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1. 6.0 JDK Core
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3. 6.0 JDK Modules com.sun
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Source Cross Referenced  Class Diagram Java Document (Java Doc) 

001:        /*
002:         * Copyright 2004-2008 H2 Group. Licensed under the H2 License, Version 1.0
003:         * (license2)
004:         * Initial Developer: H2 Group
005:         */
006:        package;
008:        import;
009:        import;
010:        import;
011:        import;
012:        import;
013:        import;
014:        import;
015:        import;
016:        import;
017:        import;
018:        import;
019:        import;
020:        import java.util.ArrayList;
021:        import java.util.HashMap;
022:        import java.util.HashSet;
023:        import java.util.Iterator;
024:        import java.util.Map;
025:        import java.util.Properties;
026:        import java.util.Set;
027:        import java.util.Stack;
028:        import java.util.Map.Entry;
030:        import org.h2.server.web.PageParser;
031:        import;
032:        import org.h2.util.FileUtils;
033:        import org.h2.util.IOUtils;
034:        import org.h2.util.SortedProperties;
035:        import org.h2.util.StringUtils;
037:        /**
038:         * This class updates the translation source code files by parsing
039:         * the HTML documentation. It also generates the translated HTML
040:         * documentation.
041:         */
042:        public class PrepareTranslation {
043:            private static final String MAIN_LANGUAGE = "en";
044:            private static final String DELETED_PREFIX = "~";
045:            private static final boolean AUTO_TRANSLATE = false;
046:            private static final String[] EXCLUDE = { "datatypes.html",
047:                    "functions.html", "grammar.html" };
049:            public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
050:                new PrepareTranslation().run(args);
051:            }
053:            private void run(String[] args) throws Exception {
054:                String baseDir = "src/docsrc/textbase";
055:                prepare(baseDir, "src/main/org/h2/res");
056:                prepare(baseDir, "src/main/org/h2/server/web/res");
058:                // convert the txt files to properties files
059:                PropertiesToUTF8.textUTF8ToProperties(
060:                        "src/docsrc/text/_docs_de.utf8.txt",
061:                        "src/docsrc/text/");
062:                PropertiesToUTF8.textUTF8ToProperties(
063:                        "src/docsrc/text/_docs_ja.utf8.txt",
064:                        "src/docsrc/text/");
066:                // create the .jsp files and extract the text in the main language
067:                extractFromHtml("src/docsrc/html", "src/docsrc/text",
068:                        MAIN_LANGUAGE);
070:                // add missing translations and create a new baseline
071:                prepare(baseDir, "src/docsrc/text");
073:                // create the translated documentation
074:                buildHtml("src/docsrc/text", "docs/html", "en");
075:                // buildHtml("src/docsrc/text", "docs/html", "de");
076:                buildHtml("src/docsrc/text", "docs/html", "ja");
078:                // convert the properties files back to utf8 text files, including the
079:                // main language (to be used as a template)
080:                PropertiesToUTF8.propertiesToTextUTF8(
081:                        "src/docsrc/text/",
082:                        "src/docsrc/text/_docs_en.utf8.txt");
083:                PropertiesToUTF8.propertiesToTextUTF8(
084:                        "src/docsrc/text/",
085:                        "src/docsrc/text/_docs_de.utf8.txt");
086:                PropertiesToUTF8.propertiesToTextUTF8(
087:                        "src/docsrc/text/",
088:                        "src/docsrc/text/_docs_ja.utf8.txt");
090:                // delete temporary files
091:                File[] list = new File("src/docsrc/text").listFiles();
092:                for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
093:                    if (!list[i].getName().endsWith(".utf8.txt")) {
094:                        list[i].delete();
095:                    }
096:                }
097:            }
099:            private static void buildHtml(String templateDir, String targetDir,
100:                    String language) throws IOException {
101:                File[] list = new File(templateDir).listFiles();
102:                new File(targetDir).mkdirs();
103:                // load the main 'translation'
104:                String propName = templateDir + "/_docs_" + MAIN_LANGUAGE
105:                        + ".properties";
106:                Properties prop = FileUtils.loadProperties(propName);
107:                propName = templateDir + "/_docs_" + language + ".properties";
108:                if (!(new File(propName)).exists()) {
109:                    throw new IOException("Translation not found: " + propName);
110:                }
111:                Properties transProp = FileUtils.loadProperties(propName);
112:                for (Iterator it = transProp.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
113:                    String key = (String);
114:                    String t = transProp.getProperty(key);
115:                    // overload with translations, but not the ones starting with #
116:                    if (t.startsWith("##")) {
117:                        prop.put(key, t.substring(2));
118:                    } else if (!t.startsWith("#")) {
119:                        prop.put(key, t);
120:                    }
121:                }
122:                // add spaces to each token
123:                for (Iterator it = prop.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
124:                    String key = (String);
125:                    String t = prop.getProperty(key);
