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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Database ORM » MMBase » org.mmbase.cache 
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001:        /*
003:        This software is OSI Certified Open Source Software.
004:        OSI Certified is a certification mark of the Open Source Initiative.
006:        The license (Mozilla version 1.0) can be read at the MMBase site.
007:        See
009:         */
010:        package org.mmbase.cache;
012:        import java.util.*;
014:        import org.mmbase.util.*;
015:        import org.mmbase.util.logging.Logger;
016:        import org.mmbase.util.logging.Logging;
017:        import org.mmbase.util.xml.DocumentReader;
018:        import org.w3c.dom.Element;
020:        import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
022:        /**
023:         * Cache manager manages the static methods of {@link Cache}. If you prefer you can call them on this in stead.
024:         *
025:         * @since MMBase-1.8
026:         * @version $Id:,v 1.24 2008/02/23 14:03:23 andre Exp $
027:         */
028:        public class CacheManager {
030:            private static final Logger log = Logging
031:                    .getLoggerInstance(CacheManager.class);
033:            /**
034:             * All registered caches
035:             */
036:            //private static final NavigableMap<String, Cache<?,?>> caches = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<String, Cache<?,?>>();
037:            private static final Map<String, Cache<?, ?>> caches = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Cache<?, ?>>();
039:            /**
040:             * Returns the Cache with a certain name. To be used in combination with getCaches(). If you
041:             * need a certain cache, you can just as well call the non-static 'getCache' which is normally
042:             * in cache singletons.
043:             *
044:             * @see #getCaches
045:             */
046:            public static Cache getCache(String name) {
047:                return caches.get(name);
048:            }
050:            /**
051:             * Returns a cache wrapped in a 'Bean', so it is not a Map any more. This makes it easier
052:             * accesible by tools which want that (like EL).
053:             * @since MMBase-1.9
054:             */
055:            public static Bean getBean(String name) {
056:                return new Bean(getCache(name));
057:            }
059:            public static Set<Bean> getCaches(String className) {
060:                Set<Bean> result = new HashSet<Bean>();
061:                for (Cache c : caches.values()) {
062:                    try {
063:                        if (className == null
064:                                || Class.forName(className).isInstance(c)) {
065:                            result.add(new Bean(c));
066:                        }
067:                    } catch (Exception e) {
068:                        throw new RuntimeException(e);
069:                    }
070:                }
071:                return result;
072:            }
074:            /**
075:             * Returns the names of all caches.
076:             *
077:             * @return A Set containing the names of all caches.
078:             */
079:            public static Set<String> getCaches() {
080:                return Collections.unmodifiableSet(caches.keySet());
081:            }
083:            /**
084:             * @since MMBase-1.8.6
085:             */
086:            public static Map<String, Cache<?, ?>> getMap() {
087:                return Collections.unmodifiableMap(caches);
088:            }
090:            /**
091:             * Puts a cache in the caches repository. This function will be
092:             * called in the static of childs, therefore it is protected.
093:             *
094:             * @param cache A cache.
095:             * @return The previous cache of the same type (stored under the same name)
096:             */
097:            public static <K, V> Cache<K, V> putCache(Cache<K, V> cache) {
098:                Cache old = caches.put(cache.getName(), cache);
099:                configure(configReader, cache.getName());
100:                return old;
101:            }
103:            /**
104:             * Configures the caches using a config File. There is only one
105:             * config file now so the argument is a little overdone, but it
106:             * doesn't harm.
107:             */
109:            private static void configure(DocumentReader file) {
110:                configure(file, null);
111:            }
113:            private static DocumentReader configReader = null;
115:            /**
116:             * As configure, but it only changes the configuration of the cache 'only'.
117:             * This is called on first use of a cache.
118:             */
119:            private static void configure(DocumentReader xmlReader, String only) {
120:                if (xmlReader == null) {
121:                    return; // nothing can be done...
