetTableDescriptor, DMLStatementNode statement) throws StandardException(Code) | | Bind the result columns by their names. This is useful for update, grant, and revoke
statements, and for INSERT statements like "insert into t (a, b, c)
values (1, 2, 3)" where the user specified a column list.
If the statment is an insert or update verify that the result column list does not contain any duplicates.
NOTE: We pass the ResultColumns position in the ResultColumnList so
that the VirtualColumnId gets set.
Parameters: targetTableDescriptor - The descriptor for the table beingupdated or inserted into Parameters: statement - DMLStatementNode containing this list, null if no duplicate checking is to be done A FormatableBitSet representing the set of columns with respect to the table exception: StandardException - Thrown on error |
bindResultColumnsByName | public void bindResultColumnsByName(ResultColumnList fullRCL, FromVTI targetVTI, DMLStatementNode statement) throws StandardException(Code) | | Bind the result columns by their names. This is useful for update
VTI statements, and for INSERT statements like "insert into new t() (a, b, c)
values (1, 2, 3)" where the user specified a column list.
Also, verify that the result column list does not contain any duplicates.
NOTE: We pass the ResultColumns position in the ResultColumnList so
that the VirtualColumnId gets set.
Parameters: fullRCL - The full RCL for the target table Parameters: statement - DMLStatementNode containing this list exception: StandardException - Thrown on error |
bindResultColumnsByPosition | public void bindResultColumnsByPosition(TableDescriptor targetTableDescriptor) throws StandardException(Code) | | Bind the result columns by ordinal position. This is useful for
INSERT statements like "insert into t values (1, 2, 3)", where the
user did not specify a column list.
Parameters: targetTableDescriptor - The descriptor for the table beinginserted into exception: StandardException - Thrown on error |
bindResultColumnsToExpressions | public void bindResultColumnsToExpressions() throws StandardException(Code) | | Bind the result columns to the expressions that live under them.
All this does is copy the datatype information to from each expression
to each result column. This is useful for SELECT statements, where
the result type of each column is the type of the column's expression.
exception: StandardException - Thrown on error |
bindUntypedNullsToResultColumns | public void bindUntypedNullsToResultColumns(ResultColumnList bindingRCL) throws StandardException(Code) | | Bind any untyped null nodes to the types in the given ResultColumnList.
Nodes that don't know their type may pass down nulls to
children nodes. In the case of something like a union, it knows
to try its right and left result sets against each other.
But if a null reaches us, it means we have a null type that
we don't know how to handle.
Parameters: bindingRCL - The ResultColumnList with the types to bind to. exception: StandardException - Thrown on error |
checkAutoincrement | public void checkAutoincrement(ResultColumnList sourceRSRCL) throws StandardException(Code) | | check if any autoincrement columns exist in the result column list.
called from insert or update where you cannot insert/update the value
of an autoincrement column.
exception: StandardException - If the column is an ai column |
checkAutoincrementUnion | public void checkAutoincrementUnion(ResultSetNode rs) throws StandardException(Code) | | If the resultset is a UnionNode (e.g., multi-rows in VALUES clause), we recursively call itself.
checkAutoincrement() will set ColumnDescriptor for autoincrement columns.
This way, all ColumnDescriptor of all rows will be set properly.
checkColumnUpdateability | public void checkColumnUpdateability(String[] ucl, String cursorName) throws StandardException(Code) | | Verify that all of the columns in the SET clause of a positioned update
appear in the cursor's FOR UPDATE OF list.
Parameters: ucl - The cursor's FOR UPDATE OF list. (May be null.) Parameters: cursorName - The cursor's name. exception: StandardException - Thrown on error |
checkForInvalidDefaults | void checkForInvalidDefaults() throws StandardException(Code) | | Walk the RCL and check for DEFAULTs. DEFAULTs
are invalid at the time that this method is called,
so we throw an exception if found.
