com.mckoi.database.jdbcserver - Server and embedded-database classes
Implementation of the DatabaseInterface interface,
including classes to handle local (embedded) mode
and remote (client/server) mode.
See DatabaseInterface.
Local (Embedded) mode
When accessing a local database, the client uses an instance of
(as set up while
Establishing a Connection)
to directly access the underlying database.
See Local Queries.
Remote (Client/Server) mode
When accessing a remote database,
requests in the client are directed to an instance of
(as set up while
Establishing a Connection)
to send the requests over a TCP connection to the database server.
The server uses an instance of
to execute SQL statements in local mode on behalf of the client.
See Remote Queries.
Local Queries
When an application is accessing a local database,
or when considering query processing within the database server,
SQL queries all go through
This method uses
to execute the
execQuery method
(see Query Execution)
of the contained
in the first available
The calling thread waits for the WorkerThread to finish and return a
which is used by the caller to set up a
Remote Queries
When an application is running in remote mode,
SQL queries are processed by the private ConnectionThread class within
The executeQuery method in this class writes the sql query string to
the socket attached to the server and returns an integer ID for that
sql request.
This is followed by a call to the getCommand method, which blocks until
it times out or until it gets a reply from the server for the right ID.
If a reply is received, the first byte is decoded as a status byte.
On success, an inner-class instance of
is returned; on error, error info is read from the response and used
to create and throw an exception.
Data is written to the server in the calling thread.
There is a separate thread
(an instance of the private class RemoteDatabaseInterface.ConnectionThread in
to read the data coming back from the server,
which is placed into a buffer where it can be accessed by other threads.
Query Execution
Queries in local mode and queries handled by the database server
are both processed by
This method always runs in a
The execQuery method takes these steps to execute the query:
- Set user and connection data into the WorkerThread.
- Output debug log info.
- Record start time.
- Parse sql statement into statement_tree, check cache.
- Bind values for query parameters.
- Prepare all expression in statement tree.
- Convert to instance of some
Statement subclass
(such as
Insert or
These are all in the package
- Set up locking.
- Finish preparing statement.
- Get list of tables to read and write.
- Lock tables.
- Evaluate the Statement using
This is different for each different type of Statement.
- Place results into result set cache.
- Unlock tables.
- Check autoCommit, do commit or rollback if set.
- Record end time.
- Return
info (an instance of the private class JDIQueryResponse in
Service Initialization
After the database server has been started
and initialized its database, it begins listening for client connections.
This happens in
The server creates a
either a
SingleThreadedConnectionPoolServer (when running in single-thead mode) or a
MultiThreadedConnectionPoolServer (when running in multi-thread mode).
The start method starts a listener thread and then returns.
The server listener thread sits in a loop blocked waiting for new connections.
When a new connection is accepted, the server creates a new
for that connection, wraps it in a
and adds that to the
Client Requests
In single-thread mode,
the SingleThreadedConnectionPoolServer handles all client reads
in a single thread.
For each connection with a request, it calls
TCPJDBCServerConnection.processRequest on that connection,
to execute it in a WorkerThread.
In multi-thread mode,
the MultiThreadedConnectionPoolServer starts a separate thread to handle
reads for each connection.
Each thread blocks until it has a request available, then calls
TCPJDBCServerConnection.processRequest on that connection,
to execute it in a WorkerThread.
In either single-thread or multi-thread mode, client requests end up getting
passed to
This method reads the command data, then calls
JDBCProcessor.processJDBCCommand with those bytes.
That method calls
JDBCProcessor.processQuery, which looks at the first byte of the
requests to see what it is.
If the request type is a database query (as opposed to retrieval of
part of a ResultSet), it creates a
SQLQuery from the data and calls
execQuery on its
(see Query Execution above).
The result is encoded as a
which is converted back to bytes and written back to the client.
Note that this is all running in a
so the call to DatabaseInterface.execQuery is in a WorkerThread, as required.
If there is an exception during processing of a client request,
the message and traceback for the exception are encoded and
returned to the client, which recognizes the packet as an exception,
decodes the data on its side, and throws an exception in the client.