122:                }
124:                if (only == null) {
125:                    log.service("Configuring caches with "
126:                            + xmlReader.getSystemId());
127:                } else {
128:                    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
129:                        log.debug("Configuring cache " + only + " with file "
130:                                + xmlReader.getSystemId());
131:                }
133:                for (Element cacheElement : xmlReader.getChildElements(
134:                        "caches", "cache")) {
135:                    String cacheName = cacheElement.getAttribute("name");
136:                    if (only != null && !only.equals(cacheName)) {
137:                        continue;
138:                    }
139:                    // TODO: fix again when everybody runs 1.5.0_08, because of
140:                    // generics bug
141:                    Cache cache = getCache(cacheName);
142:                    if (cache == null) {
143:                        log.service("No cache " + cacheName
144:                                + " is present (perhaps not used yet?)");
145:                    } else {
146:                        String clazz = xmlReader.getElementValue(xmlReader
147:                                .getElementByPath(cacheElement,
148:                                        "cache.implementation.class"));
149:                        if (!"".equals(clazz)) {
150:                            Element cacheImpl = xmlReader.getElementByPath(
151:                                    cacheElement, "cache.implementation");
152:                            Map<String, String> configValues = new HashMap<String, String>();
153:                            for (Element attrNode : xmlReader.getChildElements(
154:                                    cacheImpl, "param")) {
155:                                String paramName = xmlReader
156:                                        .getElementAttributeValue(attrNode,
157:                                                "name");
158:                                String paramValue = xmlReader
159:                                        .getElementValue(attrNode);
160:                                configValues.put(paramName, paramValue);
161:                            }
162:                            cache.setImplementation(clazz, configValues);
163:                        }
164:                        String status = xmlReader
165:                                .getElementValue(xmlReader.getElementByPath(
166:                                        cacheElement, "cache.status"));
167:                        cache.setActive(status.equalsIgnoreCase("active"));
168:                        try {
169:                            Integer size = Integer.valueOf(xmlReader
170:                                    .getElementValue(xmlReader
171:                                            .getElementByPath(cacheElement,
172:                                                    "cache.size")));
173:                            cache.setMaxSize(size.intValue());
174:                            log.service("Setting " + cacheName + " " + status
175:                                    + " with size " + size);
176:                        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
177:                            log.error("Could not configure cache " + cacheName
178:                                    + " because the size was wrong: "
179:                                    + nfe.toString());
180:                        }
181:                        String maxSize = xmlReader.getElementValue(xmlReader
182:                                .getElementByPath(cacheElement,
183:                                        "cache.maxEntrySize"));
184:                        if (!"".equals(maxSize)) {
185:                            try {
186:                                cache.maxEntrySize = Integer.parseInt(maxSize);
187:                                log.service("Setting maximum entry size on "
188:                                        + cacheName + ": " + cache.maxEntrySize
189:                                        + " bytes ");
190:                            } catch (NumberFormatException nfe2) {
191:                                log
192:                                        .error("Could not set max entry size cache  of "
193:                                                + cacheName
194:                                                + " because "
195:                                                + nfe2.toString());
196:                            }
197:                        } else {
198:                            if (cache.getDefaultMaxEntrySize() > 0) {
199:                                log
200:                                        .service("No max entry size specified for this cache taking default "
201:                                                + cache
202:                                                        .getDefaultMaxEntrySize()
203:                                                + " bytes");
204:                            }
205:                            cache.maxEntrySize = cache.getDefaultMaxEntrySize();
206:                            //now see if we have to load cache release strategies for this lovely cache...
207:                            if (cache instanceof  QueryResultCache) {
208:                                QueryResultCache queryCache = (QueryResultCache) cache;
209:                                //first remove all present strategies (this might be a reconfiguration)
210:                                queryCache.getReleaseStrategy()
211:                                        .removeAllStrategies();
212:                                log.debug("found a SearchQueryCache: "
213:                                        + cacheName);
214:                                //see if there are globally configured release strategies
215:                                List<ReleaseStrategy> strategies = findReleaseStrategies(
216:                                        xmlReader, xmlReader
217:                                                .getElementByPath("caches"));
218:                                if (strategies != null) {
219:                                    log
220:                                            .debug("found "
221:                                                    + strategies.size()
222:                                                    + " globally configured strategies");
223:                                    queryCache.addReleaseStrategies(strategies);
224:                                }
226:                                //see if there are strategies configured for this cache
227:                                strategies = findReleaseStrategies(xmlReader,
228:                                        cacheElement);
229:                                if (strategies != null) {
230:                                    log.debug("found " + strategies.size()
231:                                            + " strategies for cache "
232:                                            + cache.getName());
233:                                    queryCache.addReleaseStrategies(strategies);
234:                                }
235:                                if (queryCache.getReleaseStrategy().size() == 0) {
236:                                    log
237:                                            .warn("No release-strategies configured for cache "