NOTE: The grammar allows:
exception: StandardException - Thrown on error |
checkStorableExpressions | void checkStorableExpressions() throws StandardException(Code) | | Verify that all the result columns have expressions that
are storable for them. Check versus the expressions under the
exception: StandardException - Thrown on error |
clearColumnReferences | public void clearColumnReferences()(Code) | | Clear the column references from the RCL. (Restore RCL back to a state
where none of the RCs are marked as referenced.)
clearTableNames | public void clearTableNames()(Code) | | |
compactColumns | ResultColumnList compactColumns(boolean positionedUpdate, boolean always) throws StandardException(Code) | | Create a new, compacted RCL based on the referenced RCs
in this list. If the RCL being compacted is for an
updatable scan, then we simply return this.
The caller tells us whether or not they want a new list
if there is no compaction because all RCs are referenced.
This is useful in the case where the caller needs a new
RCL for existing RCs so that it can augment the new list.
Parameters: positionedUpdate - Whether or not the scan that the RCL belongs to is for update w/o a column list Parameters: always - Whether or not caller always wants a new RCL The compacted RCL if compaction occurred, otherwise return this RCL. exception: StandardException - Thrown on error |
containsAllResultColumn | public boolean containsAllResultColumn()(Code) | | Return whether or not this RCL contains an AllResultColumn.
This is useful when dealing with SELECT * views which
reference tables that may have had columns added to them via
ALTER TABLE since the view was created.
Whether or not this RCL contains an AllResultColumn. |
copyColumnsToNewList | public void copyColumnsToNewList(ResultColumnList targetList, FormatableBitSet copyList)(Code) | | Copy the RCs from this list to the supplied target list.
Parameters: targetList - The list to copy to, Parameters: copyList - 1 based bitMap we copy columns associated with set bits. |
copyListAndObjects | public ResultColumnList copyListAndObjects() throws StandardException(Code) | | Create a shallow copy of a ResultColumnList and its ResultColumns.
(All other pointers are preserved.)
Useful for building new ResultSetNodes during preprocessing.
None. exception: StandardException - Thrown on error |
copyReferencedColumnsToNewList | public void copyReferencedColumnsToNewList(ResultColumnList targetList)(Code) | | Copy the referenced RCs from this list to the supplied target list.
Parameters: targetList - The list to copy to |
copyResultColumnNames | void copyResultColumnNames(ResultColumnList nameList)(Code) | | Copy the result column names from the given ResultColumnList
to this ResultColumnList. This is useful for insert-select,
where the columns being inserted into may be different from
the columns being selected from. The result column list for
an insert is supposed to have the column names being inserted
Parameters: nameList - The ResultColumnList from which to copythe column names |
copyTypesAndLengthsToSource | public void copyTypesAndLengthsToSource(ResultColumnList sourceRCL) throws StandardException(Code) | | Copy the types and lengths for this RCL (the target)
to another RCL (the source).
This is useful when adding a NormalizeResultSetNode.
Parameters: sourceRCL - The source RCL |
countNumberOfSimpleColumnReferences | public int countNumberOfSimpleColumnReferences()(Code) | | Count the number of RCs with simple ColumnReferences.
(RC.expression instanceof ColumnReference) This is useful
for ensuring that the number of columns in the group by list
equals the number of grouping columns.
int The number of simple ColumnReferences. |
countReferencedColumns | public int countReferencedColumns()(Code) | | Count the number of RCs in the list that are referenced.
The number of RCs in the list that are referenced. |
createListFromResultSetMetaData | public void createListFromResultSetMetaData(ResultSetMetaData rsmd, TableName tableName, String javaClassName) throws StandardException(Code) | | Generate an RCL to match the contents of a ResultSetMetaData.
This is useful when dealing with VTIs.
Parameters: rsmd - The ResultSetMetaData. Parameters: tableName - The TableName for the BCNs. Parameters: javaClassName - The name of the VTI exception: StandardException - Thrown on error |
decOrderBySelect | public void decOrderBySelect()(Code) | | |
doProjection | public void doProjection() throws StandardException(Code) | | Project out any unreferenced ResultColumns from the list and
reset the virtual column ids in the referenced ResultColumns.
