| java.lang.Object org.jpox.state.AbstractStateManager org.jpox.state.JDOStateManagerImpl
JDOStateManagerImpl | final public class JDOStateManagerImpl extends AbstractStateManager implements StateManager(Code) | | Implementation of the StateManager.
Implemented here as one StateManager per Object so adds on functionality particular
to each object. All PersistenceCapable objects will have a StateManager when they
have had communication with the PersistenceManager. They will typically always have
an identity also. The exception to that is for embedded/serialised objects.
Embedded/Serialised Objects
An object that is being embedded/serialised in an owning object will NOT have an identity
unless the object is subject to a makePersistent() call also. When an object
is embedded/serialised and a field is changed, the field will NOT be marked as dirty (unless
it is also an object in its own right with an identity). When a field is changed
any owning objects are updated so that they can update their tables accordingly.
Performance and Memory
StateManagers are very performance-critical, because for each PersistentCapable object made persistent,
there will be one StateManager instance, adding up to the total memory footprint of that object.
In heap profiling analysis, JDOStateManagerImpls showed to consume bytes 169 per StateManager by itself
and about 500 bytes per StateManager when taking PC-individual child-object (like the OID) referred
by the StateManager into account. With small Java objects this can mean a substantial memory overhead and
for applications using such small objects can be critical. For this reason the StateManager should always
be minimal in memory consumption.
version: $Revision: 1.190 $ |
Method Summary | |
public void | addEmbeddedOwner(org.jpox.StateManager ownerSM, int ownerFieldNumber) Method to register an owner StateManager with this embedded/serialised object. | public void | addInsertionNotifier(StateManager sm, ActivityState activityState) Method to add a notifier that we must contact when we have finished our insertion. | public void | attach(boolean embedded) Method to attach the object managed by this StateManager. | public Object | attachCopy(Object obj, boolean embedded) Method to attach a copy of the detached persistable instance and return the (attached) copy. | public void | changeActivityState(ActivityState activityState, DatastoreClass table) Change the activity state. | public void | checkInheritance(FieldValues fv) Look to the database to determine which class this object is. | public void | checkManagedRelations() Method to check all updated managed relations in this object. | public void | clearFields() Method to clear all fields of the object. | public void | clearLoadedFlags() Method to clear all loaded flags on the object. | public void | clearManagedRelations() Method to clear all initial values for bidirectional fields involved in "managed relationships". | public void | clearNonPrimaryKeyFields() Method to clear all fields that are not part of the primary key of the object. | public void | clearSavedFields() Method to clear all saved fields on the object. | public void | copyFieldsFromObject(PersistenceCapable pc, int[] fieldNumbers) Convenience method to update our object with the field values from the passed object. | public void | deletePersistent() Method to delete the object from persistence. | public void | detach(FetchPlanState state) Method to detach this object.
If the object is detachable then it will be migrated to DETACHED state, otherwise will migrate
to TRANSIENT. | public Object | detachCopy(FetchPlanState state) Method to make detached copy of this instance
If the object is detachable then the copy will be migrated to DETACHED state, otherwise will migrate
the copy to TRANSIENT. | public void | disconnect() Disconnect the StateManager from the PersistenceManager and PC object. | protected boolean | disconnectClone(PersistenceCapable pc) Method to disconnect any cloned persistence capable objects from their
StateManager. | public void | dump(PrintWriter out) Utility to dump the contents of the StateManager. | public void | enlistInTransaction() Method to enlist the managed object in the current transaction. | public void | evict() Method to change the object state to evicted. | public void | evictFromTransaction() Method to evict the managed object from the current transaction. | public void | flush() Flushes any outstanding changes to the object to the datastore. | public boolean | getAllFieldsLoaded() Returns whether all fields are loaded. | public boolean[] | getDirtyFields() Creates a copy of the
JDOStateManagerImpl.dirtyFields bitmap. | public org.jpox.StateManager[] | getEmbeddedOwners() Accessor for the owning StateManagers for the managed object when stored embedded. | public Object | getExternalObjectId(Object obj) Return an object id that the user can use. | public CachedPC | getL2CacheableObject() Accessor for a L2-Cacheable form of this PersistenceCapable object.
This currently marks all non-relation fields as cacheable, and hence all relations will not be
stored in the L2 cached object. | public Object | getObjectId(PersistenceCapable pc) Return the object representing the JDO identity of the calling instance. | public javax.jdo.PersistenceManager | getPersistenceManager(PersistenceCapable pc) Accessor for the PersistenceManager that owns this instance. | public Object | getReferencedPC() Accessor for the referenced PC object when we are attaching or detaching. | public RelationshipManager | getRelationshipManager() Accessor for the relationship manager, and create if not existing and we are managing relations. | public Object | getTransactionalObjectId(PersistenceCapable pc) Return the object representing the JDO identity
of the calling instance. | public Object | getValueForExternalField(JavaTypeMapping mapping) Accessor for the value of an external field. | public void | initialiseForCachedPC(Object pc, Object id, boolean loaded, Class pcClass) Initialise to create a StateManager for a PersistenceCapable object, assigning the specified id to the object. | public void | initialiseForDetached(Object pc, Object id, Object version) Initialises the StateManager to manage a PersistenceCapable object in detached state. | public void | initialiseForEmbedded(Object pc, boolean copyPc) Initialises a state manager to manage a PersistenceCapable instance that will be EMBEDDED/SERIALISED
into another PersistenceCapable object. | public void | initialiseForHollow(Object id, FieldValues fv, Class pcClass) Initialises a state manager to manage a hollow instance having the given object ID and the given
(optional) field values. | public void | initialiseForHollowAppId(FieldValues fv, Class pcClass) Initialises a state manager to manage a HOLLOW / P_CLEAN instance having the given FieldValues. | public void | initialiseForHollowPreConstructed(Object id, Object pc) Initialises a state manager to manage the given hollow instance having the given object ID. | public void | initialiseForPNewToBeDeleted(Object pc) Initialises the StateManager to manage a PersistenceCapable object that is not persistent but is
about to be deleted. | public void | initialiseForPersistentClean(Object id, Object pc) Initialises a state manager to manage the passed persistent instance having the given object ID.