238:                                                    + queryCache
239:                                                    + " (nor globally configured); falling back to basic release strategy");
240:                                    queryCache
241:                                            .addReleaseStrategy(new BasicReleaseStrategy());
242:                                }
243:                            }
244:                        }
245:                    }
246:                }
247:            }
249:            /**
250:             * @param reader xml document reader instance
251:             * @param parentElement the parent of the releaseStrategies element
252:             * @return List of ReleaseStrategy instances
253:             * @since 1.8
254:             */
255:            private static List<ReleaseStrategy> findReleaseStrategies(
256:                    DocumentReader reader, Element parentElement) {
257:                List<ReleaseStrategy> result = new ArrayList<ReleaseStrategy>();
259:                List<Element> strategyParentIterator = reader.getChildElements(
260:                        parentElement, "releaseStrategies");
261:                if (strategyParentIterator.size() == 0) {
262:                    return null;
263:                } else {
264:                    parentElement = strategyParentIterator.get(0);
266:                    //now find the strategies
267:                    for (Element strategy : reader.getChildElements(
268:                            parentElement, "strategy")) {
269:                        String strategyClassName = reader
270:                                .getElementValue(strategy);
271:                        log.debug("found strategy in configuration: "
272:                                + strategyClassName);
273:                        try {
274:                            ReleaseStrategy releaseStrategy = getStrategyInstance(strategyClassName);
275:                            log
276:                                    .debug("still there after trying to get a strategy instance... Instance is "
277:                                            + releaseStrategy == null ? "null"
278:                                            : "not null");
280:                            //check if we got something
281:                            if (releaseStrategy != null) {
282:                                result.add(releaseStrategy);
283:                                log.debug("Successfully created and added "
284:                                        + releaseStrategy.getName()
285:                                        + " instance");
286:                            } else {
287:                                log.error("release strategy instance is null.");
288:                            }
290:                        } catch (CacheConfigurationException e1) {
291:                            // here we throw a runtime exception, because there is
292:                            // no way we can deal with this error.
293:                            throw new RuntimeException(
294:                                    "Cache configuration error: "
295:                                            + e1.toString(), e1);
296:                        }
297:                    }
298:                }
299:                return result;
300:            }
302:            /**
303:             * I moved this code away from <code>configure()</code> just to
304:             * clean up a little, and keep the code readable
305:             * XXX: Who is I?
306:             * @param strategyClassName
307:             * @since 1.8
308:             */
309:            private static ReleaseStrategy getStrategyInstance(
310:                    String strategyClassName)
311:                    throws CacheConfigurationException {
312:                log.debug("getStrategyInstance()");
313:                Class strategyClass;
314:                ReleaseStrategy strategy = null;
315:                try {
316:                    strategyClass = Class.forName(strategyClassName);
317:                    strategy = (ReleaseStrategy) strategyClass.newInstance();
318:                    log
319:                            .debug("created strategy instance: "
320:                                    + strategyClassName);
322:                } catch (ClassCastException e) {
323:                    log.debug(strategyClassName
324:                            + " can not be cast to strategy");
325:                    throw new CacheConfigurationException(strategyClassName
326:                            + " can not be cast to strategy");
327:                } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
328:                    log.debug("exception getStrategyInstance()");
329:                    throw new CacheConfigurationException("Class "
330:                            + strategyClassName + "was not found");
331:                } catch (InstantiationException e) {
332:                    log.debug("exception getStrategyInstance()");
333:                    throw new CacheConfigurationException("A new instance of "
334:                            + strategyClassName + "could not be created: "
335:                            + e.toString());
336:                } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
337:                    log.debug("exception getStrategyInstance()");
338:                    throw new CacheConfigurationException("A new instance of "
339:                            + strategyClassName + "could not be created: "
340:                            + e.toString());
341:                }
342:                log.debug("exit getStrategyInstance()");
343:                return strategy;
344:            }
346:            /**
347:             * The caches can be configured with an XML file, this file can
348:             * be changed which causes the caches to be reconfigured automaticly.
349:             */
350:            private static ResourceWatcher configWatcher = new ResourceWatcher() {
351:                public void onChange(String resource) {
352:                    try {
353:                        configReader = new DocumentReader(ResourceLoader
354:                                .getConfigurationRoot()
355:                                .getInputSource(resource), Cache.class);
356:                    } catch (Exception e) {
357:                        log.error(e);
358:                        return;
359:                    }
360:                    configure(configReader);
361:                }
362:            };
364:            static { // configure
365:                log.debug("Static init of Caches");
366:                configWatcher.add("caches.xml");
367:                configWatcher.onChange("caches.xml");
368:                configWatcher.setDelay(10 * 1000); // check every 10 secs if config changed
369:                configWatcher.start();
371:            }
373:            public static int getTotalByteSize() {
374:                int len = 0;
375:                SizeOf sizeof = new SizeOf();
376:                for (Map.Entry entry : caches.entrySet()) {
377:                    len += sizeof.sizeof(entry.getKey())
378:                            + sizeof.sizeof(entry.getValue());
379:                }
380:                return len;
381:            }
383:            /**
384:             * Clears and dereferences all caches. To be used on shutdown of MMBase.