If all ResultColumns are projected out, then the list is not empty.
exception: StandardException - Thrown on error |
expandAllsAndNameColumns | public void expandAllsAndNameColumns(FromList fromList) throws StandardException(Code) | | Expand any *'s in the ResultColumnList. In addition, we will guarantee that
each ResultColumn has a name. (All generated names will be unique across the
entire statement.)
exception: StandardException - Thrown on error |
expandToAll | public ResultColumnList expandToAll(TableDescriptor td, TableName tableName) throws StandardException(Code) | | Expand this ResultColumnList by adding all columns from the given
table that are not in this list. The result is sorted by column
Parameters: td - The TableDescriptor for the table in question Parameters: tableName - The name of the table as given in the query A new ResultColumnList expanded to include all columns inthe given table. exception: StandardException - Thrown on error |
exportNames | public void exportNames(String[] columnNames)(Code) | | Export the result column names to the passed in String[].
Parameters: columnNames - String[] to hold the column names. |
findParentResultColumn | public ResultColumn findParentResultColumn(ResultColumn childRC)(Code) | | Given a ResultColumn at the next deepest level in the tree,
search this RCL for its parent ResultColumn.
Parameters: childRC - The child ResultColumn ResultColumn The parent ResultColumn |
genVirtualColumnNodes | public void genVirtualColumnNodes(ResultSetNode sourceResultSet, ResultColumnList sourceResultColumnList) throws StandardException(Code) | | Walk the list and replace ResultColumn.expression with a new
VirtualColumnNode. This is useful when propagating a ResultColumnList
up the query tree.
NOTE: This flavor marks all of the underlying RCs as referenced.
Parameters: sourceResultSet - ResultSetNode that is source of value exception: StandardException - Thrown on error |
genVirtualColumnNodes | public void genVirtualColumnNodes(ResultSetNode sourceResultSet, ResultColumnList sourceResultColumnList, boolean markReferenced) throws StandardException(Code) | | Walk the list and replace ResultColumn.expression with a new
VirtualColumnNode. This is useful when propagating a ResultColumnList
up the query tree.
Parameters: sourceResultSet - ResultSetNode that is source of value Parameters: markReferenced - Whether or not to mark the underlying RCsas referenced exception: StandardException - Thrown on error |
generateCore | void generateCore(ExpressionClassBuilder acb, MethodBuilder mb, boolean genNulls) throws StandardException(Code) | | Generate the code to place the columns' values into
a row variable named "r". This wrapper is here
rather than in ResultColumn, because that class does
not know about the position of the columns in the list.
This is the method that does the work.
generateHolder | void generateHolder(ExpressionClassBuilder acb, MethodBuilder mb) throws StandardException(Code) | | Generates a row with the size and shape of the ResultColumnList.
Some structures, like FromBaseTable and DistinctNode,
need to generate rowAllocator functions to get a row
the size and shape of their ResultColumnList.
We return the method pointer, which is a field access
in the generated class.
exception: StandardException - |
getAtMostOneResultColumn | public ResultColumn getAtMostOneResultColumn(ColumnReference cr, String exposedTableName) throws StandardException(Code) | | Get a ResultColumn that matches the specified columnName and
mark the ResultColumn as being referenced.
NOTE - this flavor enforces no ambiguity (at most 1 match)
Only FromSubquery needs to call this flavor since
it can have ambiguous references in its own list.
Parameters: cr - The ColumnReference to resolve Parameters: exposedTableName - Exposed table name for FromTable the column that matches that name. exception: StandardException - Thrown on error |
getColumnNames | public String[] getColumnNames()(Code) | | Get an array of strings for all the columns
in this RCL.
the array of strings |
getColumnPositions | public int[] getColumnPositions(TableDescriptor td) throws StandardException(Code) | | Get an array of column positions (1-based) for all the columns
in this RCL. Assumes that all the columns are in the passed-in
the array of strings throws StandardException on error |
getColumnReferenceMap | public FormatableBitSet getColumnReferenceMap()(Code) | | Get a FormatableBitSet of the columns referenced in this rcl
the FormatableBitSet |
getCountMismatchAllowed | protected boolean getCountMismatchAllowed()(Code) | | Return whether or not a count mismatch is allowed between this RCL,
as a derived column list, and an underlying RCL. This is allowed
for SELECT * views when an underlying table has had columns added to it
return Whether or not a mismatch is allowed.
getJoinColumns | ResultColumnList getJoinColumns(ResultColumnList joinColumns)(Code) | | Get the join columns from this list.