Used where we have retrieved a PC object from a datastore directly (not field-by-field), for example on
an object datastore. | public void | initialiseForPersistentNew(Object pc, FieldValues preInsertChanges) Initialises a state manager to manage a transient instance that is becoming newly persistent. | public void | initialiseForTransactionalTransient(Object pc) Initialises a state manager to manage a Transactional Transient instance. | void | insertionCompleted(JDOStateManagerImpl sm) Method called by another StateManager when this object has registered that it needs to know
when the other object has been inserted. | public boolean | isDeleting() Tests whether this object is being deleted. | public boolean | isDirty() Returns whether the object being managed is dirty. | public boolean | isInserted(int fieldNumber) Returns whether the field of this object is inserted in the datastore. | public boolean | isInserted(String className) Returns whether this object is inserted in the datastore far enough to be considered
of the supplied type. | public boolean | isInserting() Tests whether this object is being inserted. | public boolean | isLoaded(PersistenceCapable pc, int field) Return true if the field is cached in the calling instance.
In the JPOX implementation of this method, isLoaded() will always
return true. | public boolean | isWaitingToBeFlushedToDatastore() Accessor for whether the instance is newly persistent yet hasnt yet been flushed to the datastore. | public void | loadField(int fieldNumber) Convenience method to load the specified field if not loaded. | public void | loadFieldFromDatastore(int fieldNumber) Convenience method to load a field from the datastore. | public void | loadFieldValues(FieldValues fv) Convenience method to load the passed field values. | public void | loadFieldsInFetchPlan(FetchPlanState state) Method to load all unloaded fields in the FetchPlan. | protected void | loadSpecifiedFields(int[] fieldNumbers) Fetch the specified fields from the database. | public void | loadUnloadedFields() Fetch from the database all fields that are not currently loaded regardless of whether
they are in the current fetch group or not. | public void | loadUnloadedFieldsInFetchPlan() Fetchs from the database all fields that are not currently loaded and that are in the current
fetch group. | public void | loadUnloadedFieldsOfClassInFetchPlan(FetchPlan fetchPlan) Fetchs from the database all fields in the actual fetch plan. | public void | locate() Locate the object in the datastore. | public void | makeDirty(int field) Marks the given field dirty.
Parameters: field - The no of field to mark as dirty. | public void | makeDirty(PersistenceCapable pc, String fieldName) Mark the associated PersistenceCapable field dirty. | public void | makeNontransactional() Method to change the object state to nontransactional. | public void | makePersistent() Method to make the object persistent. | public void | makePersistentTransactionalTransient() Makes Transactional Transient instances persistent. | public void | makeTransactional() Method to change the object state to transactional. | public void | makeTransient(FetchPlanState state) Method to change the object state to transient. | public void | nullifyFields() | public void | postCommit(org.jpox.Transaction tx) | public void | preBegin(org.jpox.Transaction tx) Method invoked just before a transaction starts for the ObjectManager managing us. | public void | preRollback(org.jpox.Transaction tx) This method is invoked just before a rollback is performed in a Transaction
involving the PersistenceCapable managed by this StateManager. | public void | preSerialize(PersistenceCapable pc) Guarantee that the serializable transactional and persistent fields
are loaded into the instance. | public void | processManagedRelations() Method to process all updated managed relations in this object. | public Object | provideField(int fieldNumber) Method to return the current value of a particular field. | public void | provideFields(int fieldNumbers, FieldManager fm) Called from the StoreManager after StoreManager.update() is called to
obtain updated values from the PersistenceCapable associated with this
Parameters: fieldNumbers - An array of field numbers to be updated by the Store Parameters: fm - The updated values are stored in this object. | public void | refresh() Method to refresh the object. | public void | refreshFieldsInFetchPlan() Refreshes from the database all fields in fetch plan. | public void | refreshLoadedFields() Refreshes from the database all fields currently loaded. | public void | registerTransactional() | public void | removeEmbeddedOwner(StateManager ownerSM, int ownerFieldNumber) Method to remove an owner StateManager from this embedded/serialised objects owners list. | public void | replaceAllLoadedSCOFieldsWithValues() Method to replace all loaded SCO fields that have wrappers with their value. | public void | replaceAllLoadedSCOFieldsWithWrappers() Method to replace all loaded SCO fields with wrappers. | public void | replaceField(int fieldNumber, Object value, boolean makeDirty) Method to change the value of a particular field. | public void | replaceFieldValue(int fieldNumber, Object newValue) Convenience method to change the value of a field that is assumed loaded.
Will mark the object/field as dirty if it isnt previously. | public void | replaceFields(int fieldNumbers, FieldManager fm, boolean replaceWhenDirty) Called from the StoreManager to refresh data in the PersistenceCapable
object associated with this StateManager.
Parameters: fieldNumbers - An array of field numbers to be refreshed by the Store Parameters: fm - The updated values are stored in this object. | public void | replaceFields(int fieldNumbers, FieldManager fm) Called from the StoreManager to refresh data in the PersistenceCapable
object associated with this StateManager.
Parameters: fieldNumbers - An array of field numbers to be refreshed by the Store Parameters: fm - The updated values are stored in this object. | public void | replaceManagedPC(PersistenceCapable pc) Method that replaces the PC managed by this StateManager to be the supplied object.
This happens when we want to get an object for an id and create a Hollow object, and then validate
against the datastore. | public void | replaceNonLoadedFields(int fieldNumbers, FieldManager fm) Called from the StoreManager to refresh data in the PersistenceCapable
object associated with this StateManager. | public Object[] | replacingDetachedState(Detachable pc, Object[] currentState) Method to update the "detached state" in the detached object
to obtain the "detached state" from the detached object, or
to reset it (to null). | public byte | replacingFlags(PersistenceCapable pc) The StateManager uses this method to supply the value of jdoFlags to the
associated PersistenceCapable instance. | public StateManager | replacingStateManager(PersistenceCapable pc, StateManager sm) Replace the current value of jdoStateManager.
