Utilities that test classes can call to execute a specified command and to
evaluate the exit status and output of said execution.
harnessInstance.exec() executes the given program (Java or not).
Any time thereafter, harnessInstance can be interrogated for exit
status and text output.
ExecHarness can emulate user interaction with SqlTool, but you can
not use ExecHarness interactively.
To execute java classes, you can either give the classpath by setting the
environmental var before running this program, or by giving the classpath
switch to the target program.
Main test class, containing several JDBC and script based tests to
verify correct operation of the engine.
The tests consist of the following:
Built-in tests for operations, especially those relating to JDBC.
Speed tests using insert / delete / update on a simple table.
Script based SQL tests consisting of:
TestSelf.txt : the main test script.
TestSelfXXXX.txt : specialised test scripts that
will be run in alphabetical filename order.
Tests can be added by writing new scripts in the standard format described
in TestSelf.txt and naming the script in the correct format,
TestSelfXXXX.txt, where XXXX is the description of the new
The database can be shutdown at the end of each script (using the
SHUTDOWN command).