This is useful for a join with a USING clause.
(ANSI specifies that the join columns appear 1st.)
Parameters: joinColumns - A list of the join columns. A list of the join columns from this list |
getOrderByColumn | public ResultColumn getOrderByColumn(int position)(Code) | | Get a ResultColumn from a column position (1-based) in the list,
null if out of range (for order by).
Parameters: position - The ResultColumn to get from the list (1-based) the column at that position, null if out of range |
getOrderByColumn | public ResultColumn getOrderByColumn(String columnName, TableName tableName, int tableNumber) throws StandardException(Code) | | For order by, get a ResultColumn that matches the specified
Parameters: columnName - The ResultColumn to get from the list Parameters: tableName - The table name on the OrderByColumn, if any Parameters: tableNumber - The tableNumber corresponding to the FromTable with theexposed name of tableName, if tableName != null. the column that matches that name. exception: StandardException - thrown on ambiguity |
getOrderByColumn | public ResultColumn getOrderByColumn(String columnName, TableName tableName) throws StandardException(Code) | | For order by, get a ResultColumn that matches the specified
Parameters: columnName - The ResultColumn to get from the list Parameters: tableName - The table name on the OrderByColumn, if any the column that matches that name. exception: StandardException - thrown on ambiguity |
getOrderBySelect | public int getOrderBySelect()(Code) | | |
getReferencedFormatableBitSet | FormatableBitSet getReferencedFormatableBitSet(boolean positionedUpdate, boolean always, boolean onlyBCNs)(Code) | | Generate a FormatableBitSet representing the columns that are referenced in this RCL.
The caller decides if they want this FormatableBitSet if every RC is referenced.
Parameters: positionedUpdate - Whether or not the scan that the RCL belongs to is for update w/o a column list Parameters: always - Whether or not caller always wants a non-null FormatableBitSet ifall RCs are referenced. Parameters: onlyBCNs - If true, only set bit if expression is a BaseColumnNode,otherwise set bit for all referenced RCs. The FormatableBitSet representing the referenced RCs. |
getResultColumn | public ResultColumn getResultColumn(int position)(Code) | | Get a ResultColumn from a column position (1-based) in the list
Parameters: position - The ResultColumn to get from the list (1-based) the column at that position. |
getResultColumn | public ResultColumn getResultColumn(int colNum, ResultSetNode rsn, int[] whichRC) throws StandardException(Code) | | Take a column position and a ResultSetNode and find the ResultColumn
in this RCL whose source result set is the same as the received
RSN and whose column position is the same as the received column
Parameters: colNum - The column position (w.r.t rsn) for which we're searching Parameters: rsn - The result set node for which we're searching. The ResultColumn in this RCL whose source is column colNumin result set rsn. That ResultColumn's position w.r.t to this RCLis also returned via the whichRC parameter. If no match is found,return null and leave whichRC untouched. |
getResultColumn | public ResultColumn getResultColumn(String columnName)(Code) | | Get a ResultColumn that matches the specified columnName and
mark the ResultColumn as being referenced.
Parameters: columnName - The ResultColumn to get from the list the column that matches that name. |
getResultColumn | public ResultColumn getResultColumn(String columnsTableName, String columnName)(Code) | | Get a ResultColumn that matches the specified columnName and
mark the ResultColumn as being referenced.
Parameters: columnsTableName - Qualifying name for the column Parameters: columnName - The ResultColumn to get from the list the column that matches that name. |
getSortedByPosition | ResultColumn[] getSortedByPosition()(Code) | | Return an array that contains references to the columns in this list
sorted by position.
The sorted array. |
getStreamStorableColIds | public int[] getStreamStorableColIds(int heapColCount) throws StandardException(Code) | | Return an array holding the 0 based heap offsets of
the StreamStorable columns in this ResultColumnList.
This returns null if this list does not contain any
StreamStorableColumns. The list this returns does not
contain duplicates. This should only be used for
a resultColumnList the refers to a single heap
such as the target for an Insert, Update or Delete.