This method is called by the PersistenceCapable whenever
jdoReplaceStateManager is called and there is already
an owning StateManager. | public void | resetDetachState() Convenience method to reset the detached state in the current object. | public void | restoreFields() Method to restore all fields of the object. | public void | retrieve(boolean fgOnly) Method to retrieve the object. | public void | retrieve(FetchPlan fetchPlan) Method to retrieve the object. | public void | retrieveDetachState(org.jpox.StateManager sm) | public void | runReachability(Set reachables) Method to mark an object for reachability. | public void | saveFields() Method to save all fields of the object. | public void | setBooleanField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, boolean currentValue, boolean newValue) This method is called by the associated PersistenceCapable when the
corresponding mutator method (setXXX()) is called on the
PersistenceCapable. | public void | setByteField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, byte currentValue, byte newValue) This method is called by the associated PersistenceCapable when the
corresponding mutator method (setXXX()) is called on the
PersistenceCapable. | public void | setCharField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, char currentValue, char newValue) This method is called by the associated PersistenceCapable when the
corresponding mutator method (setXXX()) is called on the
PersistenceCapable. | public void | setDoubleField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, double currentValue, double newValue) This method is called by the associated PersistenceCapable when the
corresponding mutator method (setXXX()) is called on the
PersistenceCapable. | public void | setExternalFieldValueForMapping(JavaTypeMapping mapping, Object value) | public void | setFloatField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, float currentValue, float newValue) This method is called by the associated PersistenceCapable when the
corresponding mutator method (setXXX()) is called on the
PersistenceCapable. | public void | setIntField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, int currentValue, int newValue) This method is called by the associated PersistenceCapable when the
corresponding mutator method (setXXX()) is called on the
PersistenceCapable. | public void | setLongField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, long currentValue, long newValue) This method is called by the associated PersistenceCapable when the
corresponding mutator method (setXXX()) is called on the
PersistenceCapable. | public void | setObjectField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, Object currentValue, Object newValue) This method is called by the associated PersistenceCapable when the
corresponding mutator method (setXXX()) is called on the PersistenceCapable. | public void | setPostStoreNewObjectId(Object id) If the id is obtained after inserting the object into the database, set
new a new id for persistent classes (for example, increment). | public void | setShortField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, short currentValue, short newValue) This method is called by the associated PersistenceCapable when the
corresponding mutator method (setXXX()) is called on the
PersistenceCapable. | public void | setStoringPC() Method to set the storing PC flag. | public void | setStringField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, String currentValue, String newValue) This method is called by the associated PersistenceCapable when the
corresponding mutator method (setXXX()) is called on the
PersistenceCapable. | public void | unloadField(String fieldName) Convenience method to unload a field/property. | public void | unloadNonFetchPlanFields() Method that will unload all fields that are not in the FetchPlan. | public void | unsetStoringPC() Method to unset the storing PC flag. | public Object | unwrapSCOField(int fieldNumber, Object value, boolean replaceFieldIfChanged) Method to unwrap a SCO field (if it is wrapped currently). | public void | updateFieldAfterInsert(Object pc, int fieldNumber) Marks the given field as being required to be updated when the specified object has been inserted. | public void | validate() Validates whether the persistence capable instance exists in the datastore. | public Object | wrapSCOField(int fieldNumber, Object value, boolean forInsert, boolean forUpdate, boolean replaceFieldIfChanged) Method to create a new SCO wrapper for the specified field. |
loadingFieldsInFetchPlan | boolean loadingFieldsInFetchPlan(Code) | | |
JDOStateManagerImpl | public JDOStateManagerImpl(ObjectManager om, AbstractClassMetaData cmd)(Code) | | Basic constructor. Delegates to the superclass.
Parameters: om - The ObjectManager Parameters: cmd - the metadata for the class. |
addEmbeddedOwner | public void addEmbeddedOwner(org.jpox.StateManager ownerSM, int ownerFieldNumber)(Code) | | Method to register an owner StateManager with this embedded/serialised object.
Parameters: ownerSM - The owning State Manager. Parameters: ownerFieldNumber - The field number in the owner that the embedded/serialised object is stored as |
addInsertionNotifier | public void addInsertionNotifier(StateManager sm, ActivityState activityState)(Code) | | Method to add a notifier that we must contact when we have finished our insertion.
Parameters: sm - the state manager Parameters: activityState - the ActivityState (unused) |
attach | public void attach(boolean embedded)(Code) | | Method to attach the object managed by this StateManager.
Parameters: embedded - Whether it is embedded since: 1.2 |
attachCopy | public Object attachCopy(Object obj, boolean embedded)(Code) | | Method to attach a copy of the detached persistable instance and return the (attached) copy.
Parameters: obj - the detached persistable instance to be attached Parameters: embedded - Whether the object is stored embedded/serialised in another object The attached copy since: 1.1 |
changeActivityState | public void changeActivityState(ActivityState activityState, DatastoreClass table)(Code) | | Change the activity state.
Parameters: activityState - the new state Parameters: table - Datastore class that has just been processed |
checkInheritance | public void checkInheritance(FieldValues fv)(Code) | | Look to the database to determine which class this object is. This parameter is a hint. Set false, if it's
already determined the correct pcClass for this pc "object" in a certain
level in the hierarchy. Set to true and it will look to the database.
Parameters: fv - the initial field values of the object. |
checkManagedRelations | public void checkManagedRelations()(Code) | | Method to check all updated managed relations in this object.
clearFields | public void clearFields()(Code) | | Method to clear all fields of the object.
clearLoadedFlags | public void clearLoadedFlags()(Code) | | Method to clear all loaded flags on the object.
Note that the contract of this method implies, especially for object database backends, that the memory form
of the object is outdated.
Thus, for features like implicit saving of dirty object subgraphs should be switched off for this PC, even if the
object actually looks like being dirty (because it is being changed to null values).
clearManagedRelations | public void clearManagedRelations()(Code) | | Method to clear all initial values for bidirectional fields involved in "managed relationships".
clearNonPrimaryKeyFields | public void clearNonPrimaryKeyFields()(Code) | | Method to clear all fields that are not part of the primary key of the object.
clearSavedFields | public void clearSavedFields()(Code) | | Method to clear all saved fields on the object.
copyFieldsFromObject | public void copyFieldsFromObject(PersistenceCapable pc, int[] fieldNumbers)(Code) | | Convenience method to update our object with the field values from the passed object.
Objects need to be of the same type, and the other object should not have a StateManager.
Parameters: pc - The object that we should copy fields from |
deletePersistent | public void deletePersistent()(Code) | | Method to delete the object from persistence.
detach | public void detach(FetchPlanState state)(Code) | | Method to detach this object.