385:             * @since MMBase-1.8.1
386:             */
387:            public static void shutdown() {
388:      "Clearing all caches");
389:                for (Cache<?, ?> cache : caches.values()) {
390:                    cache.clear();
391:                }
392:                caches.clear();
393:            }
395:            /**
396:             * Used in config/functions/caches.xml
397:             */
398:            public Object remove(String name, Object key) {
399:                Cache cache = getCache(name);
400:                if (cache == null)
401:                    throw new IllegalArgumentException();
402:                return cache.remove(key);
403:            }
405:            public static class Bean<K, V> {
406:                /* private final Cache<K, V> cache; // this line prevents building in Java 1.5.0_07 probably because of */
407:                private final Cache cache;
409:                public Bean(Cache<K, V> c) {
410:                    cache = c;
411:                }
413:                public String getName() {
414:                    return cache.getName();
415:                }
417:                public String getDescription() {
418:                    return cache.getDescription();
419:                }
421:                public int getMaxEntrySize() {
422:                    return cache.getMaxEntrySize();
423:                }
425:                public Set<Map.Entry<K, V>> getEntrySet() {
426:                    return new HashSet<Map.Entry<K, V>>(cache.entrySet());
427:                }
429:                public Set<K> getKeySet() {
430:                    return new HashSet<K>(cache.keySet());
431:                }
433:                public long getHits() {
434:                    return cache.getHits();
435:                }
437:                public long getMisses() {
438:                    return cache.getMisses();
439:                }
441:                public long getPuts() {
442:                    return cache.getPuts();
443:                }
445:                public int getMaxSize() {
446:                    return cache.maxSize();
447:                }
449:                public int getSize() {
450:                    return cache.size();
451:                }
453:                public double getRatio() {
454:                    return cache.getRatio();
455:                }
457:                public String getStats() {
458:                    return cache.getStats();
459:                }
461:                public String toString() {
462:                    return cache.toString();
463:                }
465:                public boolean isActive() {
466:                    return cache.isActive();
467:                }
469:                public int getByteSize() {
470:                    return cache.getByteSize();
471:                }
473:                public int getCheapByteSize() {
474:                    return cache.getCheapByteSize();
475:                }
477:                public boolean isEmpty() {
478:                    return cache.isEmpty();
479:                }
481:                public ReleaseStrategy getReleaseStrategy() {
482:                    return cache instanceof  QueryResultCache ? ((QueryResultCache) cache)
483:                            .getReleaseStrategy()
484:                            : null;
485:                }
487:                public Map<K, V> getMap() {
488:                    return cache;
489:                }
491:                public Map<K, Integer> getCounts() {
492:                    return new AbstractMap<K, Integer>() {
493:                        public Set<Map.Entry<K, Integer>> entrySet() {
494:                            return new AbstractSet<Map.Entry<K, Integer>>() {
495:                                public int size() {
496:                                    return cache.size();
497:                                }
499:                                public Iterator<Map.Entry<K, Integer>> iterator() {
500:                                    return new Iterator<Map.Entry<K, Integer>>() {
501:                                        private Iterator<K> iterator = new HashSet<K>(
502:                                                cache.keySet()).iterator();
504:                                        public boolean hasNext() {
505:                                            return iterator.hasNext();
506:                                        }
508:                                        public Map.Entry<K, Integer> next() {
509:                                            K key =;
510:                                            return new org.mmbase.util.Entry<K, Integer>(
511:                                                    key, cache.getCount(key));
512:                                        }
514:                                        public void remove() {
515:                                            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
516:                                        }
517:                                    };
518:                                }
519:                            };
520:                        }
521:                    };
522:                }
524:                public boolean equals(Object o) {
525:                    return o instanceof  Bean && ((Bean) o).cache.equals(cache);
526:                }
528:                public int hashCode() {
529:                    return cache.hashCode();
530:                }
531:            }
532:        } | Contact Us
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