FetchPlan for fields for use within JPOX Core.
A FetchPlan has a series of FetchPlanForClass objects being the fetch plan for particular classes.
Each FetchPlanForClass defines a series of fields of that class that are part of the fetch plan.
There are two types of fetch groups under consideration here.
Static fetch groups, defined in MetaData (XML/Annotations).
setMaxFetchDepth(int max) Mutator for the maximum fetch depth where
-1 implies no restriction on the fetch depth and
0 is invalid and throws a JDOUserException.
Method to notify this FetchPlan that the specified FetchGroup has been updated.
JPOX dynamic fetch groups extension Parameters: group - The dynamic FetchGroup since: 1.2
Method to notify this FetchPlan that the specified FetchGroup has been updated.
JPOX dynamic fetch groups extension Parameters: group - The dynamic FetchGroup since: 1.2
Set the classes used for roots of the detachment graph for DetachAllOnCommit.
Parameters: rootClasses - Classes to be used as roots of the detachment graph The fetch plan with these roots
Method to set the groups using an array.
Parameters: fetchGroupNames - Names of the fetch groups The Fetch Plan
public synchronized FetchPlan setMaxFetchDepth(int max)(Code)
Mutator for the maximum fetch depth where
-1 implies no restriction on the fetch depth and
0 is invalid and throws a JDOUserException.
Parameters: max - The maximum fetch depth to fetch to