126:                    prop.put(key, " " + t + " ");
127:                }
129:                ArrayList fileNames = new ArrayList();
130:                for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
131:                    String name = list[i].getName();
132:                    if (!name.endsWith(".jsp")) {
133:                        continue;
134:                    }
135:                    // remove '.jsp'
136:                    name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 4);
137:                    fileNames.add(name);
138:                }
139:                for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
140:                    String name = list[i].getName();
141:                    if (!name.endsWith(".jsp")) {
142:                        continue;
143:                    }
144:                    // remove '.jsp'
145:                    name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 4);
146:                    String template = IOUtils.readStringAndClose(
147:                            new FileReader(templateDir + "/" + name + ".jsp"),
148:                            -1);
149:                    String html = PageParser.parse(null, template, prop);
150:                    html = StringUtils
151:                            .replaceAll(html, "lang=\"" + MAIN_LANGUAGE + "\"",
152:                                    "lang=\"" + language + "\"");
153:                    for (int j = 0; j < fileNames.size(); j++) {
154:                        String n = (String) fileNames.get(j);
155:                        if ("frame".equals(n)) {
156:                            // don't translate 'frame.html' to 'frame_ja.html', 
157:                            // otherwise we can't switch back to English
158:                            continue;
159:                        }
160:                        html = StringUtils.replaceAll(html, n + ".html\"", n
161:                                + "_" + language + ".html\"");
162:                    }
163:                    html = StringUtils.replaceAll(html, "_" + MAIN_LANGUAGE
164:                            + ".html\"", ".html\"");
165:                    String target;
166:                    if (language.equals(MAIN_LANGUAGE)) {
167:                        target = targetDir + "/" + name + ".html";
168:                    } else {
169:                        target = targetDir + "/" + name + "_" + language
170:                                + ".html";
171:                    }
172:                    OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(target);
173:                    OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(out,
174:                            "UTF-8");
175:                    writer.write(html);
176:                    writer.close();
177:                }
178:            }
180:            private static boolean exclude(String fileName) {
181:                for (int i = 0; i < EXCLUDE.length; i++) {
182:                    if (fileName.endsWith(EXCLUDE[i])) {
183:                        return true;
184:                    }
185:                }
186:                return false;
187:            }
189:            private static void extractFromHtml(String dir, String target,
190:                    String language) throws Exception {
191:                File[] list = new File(dir).listFiles();
192:                for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
193:                    File f = list[i];
194:                    String name = f.getName();
195:                    if (!name.endsWith(".html")) {
196:                        continue;
197:                    }
198:                    if (exclude(name)) {
199:                        continue;
200:                    }
201:                    // remove '.html'
202:                    name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 5);
203:                    if (name.indexOf('_') >= 0) {
204:                        // ignore translated files
205:                        continue;
206:                    }
207:                    String template = extract(name, f, target);
208:                    FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(target + "/" + name
209:                            + ".jsp");
210:                    writer.write(template);
211:                    writer.close();
212:                }
213:            }
215:            // private static boolean isText(String s) {
216:            // if (s.length() < 2) {
217:            // return false;
218:            // }
219:            // for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
220:            // char c = s.charAt(i);
221:            // if (!Character.isDigit(c) && c != '.' && c != '-' && c != '+') {
222:            // return true;
223:            // }
224:            // }
225:            // return false;
226:            // }
228:            private static String getSpace(String s, boolean start) {
229:                if (start) {
230:                    for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
231:                        if (!Character.isWhitespace(s.charAt(i))) {
232:                            if (i == 0) {
233:                                return "";
234:                            } else {
235:                                return s.substring(0, i);
236:                            }
237:                        }
238:                    }
239:                    return s;
240:                } else {
241:                    for (int i = s.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
242:                        if (!Character.isWhitespace(s.charAt(i))) {
243:                            if (i == s.length() - 1) {
244:                                return "";
245:                            } else {
246:                                return s.substring(i + 1, s.length());
247:                            }
248:                        }
249:                    }
250:                    // if all spaces, return an empty string to avoid duplicate spaces
