Method Summary |
abstract public void | changeUser(String userName, String newPassword) Changes the user on this connection by performing a re-authentication. |
abstract public void | clearHasTriedMaster() |
abstract public PreparedStatement | clientPrepareStatement(String sql) Prepares a statement on the client, using client-side emulation
(irregardless of the configuration property 'useServerPrepStmts')
with the same semantics as the java.sql.Connection.prepareStatement()
method with the same argument types. |
abstract public java.sql.PreparedStatement | clientPrepareStatement(String sql, int autoGenKeyIndex) Prepares a statement on the client, using client-side emulation
(irregardless of the configuration property 'useServerPrepStmts')
with the same semantics as the java.sql.Connection.prepareStatement()
method with the same argument types. |
abstract public PreparedStatement | clientPrepareStatement(String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency) Prepares a statement on the client, using client-side emulation
(irregardless of the configuration property 'useServerPrepStmts')
with the same semantics as the java.sql.Connection.prepareStatement()
method with the same argument types. |
abstract public java.sql.PreparedStatement | clientPrepareStatement(String sql, int[] autoGenKeyIndexes) Prepares a statement on the client, using client-side emulation
(irregardless of the configuration property 'useServerPrepStmts')
with the same semantics as the java.sql.Connection.prepareStatement()
method with the same argument types. |
abstract public java.sql.PreparedStatement | clientPrepareStatement(String sql, String[] autoGenKeyColNames) Prepares a statement on the client, using client-side emulation
(irregardless of the configuration property 'useServerPrepStmts')
with the same semantics as the java.sql.Connection.prepareStatement()
method with the same argument types. |
abstract public int | getActiveStatementCount() Returns the number of statements active on this connection, which
haven't been .close()d. |
abstract public long | getIdleFor() Reports how long this connection has been idle. |
abstract public Log | getLog() Returns the log mechanism that should be used to log information from/for
this Connection. |
abstract public String | getServerCharacterEncoding() |
abstract public TimeZone | getServerTimezoneTZ() Returns the TimeZone that represents the configured
timezone for the server. |
abstract public String | getStatementComment() Returns the comment that will be prepended to all statements
sent to the server. |
abstract public boolean | hasTriedMaster() Has this connection tried to execute a query on the "master"
server (first host in a multiple host list). |
abstract public boolean | isInGlobalTx() |
abstract public boolean | isMasterConnection() |
abstract public boolean | isNoBackslashEscapesSet() |
abstract public boolean | lowerCaseTableNames() |
abstract public boolean | parserKnowsUnicode() |
abstract public void | ping() Detect if the connection is still good by sending a ping command
to the server. |
abstract public void | resetServerState() Resets the server-side state of this connection. |
abstract public ServerPreparedStatement | serverPrepareStatement(String sql) Prepares a statement on the server (irregardless of the
configuration property 'useServerPrepStmts') with the same semantics
as the java.sql.Connection.prepareStatement() method with the
same argument types. |
abstract public java.sql.PreparedStatement | serverPrepareStatement(String sql, int autoGenKeyIndex) Prepares a statement on the server (irregardless of the
configuration property 'useServerPrepStmts') with the same semantics
as the java.sql.Connection.prepareStatement() method with the
same argument types. |
abstract public java.sql.PreparedStatement | serverPrepareStatement(String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency) Prepares a statement on the server (irregardless of the
configuration property 'useServerPrepStmts') with the same semantics
as the java.sql.Connection.prepareStatement() method with the
same argument types. |
abstract public java.sql.PreparedStatement | serverPrepareStatement(String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency, int resultSetHoldability) Prepares a statement on the server (irregardless of the
configuration property 'useServerPrepStmts') with the same semantics
as the java.sql.Connection.prepareStatement() method with the
same argument types. |
abstract public java.sql.PreparedStatement | serverPrepareStatement(String sql, int[] autoGenKeyIndexes) Prepares a statement on the server (irregardless of the
configuration property 'useServerPrepStmts') with the same semantics
as the java.sql.Connection.prepareStatement() method with the
same argument types. |
abstract public java.sql.PreparedStatement | serverPrepareStatement(String sql, String[] autoGenKeyColNames) Prepares a statement on the server (irregardless of the
configuration property 'useServerPrepStmts') with the same semantics
as the java.sql.Connection.prepareStatement() method with the
same argument types. |
abstract public void | setFailedOver(boolean flag) |
abstract public void | setPreferSlaveDuringFailover(boolean flag) |
abstract public void | setStatementComment(String comment) Sets the comment that will be prepended to all statements
sent to the server. |
abstract public void | shutdownServer() |
abstract public boolean | supportsIsolationLevel() |
abstract public boolean | supportsQuotedIdentifiers() |
abstract public boolean | supportsTransactions() |
abstract public boolean | versionMeetsMinimum(int major, int minor, int subminor) |