Parameters: heapColCount - the number of heap columns exception: StandardException - Thrown on error |
getTotalColumnSize | public int getTotalColumnSize()(Code) | | Get the size of all the columns added
together. Does NOT include the
column overhead that the store requires.
Also, will be a very rough estimate for
user types.
the size |
hasConsistentTypeInfo | public boolean hasConsistentTypeInfo() throws StandardException(Code) | | Verify that all ResultColumns and their expressions have type information
and that the type information between the respective RCs and
expressions matches.
boolean Whether or not the type information is consistent |
incOrderBySelect | public void incOrderBySelect()(Code) | | |
isCloneable | public boolean isCloneable()(Code) | | Return whether or not this RCL can be flattened out of a tree.
It can only be flattened if the expressions are all cloneable.
boolean Whether or not this RCL can be flattened out of a tree. |
isExactTypeAndLengthMatch | public boolean isExactTypeAndLengthMatch(ResultColumnList otherRCL) throws StandardException(Code) | | Do the 2 RCLs have the same type & length.
This is useful for UNIONs when deciding whether a NormalizeResultSet is required.
Parameters: otherRCL - The other RCL. boolean Whether or not there is an exact UNION type match on the 2 RCLs. |
makeResultDescriptors | public ResultColumnDescriptor[] makeResultDescriptors()(Code) | | Make a ResultDescription for use in a ResultSet.
This is useful when generating/executing a NormalizeResultSet, since
it can appear anywhere in the tree.
A ResultDescription for this ResultSetNode. |
mapSourceColumns | int[] mapSourceColumns()(Code) | | Map the source columns to these columns. Build an array to represent the mapping.
For each RC, if the expression is simply a VCN or a CR then set the array element to be
the virtual column number of the source RC. Otherwise, set the array element to
This is useful for determining if we need to do reflection
at execution time.
Array representiong mapping of RCs to source RCs. |
markAllUnreferenced | public void markAllUnreferenced() throws StandardException(Code) | | Walk the list and mark all RCs as unreferenced. This is useful
when recalculating which RCs are referenced at what level like
when deciding which columns need to be returned from a non-matching
index scan (as opposed to those returned from the base table).
exception: StandardException - Thrown on error |
markColumnsInSelectListUpdatableByCursor | void markColumnsInSelectListUpdatableByCursor(Vector updateColumns)(Code) | | Mark all the columns in the select sql that this result column list represents
as updatable if they match the columns in the given update column list.
Parameters: updateColumns - A Vector representing the columnsto be updated. |
markInitialSize | protected void markInitialSize()(Code) | | |
markUpdatableByCursor | void markUpdatableByCursor()(Code) | | Mark all the (base) columns in this list as updatable by a positioned update
statement. This is necessary
for positioned update statements, because we expand the column list
to include all the columns in the base table, and we need to be able
to tell which ones the user is really trying to update so we can
determine correctly whether all the updated columns are in the
"for update" list.
markUpdatableByCursor | void markUpdatableByCursor(Vector updateColumns)(Code) | | Mark as updatable all the columns in this result column list
that match the columns in the given update column list
Parameters: updateColumns - A Vector representing the columnsto be updated. |
markUpdated | void markUpdated()(Code) | | Mark all the columns in this list as updated by an update statement.
markUpdated | void markUpdated(ResultColumnList updateColumns)(Code) | | Mark as updatable all the columns in this result column list
that match the columns in the given update column list.
Parameters: updateColumns - A ResultColumnList representing the columnsto be updated. |
nameAllResultColumns | public void nameAllResultColumns() throws StandardException(Code) | | Generate (unique across the entire statement) column names for those
ResultColumns in this list which are not named.
exception: StandardException - Thrown on error |
nopProjection | public boolean nopProjection(ResultColumnList childRCL)(Code) | | Determine whether this RCL is a No-Op projection of the given RCL.
It only makes sense to do this if the given RCL is from the child
result set of the ProjectRestrict that this RCL is from.
Parameters: childRCL - The ResultColumnList of the child result set. true if this RCL is a No-Op projection of the given RCL. |
populate | public void populate(TableDescriptor table, int[] columnIDs) throws StandardException(Code) | | Build this ResultColumnList from a table description and
an array of column IDs.