251:                    return "";
252:                }
253:            }
255:            private static String extract(String documentName, File f,
256:                    String target) throws Exception {
257:                String xml = IOUtils.readStringAndClose(new InputStreamReader(
258:                        new FileInputStream(f), "UTF-8"), -1);
259:                StringBuffer template = new StringBuffer(xml.length());
260:                int id = 0;
261:                Properties prop = new SortedProperties();
262:                XMLParser parser = new XMLParser(xml);
263:                StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
264:                Stack stack = new Stack();
265:                String tag = "";
266:                boolean ignoreEnd = false;
267:                String nextKey = "";
268:                boolean templateIsCopy = false;
269:                while (true) {
270:                    int event =;
271:                    if (event == XMLParser.END_DOCUMENT) {
272:                        break;
273:                    } else if (event == XMLParser.CHARACTERS) {
274:                        String s = parser.getText();
275:                        String trim = s.trim();
276:                        if (trim.length() == 0) {
277:                            if (buff.length() > 0) {
278:                                buff.append(s);
279:                            } else {
280:                                template.append(s);
281:                            }
282:                        } else if ("p".equals(tag) || "li".equals(tag)
283:                                || "a".equals(tag) || "td".equals(tag)
284:                                || "th".equals(tag) || "h1".equals(tag)
285:                                || "h2".equals(tag) || "h3".equals(tag)
286:                                || "h4".equals(tag) || "body".equals(tag)
287:                                || "b".equals(tag) || "code".equals(tag)
288:                                || "form".equals(tag) || "span".equals(tag)
289:                                || "em".equals(tag)) {
290:                            if (buff.length() == 0) {
291:                                nextKey = documentName + "_" + (1000 + id++)
292:                                        + "_" + tag;
293:                                template.append(getSpace(s, true));
294:                            } else if (templateIsCopy) {
295:                                buff.append(getSpace(s, true));
296:                            }
297:                            if (templateIsCopy) {
298:                                buff.append(trim);
299:                                buff.append(getSpace(s, false));
300:                            } else {
301:                                buff.append(clean(trim));
302:                            }
303:                        } else if ("pre".equals(tag) || "title".equals(tag)
304:                                || "script".equals(tag) || "style".equals(tag)) {
305:                            // ignore, don't translate
306:                            template.append(s);
307:                        } else {
308:                            System.out.println(f.getName()
309:                                    + " invalid wrapper tag for text: " + tag
310:                                    + " text: " + s);
311:                            System.out.println(parser.getRemaining());
312:                            throw new Exception();
313:                        }
314:                    } else if (event == XMLParser.START_ELEMENT) {
315:                        stack.add(tag);
316:                        String name = parser.getName();
317:                        if ("code".equals(name) || "a".equals(name)
318:                                || "b".equals(name) || "span".equals(name)) {
319:                            // keep tags if wrapped, but not if this is the wrapper
320:                            if (buff.length() > 0) {
321:                                buff.append(' ');
322:                                buff.append(parser.getToken().trim());
323:                                ignoreEnd = false;
324:                            } else {
325:                                ignoreEnd = true;
326:                                template.append(parser.getToken());
327:                            }
328:                        } else if ("p".equals(tag) || "li".equals(tag)
329:                                || "td".equals(tag) || "th".equals(tag)
330:                                || "h1".equals(tag) || "h2".equals(tag)
331:                                || "h3".equals(tag) || "h4".equals(tag)
332:                                || "body".equals(tag) || "form".equals(tag)) {
333:                            if (buff.length() > 0) {
334:                                if (templateIsCopy) {
335:                                    template.append(buff.toString());
336:                                } else {
337:                                    template.append("${" + nextKey + "}");
338:                                }
339:                                add(prop, nextKey, buff);
340:                            }
341:                            template.append(parser.getToken());
342:                        } else {
343:                            template.append(parser.getToken());
344:                        }
345:                        tag = name;
346:                    } else if (event == XMLParser.END_ELEMENT) {
347:                        String name = parser.getName();
348:                        if ("code".equals(name) || "a".equals(name)
349:                                || "b".equals(name) || "span".equals(name)
350:                                || "em".equals(name)) {
351:                            if (ignoreEnd) {
352:                                if (buff.length() > 0) {
353:                                    if (templateIsCopy) {