If the object is detachable then it will be migrated to DETACHED state, otherwise will migrate
to TRANSIENT. Used by "DetachAllOnCommit".
Parameters: state - State for the detachment process |
detachCopy | public Object detachCopy(FetchPlanState state)(Code) | | Method to make detached copy of this instance
If the object is detachable then the copy will be migrated to DETACHED state, otherwise will migrate
the copy to TRANSIENT. Used by "ObjectManager.detachObjectCopy()".
Parameters: state - State for the detachment process the detached PersistenceCapable instance since: 1.1 |
disconnect | public void disconnect()(Code) | | Disconnect the StateManager from the PersistenceManager and PC object.
disconnectClone | protected boolean disconnectClone(PersistenceCapable pc)(Code) | | Method to disconnect any cloned persistence capable objects from their
Parameters: pc - The PersistenceCapable object Whether the object was disconnected. |
dump | public void dump(PrintWriter out)(Code) | | Utility to dump the contents of the StateManager.
Parameters: out - PrintWriter to dump to |
enlistInTransaction | public void enlistInTransaction()(Code) | | Method to enlist the managed object in the current transaction.
evict | public void evict()(Code) | | Method to change the object state to evicted.
evictFromTransaction | public void evictFromTransaction()(Code) | | Method to evict the managed object from the current transaction.
flush | public void flush()(Code) | | Flushes any outstanding changes to the object to the datastore.
This will process :-
- Any objects that have been marked as provisionally persistent yet havent been flushed to the datastore.
- Any objects that have been marked as provisionally deleted yet havent been flushed to the datastore.
- Any fields that have been updated.
getAllFieldsLoaded | public boolean getAllFieldsLoaded()(Code) | | Returns whether all fields are loaded.
Returns true if all fields are loaded. |
getEmbeddedOwners | public org.jpox.StateManager[] getEmbeddedOwners()(Code) | | Accessor for the owning StateManagers for the managed object when stored embedded.
Should really only have a single owner but users could, in principle, assign it to multiple.
StateManagers owning this embedded object. |
getExternalObjectId | public Object getExternalObjectId(Object obj)(Code) | | Return an object id that the user can use.
Parameters: obj - the PersistenceCapable object the object id |
getL2CacheableObject | public CachedPC getL2CacheableObject()(Code) | | Accessor for a L2-Cacheable form of this PersistenceCapable object.
This currently marks all non-relation fields as cacheable, and hence all relations will not be
stored in the L2 cached object. See CORE-3215.
The L2 cacheable object |
getObjectId | public Object getObjectId(PersistenceCapable pc)(Code) | | Return the object representing the JDO identity of the calling instance.
According to the JDO specification, if the JDO identity is being changed
in the current transaction, this method returns the JDO identify as of
the beginning of the transaction.
Parameters: pc - the calling PersistenceCapable instance the object representing the JDO identity of the calling instance |
getPersistenceManager | public javax.jdo.PersistenceManager getPersistenceManager(PersistenceCapable pc)(Code) | | Accessor for the PersistenceManager that owns this instance.
Parameters: pc - The PersistenceCapable instance The PersistenceManager that owns this instance |
getReferencedPC | public Object getReferencedPC()(Code) | | Accessor for the referenced PC object when we are attaching or detaching.
When attaching and this is the detached object this returns the newly attached object.
When attaching and this is the newly attached object this returns the detached object.
When detaching and this is the newly detached object this returns the attached object.
When detaching and this is the attached object this returns the newly detached object.
The referenced object (or null). |
getRelationshipManager | public RelationshipManager getRelationshipManager()(Code) | | Accessor for the relationship manager, and create if not existing and we are managing relations.
The Relationship manager |
getTransactionalObjectId | public Object getTransactionalObjectId(PersistenceCapable pc)(Code) | | Return the object representing the JDO identity
of the calling instance. If the JDO identity is being changed in
the current transaction, this method returns the current identity as
changed in the transaction.
Parameters: pc - the calling PersistenceCapable instance the object representing the JDO identity of the calling instance |
getValueForExternalField | public Object getValueForExternalField(JavaTypeMapping mapping)(Code) | | Accessor for the value of an external field.
This is used when inserting this object so that we can insert the external field values too.
Parameters: mapping - The external field mapping The value for this mapping |
initialiseForCachedPC | public void initialiseForCachedPC(Object pc, Object id, boolean loaded, Class pcClass)(Code) | | Initialise to create a StateManager for a PersistenceCapable object, assigning the specified id to the object.
This is used when getting objects out of the L2 Cache, where they have no StateManager assigned, and returning
them as associated with a particular PM.
Parameters: pc - The PersistenceCapable object Parameters: id - Id to assign to the PersistenceCapable object Parameters: loaded - The list of loaded fields (when put in the cache) Parameters: pcClass - Class of the object that this will manage the state for |
initialiseForDetached | public void initialiseForDetached(Object pc, Object id, Object version)(Code) | | Initialises the StateManager to manage a PersistenceCapable object in detached state.
Parameters: pc - the detach object. Parameters: id - the identity of the object. Parameters: version - the detached version since: 1.1 |
initialiseForEmbedded | public void initialiseForEmbedded(Object pc, boolean copyPc)(Code) | | Initialises a state manager to manage a PersistenceCapable instance that will be EMBEDDED/SERIALISED
into another PersistenceCapable object. The instance will not be assigned an identity in the process
since it is a SCO.
Parameters: pc - The PersistenceCapable to manage (see copyPc also) Parameters: copyPc - Whether the SM should manage a copy of the passed PC or that one |
initialiseForHollow | public void initialiseForHollow(Object id, FieldValues fv, Class pcClass)(Code) | | Initialises a state manager to manage a hollow instance having the given object ID and the given
(optional) field values. This constructor is used for creating new instances of existing persistent
objects, and consequently shouldnt be used when the StoreManager controls the creation of such objects
(such as in an ODBMS).
Parameters: id - the JDO identity of the object. Parameters: fv - the initial field values of the object (optional) Parameters: pcClass - Class of the object that this will manage the state for |
initialiseForHollowAppId | public void initialiseForHollowAppId(FieldValues fv, Class pcClass)(Code) | | Initialises a state manager to manage a HOLLOW / P_CLEAN instance having the given FieldValues.