Parameters: table - describes the table Parameters: columnIDs - column positions in that table (1-based) exception: StandardException - Thrown on error |
preprocess | public void preprocess(int numTables, FromList outerFromList, SubqueryList outerSubqueryList, PredicateList outerPredicateList) throws StandardException(Code) | | Preprocess the expression trees under the RCL.
We do a number of transformations
here (including subqueries, IN lists, LIKE and BETWEEN) plus
subquery flattening.
NOTE: This is done before the outer ResultSetNode is preprocessed.
Parameters: numTables - Number of tables in the DML Statement Parameters: outerFromList - FromList from outer query block Parameters: outerSubqueryList - SubqueryList from outer query block Parameters: outerPredicateList - PredicateList from outer query block exception: StandardException - Thrown on error |
propagateDCLInfo | public void propagateDCLInfo(ResultColumnList derivedRCL, String tableName) throws StandardException(Code) | | Validate the derived column list (DCL) and propagate the info
from the list to the final ResultColumnList.
Parameters: derivedRCL - The derived column list Parameters: tableName - The table name for the FromTable exception: StandardException - Thrown on error |
pullVirtualIsReferenced | void pullVirtualIsReferenced()(Code) | | Or in any isReferenced booleans from the virtual column chain. That is the isReferenced bits on each
ResultColumn on the list will be set if the ResultColumn is referenced or if any VirtualColumnNode in its
expression chain refers to a referenced column.
recordColumnReferences | public void recordColumnReferences(int[] idArray, int basis)(Code) | | Record the column ids of the referenced columns in the specified array.
Parameters: idArray - int[] for column ids Parameters: basis - 0 (for 0-based ids) or 1 (for 1-based ids) |
recordColumnReferences | public void recordColumnReferences(boolean[] colArray1, JBitSet[] tableColMap, int tableNumber)(Code) | | Record the top level ColumnReferences in the specified array
and table map
This is useful when checking for uniqueness conditions.
NOTE: All top level CRs assumed to be from the same table.
The size of the array is expected to be the # of columns
in the table of interest + 1, so we use 1-base column #s.
Parameters: colArray1 - boolean[] for columns Parameters: tableColMap - JBitSet[] for tables Parameters: tableNumber - Table number of column references |
rejectParameters | void rejectParameters() throws StandardException(Code) | | Look for and reject ? parameters under ResultColumns. This is done for
SELECT statements.
exception: StandardException - Thrown if a ? parameter found directlyunder a ResultColumn |
rejectXMLValues | void rejectXMLValues() throws StandardException(Code) | | Check for (and reject) XML values directly under the ResultColumns.
This is done for SELECT/VALUES statements. We reject values
in this case because JDBC does not define an XML type/binding
and thus there's no standard way to pass such a type back
to a JDBC application.
Note that we DO allow an XML column in a top-level RCL
IF that column was added to the RCL by _us_ instead of
by the user. For example, if we have a table:
create table t1 (i int, x xml)
and the user query is:
select i from t1 order by x
the "x" column will be added (internally) to the RCL
as part of ORDER BY processing--and so we need to
allow that XML column to be bound without throwing
an error. If, as in this case, the XML column reference
is invalid (we can't use ORDER BY on an XML column because
XML values aren't ordered), a more appropriate error
message should be returned to the user in later processing.
If we didn't allow for this, the user would get an
error saying that XML columns are not valid as part
of the result set--but as far as s/he knows, there
isn't such a column: only "i" is supposed to be returned
(the RC for "x" was added to the RCL by _us_ as part of
ORDER BY processing).
ASSUMPTION: Any RCs that are generated internally and
added to this RCL (before this RCL is bound) are added
at the _end_ of the list. If that's true, then any
RC with an index greater than the size of the initial
(user-specified) list must have been added internally
and will not be returned to the user.
exception: StandardException - Thrown if an XML value founddirectly under a ResultColumn |
remapColumnReferencesToExpressions | public void remapColumnReferencesToExpressions() throws StandardException(Code) | | Remap all ColumnReferences in this tree to be clones of the
underlying expression.
exception: StandardException - Thrown on error |
removeJoinColumns | void removeJoinColumns(ResultColumnList joinColumns)(Code) | | Remove the columns which are join columns (in the
joinColumns RCL) from this list. This is useful
for a JOIN with a USING clause.