354:                                        template.append(buff.toString());
355:                                    } else {
356:                                        template.append("${" + nextKey + "}");
357:                                    }
358:                                    add(prop, nextKey, buff);
359:                                }
360:                                template.append(parser.getToken());
361:                            } else {
362:                                if (buff.length() > 0) {
363:                                    buff.append(parser.getToken());
364:                                    buff.append(' ');
365:                                }
366:                            }
367:                        } else {
368:                            if (buff.length() > 0) {
369:                                if (templateIsCopy) {
370:                                    template.append(buff.toString());
371:                                } else {
372:                                    template.append("${" + nextKey + "}");
373:                                }
374:                                add(prop, nextKey, buff);
375:                            }
376:                            template.append(parser.getToken());
377:                        }
378:                        tag = (String) stack.pop();
379:                    } else if (event == XMLParser.DTD) {
380:                        template.append(parser.getToken());
381:                    } else if (event == XMLParser.COMMENT) {
382:                        template.append(parser.getToken());
383:                    } else {
384:                        int eventType = parser.getEventType();
385:                        throw new Exception("Unexpected event " + eventType
386:                                + " at " + parser.getRemaining());
387:                    }
388:                    // if(!xml.startsWith(template.toString())) {
389:                    // System.out.println(nextKey);
390:                    // System.out.println(template.substring(template.length()-60)
391:                    // +";");
392:                    // System.out.println(xml.substring(template.length()-60,
393:                    // template.length()));
394:                    // System.out.println(template.substring(template.length()-55)
395:                    // +";");
396:                    // System.out.println(xml.substring(template.length()-55,
397:                    // template.length()));
398:                    // break;
399:                    // }
400:                }
401:                new File(target).mkdirs();
402:                String propFileName = target + "/_docs_" + MAIN_LANGUAGE
403:                        + ".properties";
404:                Properties old = FileUtils.loadProperties(propFileName);
405:                prop.putAll(old);
406:                PropertiesToUTF8.storeProperties(prop, propFileName);
407:                String t = template.toString();
408:                if (templateIsCopy && !t.equals(xml)) {
409:                    for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(t.length(), xml.length()); i++) {
410:                        if (t.charAt(i) != xml.charAt(i)) {
411:                            int start = Math.max(0, i - 30), end = Math.min(
412:                                    i + 30, xml.length());
413:                            t = t.substring(start, end);
414:                            xml = xml.substring(start, end);
415:                        }
416:                    }
417:                    System.out
418:                            .println("xml--------------------------------------------------: ");
419:                    System.out.println(xml);
420:                    System.out
421:                            .println("t---------------------------------------------------: ");
422:                    System.out.println(t);
423:                    System.exit(1);
424:                }
425:                return t;
426:            }
428:            private static String clean(String text) {
429:                if (text.indexOf('\r') < 0 && text.indexOf('\n') < 0) {
430:                    return text;
431:                }
432:                text = text.replace('\r', ' ');
433:                text = text.replace('\n', ' ');
434:                text = StringUtils.replaceAll(text, "  ", " ");
435:                text = StringUtils.replaceAll(text, "  ", " ");
436:                return text;
437:            }
439:            private static void add(Properties prop, String document,
440:                    StringBuffer text) {
441:                String s = text.toString().trim();
442:                text.setLength(0);
443:                prop.setProperty(document, s);
444:            }
446:            private void prepare(String baseDir, String path)
447:                    throws IOException {
448:                File dir = new File(path);
449:                File[] list = dir.listFiles();
450:                File main = null;
451:                ArrayList translations = new ArrayList();
452:                for (int i = 0; list != null && i < list.length; i++) {
453:                    File f = list[i];
454:                    if (f.getName().endsWith(".properties")) {
455:                        if (f.getName().endsWith(
456:                                "_" + MAIN_LANGUAGE + ".properties")) {
457:                            main = f;
458:                        } else {
459:                            translations.add(f);
460:                        }
461:                    }
462:                }
463:                Properties p = FileUtils.loadProperties(main.getAbsolutePath());
464:                Properties base = FileUtils.loadProperties(baseDir + "/"
465:                        + main.getName());
466:                PropertiesToUTF8.storeProperties(p, main.getAbsolutePath());
467:                for (int i = 0; i < translations.size(); i++) {
