| org.mmbase.bridge.implementation.BasicList
BasicList | public class BasicList extends ArrayList implements BridgeList<E>(Code) | | A list of objects.
This is the base class for all basic implementations of the bridge lists.
author: Pierre van Rooden version: $Id: BasicList.java,v 1.31 2008/02/27 11:47:26 michiel Exp $ |
Inner Class :protected class BasicIterator implements ListIterator<E> | |
autoConvert | boolean autoConvert(Code) | | |
add | public void add(int index, E o)(Code) | | |
add | public boolean add(E o)(Code) | | |
convert | protected E convert(Object o)(Code) | | converts the object in the list to the excpected format
convertAll | protected void convertAll()(Code) | | since: MMBase-1.6.2 |
get | public E get(int index)(Code) | | |