| java.lang.Object org.garret.rdf.VersionedStorage
VersionedStorage | public class VersionedStorage (Code) | | Main class
Inner Class :class ReferenceIterator implements Iterator | |
Inner Class :static class SearchResult implements Iterator | |
keywordSeparators | public static char[] keywordSeparators(Code) | | List of separator characters used to split string into keywords
keywordStopList | public static HashSet keywordStopList(Code) | | List of most commonly used words which should be ignored andnot included in inverse index
beginTransaction | public void beginTransaction()(Code) | | Begin new write transction: set exclusive lock
close | public void close()(Code) | | Close database
commit | public void commit()(Code) | | Commit current transaction
createObject | public Thing createObject(String uri, String type, NameVal[] props)(Code) | | Create bew object. If version history with this URI is not exists, it is created first.
Then new object version is created and appended to this version history.
Parameters: uri - object URI Parameters: type - URI of object type Parameters: props - object properties created object version |
getLatestVersion | public Thing getLatestVersion(String uri)(Code) | | Get latest verion of object with specified URI
Parameters: uri - object URI latest version of object or null if no such object is found |
getObject | public VersionHistory getObject(String uri)(Code) | | Get verion history by URI
Parameters: uri - object URI version history or null if no such object is found |
getVersion | public Thing getVersion(String uri, SearchKind kind, Date timestamp)(Code) | | Get verion history by URI and timestamp
Parameters: uri - object URI Parameters: kind - search kind, should be object SearchKind.LatestVersion, SearchKind.LatestBefore or SearchKind.OldestAfter Parameters: timestamp - timestamp used to locate version version of the object or null if no such version is found |
open | public void open(String filePath)(Code) | | Open database
Parameters: filePath - path to the database file |
rollback | public void rollback()(Code) | | Rollback current transaction
search | public Iterator search(String type, String uri, NameVal[] patterns, SearchKind kind, Date timestamp)(Code) | | Get iterator through object matching specified search parameters
Parameters: type - String representing type of the object (direct or indirect - IsInstanceOfmethod will be used to check if object belongs to the specified type). It may be null, in this case type criteria is skipped. Parameters: uri - Object URI pattern. It may be null, in this case URI is not inspected. Parameters: patterns - array of name:value pairs specifying search condition for object properties Parameters: kind - search kind used to select inspected versions Parameters: timestamp - timestamp used to select versions, if kind is SearchKind.LatestVersionor SearchKind.AllVersions this parameter is ignored Enumerator through object meet search criteria. |