468:                    File trans = (File) translations.get(i);
469:                    String language = trans.getName();
470:                    language = language.substring(
471:                            language.lastIndexOf('_') + 1, language
472:                                    .lastIndexOf('.'));
473:                    prepare(p, base, trans, language);
474:                }
475:                PropertiesToUTF8.storeProperties(p, baseDir + "/"
476:                        + main.getName());
477:            }
479:            private void prepare(Properties main, Properties base, File trans,
480:                    String language) throws IOException {
481:                Properties p = FileUtils
482:                        .loadProperties(trans.getAbsolutePath());
483:                Properties oldTranslations = new Properties();
484:                for (Iterator it = base.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
485:                    String key = (String);
486:                    String m = base.getProperty(key);
487:                    String t = p.getProperty(key);
488:                    if (t != null && !t.startsWith("#")) {
489:                        oldTranslations.setProperty(m, t);
490:                    }
491:                }
492:                HashSet toTranslate = new HashSet();
493:                // add missing keys, using # and the value from the main file
494:                Iterator it = main.keySet().iterator();
495:                while (it.hasNext()) {
496:                    String key = (String);
497:                    String now = main.getProperty(key);
498:                    if (!p.containsKey(key)) {
499:                        String t = oldTranslations.getProperty(now);
500:                        if (t == null) {
501:                            if (AUTO_TRANSLATE) {
502:                                toTranslate.add(key);
503:                            } else {
504:                                System.out
505:                                        .println(trans.getName()
506:                                                + ": key "
507:                                                + key
508:                                                + " not found in translation file; added dummy # 'translation'");
509:                                t = "#" + now;
510:                                p.put(key, t);
511:                            }
512:                        } else {
513:                            p.put(key, t);
514:                        }
515:                    } else {
516:                        String t = p.getProperty(key);
517:                        String last = base.getProperty(key);
518:                        if (t.startsWith("#") && !t.startsWith("##")) {
519:                            // not translated before
520:                            t = oldTranslations.getProperty(now);
521:                            if (t == null) {
522:                                t = "#" + now;
523:                            }
524:                            p.put(key, t);
525:                        } else if (last != null && !last.equals(now)) {
526:                            t = oldTranslations.getProperty(now);
527:                            if (t == null) {
528:                                // main data changed since the last run: review translation
529:                                System.out.println(trans.getName() + ": key "
530:                                        + key
531:                                        + " changed, please review; last="
532:                                        + last + " now=" + now);
533:                                if (AUTO_TRANSLATE) {
534:                                    toTranslate.add(key);
535:                                } else {
536:                                    String old = p.getProperty(key);
537:                                    t = "#" + now + " #" + old;
538:                                    p.put(key, t);
539:                                }
540:                            } else {
541:                                p.put(key, t);
542:                            }
543:                        }
544:                    }
545:                }
546:                Map autoTranslated = new HashMap();
547:                if (AUTO_TRANSLATE) {
548:                    HashSet set = new HashSet();
549:                    for (it = toTranslate.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
550:                        String key = (String);
551:                        String now = main.getProperty(key);
552:                        set.add(now);
553:                    }
554:                    if ("de".equals(language)) {
555:                        autoTranslated = autoTranslate(set, "en", language);
556:                    }
557:                }
558:                for (it = toTranslate.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
559:                    String key = (String);
560:                    String now = main.getProperty(key);
561:                    String t;
562:                    if (AUTO_TRANSLATE) {
563:                        t = "##" + autoTranslated.get(now);
564:                    } else {
565:                        System.out
566:                                .println(trans.getName()
567:                                        + ": key "
568:                                        + key
569:                                        + " not found in translation file; added dummy # 'translation'");
570:                        t = "#" + now;
571:                    }
572:                    p.put(key, t);
573:                }
574:                // remove keys that don't exist in the main file (deleted or typo in the key)
575:                it = new ArrayList(p.keySet()).iterator();
576:                while (it.hasNext()) {
577:                    String key = (String);
578:                    if (!main.containsKey(key)