This constructor is used for creating new instances of existing persistent objects using application
identity, and consequently shouldnt be used when the StoreManager controls the creation of such objects
(such as in an ODBMS).
Parameters: fv - the initial field values of the object. Parameters: pcClass - Class of the object that this will manage the state for |
initialiseForHollowPreConstructed | public void initialiseForHollowPreConstructed(Object id, Object pc)(Code) | | Initialises a state manager to manage the given hollow instance having the given object ID.
Unlike the
JDOStateManagerImpl.initialiseForHollow method, this method does not create a new instance and instead
takes a pre-constructed instance.
Parameters: id - the identity of the object. Parameters: pc - the object to be managed. |
initialiseForPNewToBeDeleted | public void initialiseForPNewToBeDeleted(Object pc)(Code) | | Initialises the StateManager to manage a PersistenceCapable object that is not persistent but is
about to be deleted.
Parameters: pc - the object to delete since: 1.2 |
initialiseForPersistentClean | public void initialiseForPersistentClean(Object id, Object pc)(Code) | | Initialises a state manager to manage the passed persistent instance having the given object ID.
Used where we have retrieved a PC object from a datastore directly (not field-by-field), for example on
an object datastore. This initialiser will not add StateManagers to all related PCs. This must be done by
any calling process. This simply adds the StateManager to the specified object and records the id, setting
all fields of the object as loaded.
Parameters: id - the identity of the object. Parameters: pc - The object to be managed |
initialiseForPersistentNew | public void initialiseForPersistentNew(Object pc, FieldValues preInsertChanges)(Code) | | Initialises a state manager to manage a transient instance that is becoming newly persistent.
A new object ID for the instance is obtained from the store manager and the object is inserted
in the data store.
This constructor is used for assigning state managers to existing
instances that are transitioning to a persistent state.
Parameters: pc - the instance being make persistent. Parameters: preInsertChanges - Any changes to make before inserting |
initialiseForTransactionalTransient | public void initialiseForTransactionalTransient(Object pc)(Code) | | Initialises a state manager to manage a Transactional Transient instance.
A new object ID for the instance is obtained from the store manager and the object is inserted in the data store.
This constructor is used for assigning state managers to Transient
instances that are transitioning to a transient clean state.
Parameters: pc - the instance being make persistent. |
insertionCompleted | void insertionCompleted(JDOStateManagerImpl sm)(Code) | | Method called by another StateManager when this object has registered that it needs to know
when the other object has been inserted.
Parameters: sm - State Manager of the other object that has just been inserted |
isDeleting | public boolean isDeleting()(Code) | | Tests whether this object is being deleted.
true if this instance is being deleted. |
isDirty | public boolean isDirty()(Code) | | Returns whether the object being managed is dirty.
whether at least one field is dirty by checking the dirty flag. |
isInserted | public boolean isInserted(int fieldNumber)(Code) | | Returns whether the field of this object is inserted in the datastore.
Only applies during the makePersistent process.
Parameters: fieldNumber - Number of the field (-1 => datastore identity, if used) Whether it is inserted to the level of this field |
isInserted | public boolean isInserted(String className)(Code) | | Returns whether this object is inserted in the datastore far enough to be considered
of the supplied type. For example if we have base class A, B extends A and this object
is a B, and we pass in A here then this returns whether the A part of the object is now
Parameters: className - Name of class that we want to check the insertion level for. Whether the object is inserted in the datastore to this level |
isInserting | public boolean isInserting()(Code) | | Tests whether this object is being inserted.
true if this instance is inserting. |
isLoaded | public boolean isLoaded(PersistenceCapable pc, int field)(Code) | | Return true if the field is cached in the calling instance.
In the JPOX implementation of this method, isLoaded() will always
return true. If the field is not loaded, it will be loaded as a side
effect of the call to this method. If it is in the default fetch group,
the default fetch group, including this field, will be loaded.
Parameters: pc - the calling PersistenceCapable instance Parameters: field - the absolute field number always returns true (this implementation) |
isWaitingToBeFlushedToDatastore | public boolean isWaitingToBeFlushedToDatastore()(Code) | | Accessor for whether the instance is newly persistent yet hasnt yet been flushed to the datastore.
Whether not yet flushed to the datastore |
loadField | public void loadField(int fieldNumber)(Code) | | Convenience method to load the specified field if not loaded.
Parameters: fieldNumber - Absolute field number |
loadFieldFromDatastore | public void loadFieldFromDatastore(int fieldNumber)(Code) | | Convenience method to load a field from the datastore.
Used in attaching fields and checking their old values (so we dont
want any postLoad method being called).
TODO Merge this with one of the loadXXXFields methods.
Parameters: fieldNumber - The field number. |
loadFieldValues | public void loadFieldValues(FieldValues fv)(Code) | | Convenience method to load the passed field values.
Loads the fields using any required fetch plan and calls jdoPostLoad() as appropriate.
Parameters: fv - Field Values to load (including any fetch plan to use when loading) |
loadFieldsInFetchPlan | public void loadFieldsInFetchPlan(FetchPlanState state)(Code) | | Method to load all unloaded fields in the FetchPlan.
Recurses through the FetchPlan objects and loads fields of sub-objects where needed.
Used as a precursor to detaching objects at commit since fields can't be loaded during
the postCommit phase when the detach actually happens.
Parameters: state - The FetchPlan state |
loadSpecifiedFields | protected void loadSpecifiedFields(int[] fieldNumbers)(Code) | | Fetch the specified fields from the database.
Parameters: fieldNumbers - the numbers of the field(s) to fetch. |
loadUnloadedFields | public void loadUnloadedFields()(Code) | | Fetch from the database all fields that are not currently loaded regardless of whether
they are in the current fetch group or not. Called by lifecycle transitions.
since: 1.1 |
loadUnloadedFieldsInFetchPlan | public void loadUnloadedFieldsInFetchPlan()(Code) | | Fetchs from the database all fields that are not currently loaded and that are in the current
fetch group. Called by lifecycle transitions.
since: 1.1 |
loadUnloadedFieldsOfClassInFetchPlan | public void loadUnloadedFieldsOfClassInFetchPlan(FetchPlan fetchPlan)(Code) | | Fetchs from the database all fields in the actual fetch plan.
Called by life-cycle transitions.
since: 1.1 |
makeDirty | public void makeDirty(int field)(Code) | | Marks the given field dirty.
