| |
| java.awt.Panel java.applet.Applet org.hsqldb.util.QueryTool
QueryTool | public class QueryTool extends Applet implements WindowListener,ActionListener(Code) | | Simple demonstration applet
author: Thomas Mueller (Hypersonic SQL Group) version: 1.7.0 since: Hypersonic SQL |
bApplication | boolean bApplication(Code) | | |
fMain | static Frame fMain(Code) | | You can start QueryTool without a browser and applet
using using this method. Type 'java QueryTool' to start it.
This is necessary if you want to use the standalone version
because appletviewer and internet browers do not allow the
applet to write to disk.
iMaxRecent | static int iMaxRecent(Code) | | |
action | public boolean action(Event evt, Object arg)(Code) | | This is function handles the events when a button is clicked or
when the used double-clicked on the listbox of recent commands.
actionPerformed | public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev)(Code) | | Method declaration
Parameters: ev - |
formatResultSet | void formatResultSet(ResultSet r)(Code) | | Method declaration
Parameters: r - |
init | public void init()(Code) | | Initializes the window and the database and inserts some test data.
insertTestData | void insertTestData()(Code) | | Method declaration
main | public static void main(String[] arg)(Code) | | Method declaration
Parameters: arg - |
printHelp | static void printHelp()(Code) | | Method declaration
trace | void trace(String s)(Code) | | Method declaration
Parameters: s - |
windowActivated | public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e)(Code) | | Method declaration
Parameters: e - |
windowClosed | public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e)(Code) | | Method declaration
Parameters: e - |
windowClosing | public void windowClosing(WindowEvent ev)(Code) | | Method declaration
Parameters: ev - |
windowDeactivated | public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e)(Code) | | Method declaration
Parameters: e - |
windowDeiconified | public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e)(Code) | | Method declaration
Parameters: e - |
windowIconified | public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e)(Code) | | Method declaration
Parameters: e - |
windowOpened | public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e)(Code) | | Method declaration
Parameters: e - |