Parameters: joinColumns - The list of join columns |
resetVirtualColumnIds | void resetVirtualColumnIds()(Code) | | Reset the virtual column ids for all of the
underlying RCs. (Virtual column ids are 1-based.)
reusableResult | boolean reusableResult()(Code) | | Return whether or not the same result row can be used for all
rows returned by the associated ResultSet. This is possible
if all entries in the list are constants or AggregateNodes.
Whether or not the same result row can be used for allrows returned by the associated ResultSet. |
setClause | public void setClause(int clause)(Code) | | |
setCountMismatchAllowed | protected void setCountMismatchAllowed(boolean allowed)(Code) | | Set the value of whether or not a count mismatch is allowed between
this RCL, as a derived column list, and an underlying RCL. This is allowed
for SELECT * views when an underlying table has had columns added to it
Parameters: allowed - Whether or not a mismatch is allowed. |
setIndexRow | void setIndexRow(long cid, boolean forUpdate)(Code) | | |
setNullability | public void setNullability(boolean nullability)(Code) | | Set the nullability of every ResultColumn in this list
setRedundant | public void setRedundant()(Code) | | Mark all of the ResultColumns as redundant.
Useful when chopping a ResultSetNode out of a tree when there are
still references to its RCL.
setResultSetNumber | public void setResultSetNumber(int resultSetNumber)(Code) | | Set the resultSetNumber in all of the ResultColumns.
Parameters: resultSetNumber - The resultSetNumber |
setUnionResultExpression | public void setUnionResultExpression(ResultColumnList otherRCL, int tableNumber, int level, String operatorName) throws StandardException(Code) | | Set up the result expressions for a UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT:
o Verify union type compatiblity
o Get dominant type for result (type + max length + nullability)
o Create a new ColumnReference with dominant type and name of from this
RCL and make that the new expression.
o Set the type info for in the ResultColumn to the dominant type
NOTE - We are assuming that caller has generated a new RCL for the UNION
with the same names as the left side's RCL and copies of the expressions.
Parameters: otherRCL - RCL from other side of the UNION. Parameters: tableNumber - The tableNumber for the UNION. Parameters: level - The nesting level for the UNION. Parameters: operatorName - "UNION", "INTERSECT", or "EXCEPT" exception: StandardException - Thrown on error |
sortMe | public int[] sortMe()(Code) | | Return an array of all my column positions, sorted in
ascending order.
a sorted array |
treePrint | public void treePrint(int depth)(Code) | | This class needs a treePrint method, even though it is not a
descendant of QueryTreeNode, because its members contain tree
nodes, and these have to be printed and indented properly.
Parameters: depth - The depth at which to indent the sub-nodes |
updatableByCursor | boolean updatableByCursor(int columnPosition)(Code) | | Returns true if the given column position is for a column that will
be or could be updated by the positioned update of a cursor.
Parameters: columnPosition - The position of the column in question true if the column is updatable |
updateOverlaps | public boolean updateOverlaps(int[] columns)(Code) | | Does the column list contain any of the given column positions
that are updated? Implements same named routine in UpdateList.
Parameters: columns - An array of column positions True if this column list contains any of the given columns |
verifyCreateConstraintColumnList | public String verifyCreateConstraintColumnList(TableElementList tel)(Code) | | Verify that all of the column names in this list are contained
within the ColumnDefinitionNodes within the TableElementList.
String The 1st column name, if any, that is not in the list. |
verifyUniqueNames | public String verifyUniqueNames(boolean errForGenCols) throws StandardException(Code) | | Check the uniqueness of the column names within a column list.
