There are two kind of links in Perst: embedded and implemented as standalone object (collection).
This interface extends Link interface with getOwner/setOwner methods allowing to bind link with
its container.
This interface allows to associate class loader with the particular persistent class.
When persistent object is stored in Perst storage, Perst checks if class descriptor for
this class is already present in the storage.
Class using NIO mapping file on virtual mapping.
Useing this class instead standard OSFile can significantly increase
speed of application in some cases.
PATRICIA trie (Practical Algorithm To Retrieve Information Coded In Alphanumeric).
Tries are a kind of tree where each node holds a common part of one or more keys.
Interface of sorted collection.
Sorted collections keeps in members in order specified by comparator.
Members in the collections can be located using key or range of keys.
The SortedCollection is efficient container of objects for in-memory databases.
For databases which size is significatly larger than size of page pool, operation with SortedList
can cause trashing and so very bad performance.
Abstract base class for time series block.
Progammer has to define its own block class derived from this class
containign array of time series elements and providing getTicks()
method to access this array.