| EDU.purdue.cs.bloat.editor.EditorContext
EditorContext | public interface EditorContext (Code) | | An EditorContext supplies a means of loading and editing classes.
Note that a number of these methods are identical to methods in
Editor. It is expected that an EditorContext will have
a different caching (of ClassEditors, etc.) policy than
Editor does. Hence, the methods in EditorContext should
be used to edit classes, etc.
commit | public void commit(ClassInfo info)(Code) | | Commits the changes made to a class.
commit | public void commit(MethodInfo info)(Code) | | Commits the changes made to a method.
commit | public void commit(FieldInfo info)(Code) | | Commits the changes made to a field.
commit | public void commit()(Code) | | Commits all changes made to classes, methods, and fields.
editClass | public ClassEditor editClass(ClassInfo info)(Code) | | Returns a ClassEditor used to edit a class described by a
given ClassInfo.
getHierarchy | public ClassHierarchy getHierarchy()(Code) | | Returns the ClassHierarchy of all classes and interfaces known
newClass | public ClassEditor newClass(int modifiers, String className, Type superType, Type[] interfaces)(Code) | | Returns a ClassEditor for editing a new class with the
given name. It will override any class with the given name that is
already being edited.
newClassInfo | public ClassInfo newClassInfo(int modifiers, int classIndex, int superClassIndex, int[] interfaceIndexes, java.util.List constants)(Code) | | Creates a new ClassInfo
Parameters: modifiers - The modifiers describing the newly-created class Parameters: classIndex - The index of the name of the newly-created class in itsconstant pool Parameters: superClassIndex - The index of the name of the newly-created class's superclassin its constant pool Parameters: interfaceIndexes - The indexes of the names of the interfaces that thenewly-created class implements Parameters: constants - The constant pool for the newly created class (a list ofConstants). |
release | public void release(MethodInfo info)(Code) | | Signals that we are done editing a method. The object used to model it
may be reclaimed.
release | public void release(FieldInfo info)(Code) | | Signals that we are done editing a field. The object used to model it may
be reclaimed.
release | public void release(ClassInfo info)(Code) | | Signals that we are done editing a class. The object used to model it may
be reclaimed.