Parameters: errForGenCols - Raise an error for any generated column names. String The first duplicate column name, if any. |
Methods inherited from org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.QueryTreeNode | public Visitable accept(Visitor v) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public QueryTreeNode bind() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public DataValueDescriptor convertDefaultNode(DataTypeDescriptor typeDescriptor) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) protected static void debugFlush()(Code)(Java Doc) public static void debugPrint(String outputString)(Code)(Java Doc) public void disablePrivilegeCollection()(Code)(Java Doc) public String executeSchemaName()(Code)(Java Doc) public String executeStatementName()(Code)(Java Doc) public static String formatNodeString(String nodeString, int depth)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean foundString(String[] list, String search)(Code)(Java Doc) public GeneratedClass generate(ByteArray ignored) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void generate(ActivationClassBuilder acb, MethodBuilder mb) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) void generateAuthorizeCheck(ActivationClassBuilder acb, MethodBuilder mb, int sqlOperation)(Code)(Java Doc) public int getBeginOffset()(Code)(Java Doc) final protected ClassFactory getClassFactory()(Code)(Java Doc) final protected CompilerContext getCompilerContext()(Code)(Java Doc) final public ContextManager getContextManager()(Code)(Java Doc) public Object getCursorInfo() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) final public DataDictionary getDataDictionary()(Code)(Java Doc) final public DependencyManager getDependencyManager()(Code)(Java Doc) public int getEndOffset()(Code)(Java Doc) final public ExecutionFactory getExecutionFactory()(Code)(Java Doc) final public GenericConstantActionFactory getGenericConstantActionFactory()(Code)(Java Doc) protected int getIntProperty(String value, String key) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) final protected LanguageConnectionContext getLanguageConnectionContext()(Code)(Java Doc) final public NodeFactory getNodeFactory()(Code)(Java Doc) protected int getNodeType()(Code)(Java Doc) public ConstantNode getNullNode(TypeId typeId, ContextManager cm) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public DataTypeDescriptor[] getParameterTypes() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public long getRowEstimate()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getSPSName()(Code)(Java Doc) final SchemaDescriptor getSchemaDescriptor(String schemaName) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) final SchemaDescriptor getSchemaDescriptor(String schemaName, boolean raiseError) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) protected int getStatementType()(Code)(Java Doc) final protected TableDescriptor getTableDescriptor(String tableName, SchemaDescriptor schema) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) final protected TypeCompiler getTypeCompiler(TypeId typeId)(Code)(Java Doc) public void init(Object arg1) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void init(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void init(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void init(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void init(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void init(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void init(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6, Object arg7) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void init(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6, Object arg7, Object arg8) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void init(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6, Object arg7, Object arg8, Object arg9) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void init(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6, Object arg7, Object arg8, Object arg9, Object arg10) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void init(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6, Object arg7, Object arg8, Object arg9, Object arg10, Object arg11) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void init(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6, Object arg7, Object arg8, Object arg9, Object arg10, Object arg11, Object arg12) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void init(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6, Object arg7, Object arg8, Object arg9, Object arg10, Object arg11, Object arg12, Object arg13) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void init(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6, Object arg7, Object arg8, Object arg9, Object arg10, Object arg11, Object arg12, Object arg13, Object arg14) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isAtomic() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean isInstanceOf(int nodeType)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isPrivilegeCollectionRequired()(Code)(Java Doc) final boolean isSessionSchema(SchemaDescriptor sd)(Code)(Java Doc) final boolean isSessionSchema(String schemaName)(Code)(Java Doc) public ConstantAction makeConstantAction() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public ResultDescription makeResultDescription() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public TableName makeTableName(String schemaName, String flatName) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean needsSavepoint()(Code)(Java Doc) protected String nodeHeader()(Code)(Java Doc) public QueryTreeNode optimize() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public static QueryTreeNode parseQueryText(CompilerContext compilerContext, String queryText, Object[] paramDefaults, LanguageConnectionContext lcc) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void printLabel(int depth, String label)(Code)(Java Doc) public void printSubNodes(int depth)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean referencesSessionSchema() throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public TableName resolveTableToSynonym(TableName tabName) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setBeginOffset(int beginOffset)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setContextManager(ContextManager cm)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setEndOffset(int endOffset)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setNodeType(int nodeType)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setRefActionInfo(long fkIndexConglomId, int[] fkColArray, String parentResultSetId, boolean dependentScan)(Code)(Java Doc) public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc) public void treePrint()(Code)(Java Doc) public void treePrint(int depth)(Code)(Java Doc) String verifyClassExist(String javaClassName, boolean convertCase) throws StandardException(Code)(Java Doc)