Parameters: field - The no of field to mark as dirty. |
makeDirty | public void makeDirty(PersistenceCapable pc, String fieldName)(Code) | | Mark the associated PersistenceCapable field dirty.
Parameters: pc - the calling PersistenceCapable instance Parameters: fieldName - the name of the field |
makeNontransactional | public void makeNontransactional()(Code) | | Method to change the object state to nontransactional.
makePersistent | public void makePersistent()(Code) | | Method to make the object persistent.
makePersistentTransactionalTransient | public void makePersistentTransactionalTransient()(Code) | | Makes Transactional Transient instances persistent.
makeTransactional | public void makeTransactional()(Code) | | Method to change the object state to transactional.
makeTransient | public void makeTransient(FetchPlanState state)(Code) | | Method to change the object state to transient.
Parameters: state - Object containing the state of any fetchplan processing |
nullifyFields | public void nullifyFields()(Code) | | Nullify fields with reference to PersistenceCapable or SCO instances
postCommit | public void postCommit(org.jpox.Transaction tx)(Code) | | This method is invoked just after a commit is performed in a Transaction
involving the PersistenceCapable managed by this StateManager
Parameters: tx - The Transaction |
preBegin | public void preBegin(org.jpox.Transaction tx)(Code) | | Method invoked just before a transaction starts for the ObjectManager managing us.
Parameters: tx - The transaction |
preRollback | public void preRollback(org.jpox.Transaction tx)(Code) | | This method is invoked just before a rollback is performed in a Transaction
involving the PersistenceCapable managed by this StateManager.
Parameters: tx - The Transaction been rolled back |
preSerialize | public void preSerialize(PersistenceCapable pc)(Code) | | Guarantee that the serializable transactional and persistent fields
are loaded into the instance. This method is called by the generated
jdoPreSerialize method prior to serialization of the instance.
Parameters: pc - the calling PersistenceCapable instance |
processManagedRelations | public void processManagedRelations()(Code) | | Method to process all updated managed relations in this object.
provideField | public Object provideField(int fieldNumber)(Code) | | Method to return the current value of a particular field.
Parameters: fieldNumber - Number of field The value of the field |
provideFields | public void provideFields(int fieldNumbers, FieldManager fm)(Code) | | Called from the StoreManager after StoreManager.update() is called to
obtain updated values from the PersistenceCapable associated with this
Parameters: fieldNumbers - An array of field numbers to be updated by the Store Parameters: fm - The updated values are stored in this object. This object is only validfor the duration of this call. |
refresh | public void refresh()(Code) | | Method to refresh the object.
refreshFieldsInFetchPlan | public void refreshFieldsInFetchPlan()(Code) | | Refreshes from the database all fields in fetch plan.
Called by life-cycle transitions when the object undergoes a "transitionRefresh".
refreshLoadedFields | public void refreshLoadedFields()(Code) | | Refreshes from the database all fields currently loaded.
Called by life-cycle transitions when making transactional or reading fields.
registerTransactional | public void registerTransactional()(Code) | | Registers the pc class in the cache
removeEmbeddedOwner | public void removeEmbeddedOwner(StateManager ownerSM, int ownerFieldNumber)(Code) | | Method to remove an owner StateManager from this embedded/serialised objects owners list.
Parameters: ownerSM - The owner to remove Parameters: ownerFieldNumber - The field in the owner where this object is stored |
replaceAllLoadedSCOFieldsWithValues | public void replaceAllLoadedSCOFieldsWithValues()(Code) | | Method to replace all loaded SCO fields that have wrappers with their value.
If the loaded field doesnt have a SCO wrapper nothing happens to that field.
replaceAllLoadedSCOFieldsWithWrappers | public void replaceAllLoadedSCOFieldsWithWrappers()(Code) | | Method to replace all loaded SCO fields with wrappers.
If the loaded field already uses a SCO wrapper nothing happens to that field.
replaceField | public void replaceField(int fieldNumber, Object value, boolean makeDirty)(Code) | | Method to change the value of a particular field.
Parameters: fieldNumber - Number of field Parameters: value - New value Parameters: makeDirty - Whether to make the field dirty when replacing it |
replaceFieldValue | public void replaceFieldValue(int fieldNumber, Object newValue)(Code) | | Convenience method to change the value of a field that is assumed loaded.
Will mark the object/field as dirty if it isnt previously. If the object is deleted then does nothing.
Only for use in management of relations.
Parameters: fieldNumber - Number of field Parameters: newValue - The new value |
replaceFields | public void replaceFields(int fieldNumbers, FieldManager fm, boolean replaceWhenDirty)(Code) | | Called from the StoreManager to refresh data in the PersistenceCapable
object associated with this StateManager.
Parameters: fieldNumbers - An array of field numbers to be refreshed by the Store Parameters: fm - The updated values are stored in this object. This object is only validfor the duration of this call. Parameters: replaceWhenDirty - Whether to replace the fields when they are dirty here |
replaceFields | public void replaceFields(int fieldNumbers, FieldManager fm)(Code) | | Called from the StoreManager to refresh data in the PersistenceCapable
object associated with this StateManager.
Parameters: fieldNumbers - An array of field numbers to be refreshed by the Store Parameters: fm - The updated values are stored in this object. This object is only validfor the duration of this call. |
replaceManagedPC | public void replaceManagedPC(PersistenceCapable pc)(Code) | | Method that replaces the PC managed by this StateManager to be the supplied object.
This happens when we want to get an object for an id and create a Hollow object, and then validate
against the datastore. This validation can pull in a new object graph from the datastore (e.g for DB4O)
Parameters: pc - The PersistenceCapable to use |
replaceNonLoadedFields | public void replaceNonLoadedFields(int fieldNumbers, FieldManager fm)(Code) | | Called from the StoreManager to refresh data in the PersistenceCapable
object associated with this StateManager. Only not loaded fields are refreshed
Parameters: fieldNumbers - An array of field numbers to be refreshed by the Store Parameters: fm - The updated values are stored in this object. This object is only validfor the duration of this call. |
replacingDetachedState | public Object[] replacingDetachedState(Detachable pc, Object[] currentState)(Code) | | Method to update the "detached state" in the detached object
to obtain the "detached state" from the detached object, or
to reset it (to null).
