COLUMN Column granularity: entries in the cache are invalidated based on column
final public static int
COLUMN_UNIQUE Column granularity with UNIQUE queries: same as COLUMN
except that UNIQUE queries that selects a single row based
on a key are invalidated only when needed.
final public static int
DATABASE Database granularity: entries in the cache are invalidated every time a
write (INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/DROP/...) is sent to the database.
final public static int
TABLE Table granularity: entries in the cache are invalidated based on table
Column granularity with UNIQUE queries: same as COLUMN
except that UNIQUE queries that selects a single row based
on a key are invalidated only when needed.
Table granularity: entries in the cache are invalidated based on table
Method Detail
final public static String getGranularityName(int cacheGrain)(Code)
Gets the name corresponding to a cache granularity level.
Parameters: cacheGrain - cache granularity level the name of the granularity level
final public static String getGranularityXml(int cacheGrain)(Code)
This method is needed to convert the value into the corresponding xml
attribute value. If fails, returns noInvalidation granularity value so the
xml retrieved can be used.
Parameters: cacheGrain - cache granularity level the xml attribute value of the granularity level