Method Summary |
boolean | allowDeleteOfNonPersistentObject() Whether the API allows deletion of a non-persistent object. |
boolean | allowPersistOfDeletedObject() Whether the API allows (re-)persistence of a deleted object. |
boolean | allowReadFieldOfDeletedObject() Whether the API allows reading a field of a deleted object. |
boolean | clearLoadedFlagsOnDeleteObject() Whether the API requires clearing of the fields of an object when it is deleted. |
boolean | getDefaultCascadeDeleteForField() |
boolean | getDefaultCascadePersistForField() |
boolean | getDefaultCascadeRefreshForField() |
boolean | getDefaultCascadeUpdateForField() |
Map | getDefaultFactoryProperties() |
Object | getIdForObject(Object obj) Method to return the object identity for the passed persistable object. |
Class | getKeyTypeForSingleFieldIdentityType(Class idType) Accessor for the type of the single field application-identity key given the single field identity type. |
LifeCycleState | getLifeCycleState(int stateType) Returns the LifeCycleState for the state constant. |
Object | getNewApplicationIdentityObjectId(Object pc, AbstractClassMetaData cmd) Method to create a new object identity for the passed object with the supplied MetaData. |
Object | getNewApplicationIdentityObjectId(Class cls, Object key) Method to return a new object identity for the specified class, and key (possibly toString() output). |
Object | getNewSingleFieldIdentity(Class idType, Class pcType, Object value) Utility to create a new SingleFieldIdentity using reflection when you know the
type of the PersistenceCapable, and also which SingleFieldIdentity, and the value of the key.
Parameters: idType - Type of SingleFieldIdentity Parameters: pcType - Type of the PersistenceCapable Parameters: value - The value for the identity (the Long, or Int, or ... |
Object | getObjectId(StateManager sm) Accessor for the object id from the StateManager for this object. |
String | getObjectState(Object obj) Accessor for the object state. |
Object | getPersistenceManager(Object obj) Accessor for the persistence manager for this object. |
String | getSingleFieldIdentityClassNameForByte() Accessor for the class name to use for identities when there is a single Byte/byte field. |
String | getSingleFieldIdentityClassNameForChar() Accessor for the class name to use for identities when there is a single Character/char field. |
String | getSingleFieldIdentityClassNameForInt() Accessor for the class name to use for identities when there is a single Integer/int field. |
String | getSingleFieldIdentityClassNameForLong() Accessor for the class name to use for identities when there is a single Long/long field. |
String | getSingleFieldIdentityClassNameForObject() Accessor for the class name to use for identities when there is a single Object field. |
String | getSingleFieldIdentityClassNameForShort() Accessor for the class name to use for identities when there is a single Short/short field. |
String | getSingleFieldIdentityClassNameForString() Accessor for the class name to use for identities when there is a single String field. |
Class | getTargetClassForSingleFieldIdentity(Object id) Accessor for the target class for the specified single field identity. |
String | getTargetClassNameForSingleFieldIdentity(Object id) Accessor for the target class name for the specified single field identity. |
Object | getTargetKeyForSingleFieldIdentity(Object id) Accessor for the key object for the specified single field identity. |
Object | getVersion(StateManager sm) Accessor for the version from the StateManager for this object. |
Object | getVersionForObject(Object obj) Method to return the object version for the passed persistable object. |
boolean | isDeleted(Object obj) Accessor for whether the passed object is deleted. |
boolean | isDetachable(Object obj) Method to return if the passed object is detachable using this API. |
boolean | isDetached(Object obj) Accessor for whether the passed object is detached. |
boolean | isDirty(Object obj) Accessor for whether the passed object is dirty. |
boolean | isLoaded(StateManager sm, int fieldNumber) |
boolean | isNew(Object obj) Accessor for whether the passed object is new. |
boolean | isPersistable(Object obj) Method to return if the passed object is persistable using this API. |
boolean | isPersistable(Class cls) Utility method to check if the specified class is of a type that can be persisted for this API. |
boolean | isPersistent(Object obj) Accessor for whether the passed object is persistent. |
boolean | isSingleFieldIdentity(Object id) Accessor for whether the passed identity is a valid single-field application-identity for this API. |
boolean | isSingleFieldIdentityClass(String className) Accessor for whether the passed class name is a valid single-field application-identity for this API. |
boolean | isTransactional(Object obj) Accessor for whether the passed object is transactional. |
boolean | isValidPrimaryKeyClass(Class pkClass, AbstractClassMetaData cmd, ClassLoaderResolver clr, int noOfPkFields) Utility to check if a primary-key class is valid. |
void | makeFieldDirty(Object obj, String fieldName) Method to make the field dirty in the object. |
StateManager | newStateManager(ObjectManager om, AbstractClassMetaData acmd) Method to create a new StateManager for the ObjectManager and class. |