Parameters: pc - The PersistenceCapable beind updated Parameters: currentState - The current state values The detached state to assign to the object |
replacingFlags | public byte replacingFlags(PersistenceCapable pc)(Code) | | The StateManager uses this method to supply the value of jdoFlags to the
associated PersistenceCapable instance.
Parameters: pc - the calling PersistenceCapable instance the value of jdoFlags to be stored in the PersistenceCapable instance |
replacingStateManager | public StateManager replacingStateManager(PersistenceCapable pc, StateManager sm)(Code) | | Replace the current value of jdoStateManager.
This method is called by the PersistenceCapable whenever
jdoReplaceStateManager is called and there is already
an owning StateManager. This is a security precaution
to ensure that the owning StateManager is the only
source of any change to its reference in the PersistenceCapable.
the new value for the jdoStateManager Parameters: pc - the calling PersistenceCapable instance Parameters: sm - the proposed new value for the jdoStateManager |
resetDetachState | public void resetDetachState()(Code) | | Convenience method to reset the detached state in the current object.
restoreFields | public void restoreFields()(Code) | | Method to restore all fields of the object.
retrieve | public void retrieve(boolean fgOnly)(Code) | | Method to retrieve the object.
Parameters: fgOnly - Only load the current fetch group fields |
retrieve | public void retrieve(FetchPlan fetchPlan)(Code) | | Method to retrieve the object.
Parameters: fetchPlan - the fetch plan to load fields |
retrieveDetachState | public void retrieveDetachState(org.jpox.StateManager sm)(Code) | | Convenience method to retrieve the detach state from the passed State Manager's object
Parameters: sm - The State Manager |
runReachability | public void runReachability(Set reachables)(Code) | | Method to mark an object for reachability.
Provides the basis for "persistence-by-reachability", but run at commit time only.
The reachability algorithm is also run at makePersistent, but directly via InsertRequest.
Parameters: reachables - List of object ids currently logged as reachable |
saveFields | public void saveFields()(Code) | | Method to save all fields of the object.
setBooleanField | public void setBooleanField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, boolean currentValue, boolean newValue)(Code) | | This method is called by the associated PersistenceCapable when the
corresponding mutator method (setXXX()) is called on the
Parameters: pc - the calling PersistenceCapable instance Parameters: field - the field number Parameters: currentValue - the current value of the field Parameters: newValue - the new value for the field |
setByteField | public void setByteField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, byte currentValue, byte newValue)(Code) | | This method is called by the associated PersistenceCapable when the
corresponding mutator method (setXXX()) is called on the
Parameters: pc - the calling PersistenceCapable instance Parameters: field - the field number Parameters: currentValue - the current value of the field Parameters: newValue - the new value for the field |
setCharField | public void setCharField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, char currentValue, char newValue)(Code) | | This method is called by the associated PersistenceCapable when the
corresponding mutator method (setXXX()) is called on the
Parameters: pc - the calling PersistenceCapable instance Parameters: field - the field number Parameters: currentValue - the current value of the field Parameters: newValue - the new value for the field |
setDoubleField | public void setDoubleField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, double currentValue, double newValue)(Code) | | This method is called by the associated PersistenceCapable when the
corresponding mutator method (setXXX()) is called on the
Parameters: pc - the calling PersistenceCapable instance Parameters: field - the field number Parameters: currentValue - the current value of the field Parameters: newValue - the new value for the field |
setExternalFieldValueForMapping | public void setExternalFieldValueForMapping(JavaTypeMapping mapping, Object value)(Code) | | Method to set the value for an external field stored against this object
Parameters: mapping - The mapping for the (external) field Parameters: value - The value that this field has |
setFloatField | public void setFloatField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, float currentValue, float newValue)(Code) | | This method is called by the associated PersistenceCapable when the
corresponding mutator method (setXXX()) is called on the
Parameters: pc - the calling PersistenceCapable instance Parameters: field - the field number Parameters: currentValue - the current value of the field Parameters: newValue - the new value for the field |
setIntField | public void setIntField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, int currentValue, int newValue)(Code) | | This method is called by the associated PersistenceCapable when the
corresponding mutator method (setXXX()) is called on the
Parameters: pc - the calling PersistenceCapable instance Parameters: field - the field number Parameters: currentValue - the current value of the field Parameters: newValue - the new value for the field |
setLongField | public void setLongField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, long currentValue, long newValue)(Code) | | This method is called by the associated PersistenceCapable when the
corresponding mutator method (setXXX()) is called on the
Parameters: pc - the calling PersistenceCapable instance Parameters: field - the field number Parameters: currentValue - the current value of the field Parameters: newValue - the new value for the field |
setObjectField | public void setObjectField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, Object currentValue, Object newValue)(Code) | | This method is called by the associated PersistenceCapable when the
corresponding mutator method (setXXX()) is called on the PersistenceCapable.
Parameters: pc - the calling PersistenceCapable instance Parameters: field - the field number Parameters: currentValue - the current value of the field Parameters: newValue - the new value for the field |
setPostStoreNewObjectId | public void setPostStoreNewObjectId(Object id)(Code) | | If the id is obtained after inserting the object into the database, set
new a new id for persistent classes (for example, increment).
Parameters: id - the id received from the datastore |
setShortField | public void setShortField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, short currentValue, short newValue)(Code) | | This method is called by the associated PersistenceCapable when the
corresponding mutator method (setXXX()) is called on the
Parameters: pc - the calling PersistenceCapable instance Parameters: field - the field number Parameters: currentValue - the current value of the field Parameters: newValue - the new value for the field |
setStoringPC | public void setStoringPC()(Code) | | Method to set the storing PC flag.
setStringField | public void setStringField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, String currentValue, String newValue)(Code) | | This method is called by the associated PersistenceCapable when the
corresponding mutator method (setXXX()) is called on the
Parameters: pc - the calling PersistenceCapable instance Parameters: field - the field number Parameters: currentValue - the current value of the field Parameters: newValue - the new value for the field |
unloadField | public void unloadField(String fieldName)(Code) | | Convenience method to unload a field/property.
Parameters: fieldName - Name of the field/property throws: JPOXUserException - if the object managed by this StateManager is embedded |
unloadNonFetchPlanFields | public void unloadNonFetchPlanFields()(Code) | | Method that will unload all fields that are not in the FetchPlan.
