| org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.DerbyJUnitTest org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.junitTests.compatibility.CompatibilitySuite
All known Subclasses: org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.junitTests.compatibility.JDBCDriverTest,
Inner Class :final public static class Creator | |
Inner Class :final public static class Version implements Comparable | |
Method Summary | |
public Version | getClientVMVersion()
Get the vm level of the client. | public Version | getDriverVersion()
Get the version of the client. | public static Version | getServerVMVersion()
Get the vm level of the server. | public Version | getServerVersion()
Get the version of the server. | public static String | getVMVersion()
Get the vm level of the server. | public static void | main(String args)
Run JDBC compatibility tests using either the specified client or
the client that is visible
on the classpath. | public static Test | suite()
JUnit boilerplate which adds as test cases all public methods
whose names start with the string "test" in the named classes. |
DRB_10_0 | final public static Version DRB_10_0(Code) | | |
DRB_10_1 | final public static Version DRB_10_1(Code) | | |
DRB_10_2 | final public static Version DRB_10_2(Code) | | |
IBM_2_4 | final public static Version IBM_2_4(Code) | | |
SERVER_VERSION_FUNCTION | final public static String SERVER_VERSION_FUNCTION(Code) | | |
VM_1_3 | final public static Version VM_1_3(Code) | | |
VM_1_4 | final public static Version VM_1_4(Code) | | |
VM_1_5 | final public static Version VM_1_5(Code) | | |
getClientVMVersion | public Version getClientVMVersion()(Code) | |
Get the vm level of the client.
getDriverVersion | public Version getDriverVersion()(Code) | |
Get the version of the client.
getServerVMVersion | public static Version getServerVMVersion()(Code) | |
Get the vm level of the server.
getServerVersion | public Version getServerVersion()(Code) | |
Get the version of the server.
getVMVersion | public static String getVMVersion()(Code) | |
Get the vm level of the server.
main | public static void main(String args) throws Exception(Code) | |
Run JDBC compatibility tests using either the specified client or
the client that is visible
on the classpath. If there is more than one client on the classpath,
exits with an error.
- arg[ 0 ] = required name of database to connect to
- arg[ 1 ] = optional driver to use. if not specified, we'll look for a
client on the classpath
suite | public static Test suite()(Code) | |
JUnit boilerplate which adds as test cases all public methods
whose names start with the string "test" in the named classes.
When you want to add a new class of tests, just wire it into
this suite.
Methods inherited from org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.DerbyJUnitTest | public static void alarm(String text)(Code)(Java Doc) public void assertColumnEquals(ResultSet rs, int columnNumber, Object[] expectedValues) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) public void assertColumnEquals(String message, ResultSet rs, int columnNumber, Object expectedValue) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) public void assertRow(ResultSet rs, Object[] expectedRow) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) public void assertScalar(Connection conn, String queryText, Object expectedResult) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) protected static void close(ResultSet rs)(Code)(Java Doc) protected static void close(Statement statement)(Code)(Java Doc) protected static void close(Connection conn)(Code)(Java Doc) public void compareBytes(String message, Object left, Object right) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) public void compareDates(String message, Object left, Object right) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) public void compareObjects(String message, Object left, Object right) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) protected void createDB(String databaseName) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) protected static void dropFunction(Connection conn, String name)(Code)(Java Doc) protected static void dropProcedure(Connection conn, String name)(Code)(Java Doc) protected static void dropSchemaObject(Connection conn, String genus, String objectName)(Code)(Java Doc) protected static void dropTable(Connection conn, String name)(Code)(Java Doc) protected static void execute(Connection conn, String text) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) protected static void executeDDL(Connection conn, String text) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void exit(int exitStatus)(Code)(Java Doc) protected static boolean faultInDriver(String[] clientSettings)(Code)(Java Doc) public static void findClientFromProperties() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) public static String[] getClientSettings()(Code)(Java Doc) protected Object getColumn(ResultSet rs, String columnName, int jdbcType) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) protected Object getColumn(ResultSet rs, int param, Object value) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) protected static Connection getConnection() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) protected static Connection getConnection(String[] clientSettings, String databaseName, Properties properties) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) protected Object getOutArg(CallableStatement cs, int arg, int jdbcType) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) public static void initializeForOldHarness(String[] args) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) public static boolean parseDebug()(Code)(Java Doc) protected static PreparedStatement prepare(Connection conn, String text) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) protected static CallableStatement prepareCall(Connection conn, String text) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public static void printStackTrace(Throwable t)(Code)(Java Doc) public static void println(String text)(Code)(Java Doc) public static void runUnderOldHarness(String[] args, Test suite) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) public static void setClient(String[] client)(Code)(Java Doc) public static void setDatabaseName(String databaseName)(Code)(Java Doc) public static void setDebug(boolean value)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void setParameter(PreparedStatement ps, int param, int jdbcType, Object value) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) protected void setParameter(PreparedStatement ps, int param, Object value) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) protected String singleQuote(String text)(Code)(Java Doc) protected static void truncateTable(Connection conn, String name) throws SQLException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean usingDB2Client()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean usingDerbyClient()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean usingEmbeddedClient()(Code)(Java Doc)