| org.apache.derby.impl.store.raw.data.AllocationActions
All known Subclasses: org.apache.derby.impl.store.raw.data.LoggableAllocActions, org.apache.derby.impl.store.raw.data.DirectAllocActions,
AllocationActions | public interface AllocationActions (Code) | | This interface describe the operations that has to do with page
allocation/deallocation. This interface is used for a special
allocation page that records the allocation information and dispense the
allocation policy.
Method Summary | |
public void | actionAllocatePage(RawTransaction t, BasePage allocPage, long pageNumber, int doStatus, int undoStatus) Set the allocation status of pageNumber to doStatus. | public void | actionChainAllocPage(RawTransaction t, BasePage allocPage, long pageNumber, long pageOffset) Chain one allocation page to the next. | public void | actionCompressSpaceOperation(RawTransaction t, BasePage allocPage, int new_highest_page, int num_pages_truncated) Compress free pages.
Compress the free pages at the end of the range maintained by
this allocation page. |
actionAllocatePage | public void actionAllocatePage(RawTransaction t, BasePage allocPage, long pageNumber, int doStatus, int undoStatus) throws StandardException(Code) | | Set the allocation status of pageNumber to doStatus. To undo this
operation, set the allocation status of pageNumber to undoStatus
Parameters: t - The transaction Parameters: allocPage - the allocation page Parameters: pageNumber - the page to allocation or deallocation Parameters: doStatus - set the allocation status of the page this value Parameters: undoStatus - on undo, set the allocation status of the pagethis value exception: StandardException - Standard Cloudscape error policy |
actionChainAllocPage | public void actionChainAllocPage(RawTransaction t, BasePage allocPage, long pageNumber, long pageOffset) throws StandardException(Code) | | Chain one allocation page to the next.
Parameters: t - The transaction Parameters: allocPage - the allocation page whose next page chain needsto be changed Parameters: pageNumber - the next allocation page's number Parameters: pageOffset - the next allocation page's page offset exception: StandardException - Standard Cloudscape error policy |
actionCompressSpaceOperation | public void actionCompressSpaceOperation(RawTransaction t, BasePage allocPage, int new_highest_page, int num_pages_truncated) throws StandardException(Code) | | Compress free pages.
Compress the free pages at the end of the range maintained by
this allocation page. All pages being compressed should be FREE.
Only pages in the last allocation page can be compressed.
Parameters: t - The transaction Parameters: allocPage - the allocation page to do compress on. Parameters: new_highest_page - The new highest page on this allocation page. The number is the offset of the pagein the array of pages maintained by this allocation page, for instance a value of 0 indicates all page except the first one areto be truncated. If all pages are truncated then the offset is set to -1. Parameters: num_pages_truncated - The number of allocated pages in this allocation page prior to the truncate. Note that all pages from NewHighestPage+1 through newHighestPage+num_pages_truncated should be FREE. exception: StandardException - Standard exception policy. |