This is typically for use when the instance is being refreshed.
since: 1.2 |
unsetStoringPC | public void unsetStoringPC()(Code) | | Method to unset the storing PC flag.
unwrapSCOField | public Object unwrapSCOField(int fieldNumber, Object value, boolean replaceFieldIfChanged)(Code) | | Method to unwrap a SCO field (if it is wrapped currently).
If the field is not a SCO field will just return the value.
If "replaceFieldIfChanged" is set, we replace the value in the object with the unwrapped value.
Parameters: fieldNumber - The field number Parameters: value - The value for the field Parameters: replaceFieldIfChanged - Whether to replace the field value in the object if unwrapping the value The unwrapped field value |
updateFieldAfterInsert | public void updateFieldAfterInsert(Object pc, int fieldNumber)(Code) | | Marks the given field as being required to be updated when the specified object has been inserted.
Parameters: pc - The Persistable object Parameters: fieldNumber - Number of the field. |
validate | public void validate()(Code) | | Validates whether the persistence capable instance exists in the datastore.
If the instance doesn't exist in the datastore, this method will fail raising a JPOXObjectNotFoundException.
If the object is transactional then does nothing.
If the object has unloaded (non-SCO, non-PK) fetch plan fields then fetches them.
Else it checks the existence of the object in the datastore.
wrapSCOField | public Object wrapSCOField(int fieldNumber, Object value, boolean forInsert, boolean forUpdate, boolean replaceFieldIfChanged)(Code) | | Method to create a new SCO wrapper for the specified field.
If the field is not a SCO field will just return the value.
Parameters: fieldNumber - The field number Parameters: value - The value to initialise the wrapper with (if any) Parameters: forInsert - Whether the creation of any wrapper should insert this value into the datastore Parameters: forUpdate - Whether the creation of any wrapper should update the datastore with this value Parameters: replaceFieldIfChanged - Whether to replace the field in the object if wrapping the value The wrapper (or original value if not wrappable) |
Methods inherited from org.jpox.state.AbstractStateManager | protected void clearDirtyFlags()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void clearDirtyFlags(int[] fields)(Code)(Java Doc) protected static void clearFlags(boolean[] flags)(Code)(Java Doc) protected static void clearFlags(boolean[] flags, int[] fields)(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected boolean disconnectClone(PersistenceCapable pc)(Code)(Java Doc) protected static boolean equals(Object o1, Object o2)(Code)(Java Doc) protected int[] getAllFieldNumbers()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean getBooleanField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, boolean currentValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public byte getByteField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, byte currentValue)(Code)(Java Doc) protected CallbackHandler getCallbackHandler()(Code)(Java Doc) public char getCharField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, char currentValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public AbstractClassMetaData getClassMetaData()(Code)(Java Doc) public String[] getDirtyFieldNames()(Code)(Java Doc) public int[] getDirtyFieldNumbers()(Code)(Java Doc) public double getDoubleField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, double currentValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public static int[] getFlagsSetTo(boolean[] flags, boolean state)(Code)(Java Doc) protected static int[] getFlagsSetTo(boolean[] flags, int[] indices, boolean state)(Code)(Java Doc) public float getFloatField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, float currentValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public int getHighestFieldNumber()(Code)(Java Doc) public int getIntField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, int currentValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public Object getInternalObjectId()(Code)(Java Doc) public LifeCycleState getLifecycleState()(Code)(Java Doc) public String[] getLoadedFieldNames()(Code)(Java Doc) public int[] getLoadedFieldNumbers()(Code)(Java Doc) public long getLongField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, long currentValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public MetaDataManager getMetaDataManager()(Code)(Java Doc) protected int[] getNonPrimaryKeyFieldNumbers()(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean[] getNonPrimaryKeyFields()(Code)(Java Doc) public Object getObject()(Code)(Java Doc) public Object getObjectField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, Object currentValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public ObjectManager getObjectManager()(Code)(Java Doc) public int getPcObjectType()(Code)(Java Doc) protected int[] getSecondClassMutableFieldNumbers()(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean[] getSecondClassMutableFields()(Code)(Java Doc) public short getShortField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, short currentValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public StoreManager getStoreManager()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getStringField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, String currentValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public Object getTransactionalVersion(Object pc)(Code)(Java Doc) public Object getVersion(PersistenceCapable pc)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void initialiseFieldInformation()(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean isDefaultFetchGroupLoaded()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isDeleted(PersistenceCapable pc)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isDirty(PersistenceCapable pc)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isEmbedded()(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean isFetchPlanLoaded()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isNew(PersistenceCapable pc)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isPersistent(PersistenceCapable pc)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isRestoreValues()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isTransactional(PersistenceCapable pc)(Code)(Java Doc) protected static Object peekField(Object obj, String fieldName)(Code)(Java Doc) public void providedBooleanField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, boolean currentValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public void providedByteField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, byte currentValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public void providedCharField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, char currentValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public void providedDoubleField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, double currentValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public void providedFloatField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, float currentValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public void providedIntField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, int currentValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public void providedLongField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, long currentValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public void providedObjectField(PersistenceCapable pc, int fieldNumber, Object currentValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public void providedShortField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, short currentValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public void providedStringField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, String currentValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean replacingBooleanField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field)(Code)(Java Doc) public byte replacingByteField(PersistenceCapable obj, int field)(Code)(Java Doc) public char replacingCharField(PersistenceCapable obj, int field)(Code)(Java Doc) public double replacingDoubleField(PersistenceCapable obj, int field)(Code)(Java Doc) public float replacingFloatField(PersistenceCapable obj, int field)(Code)(Java Doc) public int replacingIntField(PersistenceCapable obj, int field)(Code)(Java Doc) public long replacingLongField(PersistenceCapable obj, int field)(Code)(Java Doc) public Object replacingObjectField(PersistenceCapable obj, int field)(Code)(Java Doc) public short replacingShortField(PersistenceCapable obj, int field)(Code)(Java Doc) public String replacingStringField(PersistenceCapable obj, int field)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setPcObjectType(int embeddedType)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void setRestoreValues(boolean restore_values)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setTransactionalVersion(Object version)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setVersion(Object version)(Code)(Java Doc) public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)