579:                            && !key.startsWith(DELETED_PREFIX)) {
580:                        String newKey = key;
581:                        while (true) {
582:                            newKey = DELETED_PREFIX + newKey;
583:                            if (!p.containsKey(newKey)) {
584:                                break;
585:                            }
586:                        }
587:                        System.out.println(trans.getName() + ": key " + key
588:                                + " not found in main file; renamed to "
589:                                + newKey);
590:                        p.put(newKey, p.getProperty(key));
591:                        p.remove(key);
592:                    }
593:                }
594:                PropertiesToUTF8.storeProperties(p, trans.getAbsolutePath());
595:            }
597:            private Map autoTranslate(Set toTranslate, String sourceLanguage,
598:                    String targetLanguage) {
599:                HashMap results = new HashMap();
600:                if (toTranslate.size() == 0) {
601:                    return results;
602:                }
603:                int maxLength = 1500;
604:                int minSeparator = 100000;
605:                HashMap keyMap = new HashMap(toTranslate.size());
606:                StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(maxLength);
607:                // TODO make sure these numbers don't occur in the original text
608:                int separator = minSeparator;
609:                for (Iterator it = toTranslate.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
610:                    String original = (String);
611:                    if (original != null) {
612:                        original = original.trim();
613:                        if (buff.length() + original.length() > maxLength) {
614:                            System.out
615:                                    .println("remaining: "
616:                                            + (toTranslate.size() - separator + minSeparator));
617:                            translateChunk(buff, separator, sourceLanguage,
618:                                    targetLanguage, keyMap, results);
619:                        }
620:                        keyMap.put(new Integer(separator), original);
621:                        buff.append(separator);
622:                        buff.append(' ');
623:                        buff.append(original);
624:                        buff.append(' ');
625:                        separator++;
626:                    }
627:                }
628:                translateChunk(buff, separator, sourceLanguage, targetLanguage,
629:                        keyMap, results);
630:                return results;
631:            }
633:            private void translateChunk(StringBuffer buff, int separator,
634:                    String source, String target, HashMap keyMap,
635:                    HashMap results) {
636:                buff.append(separator);
637:                String original = buff.toString();
638:                String translation = "";
639:                try {
640:                    translation = translate(original, source, target);
641:                    System.out.println("original: " + original);
642:                    System.out.println("translation: " + translation);
643:                } catch (Throwable e) {
644:                    System.out.println("Exception translating [" + original
645:                            + "]: " + e);
646:                    e.printStackTrace();
647:                }
648:                for (Iterator it = keyMap.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
649:                    Entry entry = (Entry);
650:                    separator = ((Integer) entry.getKey()).intValue();
651:                    String o = (String) entry.getValue();
652:                    String startSeparator = String.valueOf(separator);
653:                    int start = translation.indexOf(startSeparator);
654:                    int end = translation
655:                            .indexOf(String.valueOf(separator + 1));
656:                    if (start < 0 || end < 0) {
657:                        System.out.println("No translation for " + o);
658:                        results.put(o, "#" + o);
659:                    } else {
660:                        String t = translation.substring(start
661:                                + startSeparator.length(), end);
662:                        t = t.trim();
663:                        results.put(o, t);
664:                    }
665:                }
666:                keyMap.clear();
667:                buff.setLength(0);
668:            }
670:            /**
671:             * Translate the text using Google Translate
672:             */
673:            String translate(String text, String sourceLanguage,
674:                    String targetLanguage) throws Exception {
675:                Thread.sleep(4000);
676:                String url = ""
677:                        + sourceLanguage
678:                        + "|"
679:                        + targetLanguage
680:                        + "&text="
681:                        + URLEncoder.encode(text, "UTF-8");
682:                HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) (new URL(url))
683:                        .openConnection();
684:                conn.setRequestProperty("User-Agent",
685:                        "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Java)");
686:                String result = IOUtils.readStringAndClose(IOUtils
687:                        .getReader(conn.getInputStream()), -1);
688:                int start = result.indexOf("<div id=result_box");
689:                start = result.indexOf('>', start) + 1;
690:                int end = result.indexOf("</div>", start);
691:                return result.substring(start, end);
692:            }
694:        } | Contact Us
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