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Source Cross Referenced  Class Diagram Java Document (Java Doc) 

001:        /*
003:        This software is OSI Certified Open Source Software.
004:        OSI Certified is a certification mark of the Open Source Initiative.
006:        The license (Mozilla version 1.0) can be read at the MMBase site.
007:        See
009:         */
010:        package;
012:        import java.util.*;
013:        import java.util.regex.Pattern;
014:        import;
015:        import;
017:        import;
018:        import;
019:        import org.mmbase.util.*;
020:        import org.mmbase.util.logging.*;
021:        import org.mmbase.util.xml.DocumentReader;
022:        import org.w3c.dom.*;
023:        import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
025:        /**
026:         * Provides the static utility methods to authenticate by class. Default a file
027:         * security/<classauthentication.xml> is used for this. If using the wrapper authentication,
028:         * its configuration file, contains this configuration.
029:         *
030:         * @author   Michiel Meeuwissen
031:         * @version  $Id:,v 1.17 2007/02/11 19:45:04 nklasens Exp $
032:         * @see      ClassAuthenticationWrapper
033:         * @since    MMBase-1.8
034:         */
035:        public class ClassAuthentication {
036:            private static final Logger log = Logging
037:                    .getLoggerInstance(ClassAuthentication.class);
039:            public static final String PUBLIC_ID_CLASSSECURITY_1_0 = "-//MMBase//DTD classsecurity config 1.0//EN";
040:            public static final String DTD_CLASSSECURITY_1_0 = "classsecurity_1_0.dtd";
041:            static {
042:                XMLEntityResolver.registerPublicID(PUBLIC_ID_CLASSSECURITY_1_0,
043:                        DTD_CLASSSECURITY_1_0, ClassAuthentication.class);
044:            }
045:            private static List<Login> authenticatedClasses = null;
047:            static ResourceWatcher watcher = null;
049:            /**
050:             * Stop watchin the config file, if there is watched one. This is needed when security
051:             * configuration switched to ClassAuthenticationWrapper (which will not happen very often).
052:             */
054:            static void stopWatching() {
055:                if (watcher != null) {
056:                    watcher.exit();
057:                }
058:            }
060:            private ClassAuthentication() {
061:                //Static Utility class
062:            }
064:            /**
065:             * Reads the configuration file and instantiates and loads the wrapped Authentication.
066:             */
067:            protected static synchronized void load(String configFile)
068:                    throws SecurityException {
069:                List<URL> resourceList = MMBaseCopConfig.securityLoader
070:                        .getResourceList(configFile);
071:      "Loading " + configFile + "( " + resourceList + ")");
072:                authenticatedClasses = new ArrayList<Login>();
073:                ListIterator<URL> it = resourceList.listIterator();
074:                while (it.hasNext())
075:          ;
076:                while (it.hasPrevious()) {
077:                    URL u = it.previous();
078:                    try {
079:                        URLConnection con = u.openConnection();
080:                        if (!con.getDoInput())
081:                            continue;
082:                        InputSource in = new InputSource(con.getInputStream());
083:                        Document document = DocumentReader.getDocumentBuilder(
084:                                true, // validate aggresively, because no further error-handling will be done
085:                                new XMLErrorHandler(false, 0), // don't log, throw exception if not valid, otherwise big chance on NPE and so on
086:                                new XMLEntityResolver(true,
087:                                        ClassAuthentication.class) // validate
088:                                ).parse(in);
090:                        NodeList authenticates = document
091:                                .getElementsByTagName("authenticate");
093:                        for (int i = 0; i < authenticates.getLength(); i++) {
094:                            Node node = authenticates.item(i);
095:                            String clazz = node.getAttributes().getNamedItem(
096:                                    "class").getNodeValue();
097:                            String method = node.getAttributes().getNamedItem(
098:                                    "method").getNodeValue();
099:                            Node property = node.getFirstChild();
100:                            Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
101:                            while (property != null) {
102:                                if (property instanceof  Element
103:                                        && property.getNodeName().equals(
104:                                                "property")) {
105:                                    String name = property.getAttributes()
106:                                            .getNamedItem("name")
107:                                            .getNodeValue();
108:                                    String value = property.getAttributes()
109:                                            .getNamedItem("value")
110:                                            .getNodeValue();
111:                                    map.put(name, value);
112:                                }
113:                                property = property.getNextSibling();
114:                            }
115:                            authenticatedClasses.add(new Login(Pattern
116:                                    .compile(clazz), method, Collections
117:                                    .unmodifiableMap(map)));
118:                        }
119:                    } catch (Exception e) {
120:                        log.error(u + " " + e.getMessage(), e);
121:                    }
122:                }
124:                { // last fall back, everybody may get the 'anonymous' cloud.
125:                    Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
126:                    map.put("rank", "anonymous");
127:                    authenticatedClasses.add(new Login(Pattern.compile(".*"),
128:                            "class", Collections.unmodifiableMap(map)));
129:                }
131:                log.service("Class authentication: " + authenticatedClasses);
133:            }
135:            /**
136:             * Checks wether the (indirectly) calling class is authenticated by the
137:             * ClassAuthenticationWrapper (using a stack trace). This method can be called from an
138:             * Authentication implementation, e.g. to implement the 'class' application itself (if the
139:             * authentication implementation does understand the concept itself, then passwords can be
140:             * avoided in the wrappers' configuration file).
141:             *
142:             * @param application Only checks this 'authentication application'. Can be <code>null</code> to
143:             * check for every application.
144:             * @return A Login object if yes, <code>null</code> if not.
145:             */
146:            public static Login classCheck(String application) {
147:                if (authenticatedClasses == null) {
148:                    synchronized (ClassAuthentication.class) { // if load is running this locks
149:                        if (authenticatedClasses == null) { // if locked, load was running and this now skips, so load is not called twice.
150:                            String configFile = "classauthentication.xml";
151:                            load(configFile);
152:                            watcher = new ResourceWatcher(
153:                                    MMBaseCopConfig.securityLoader) {
154:                                public void onChange(String resource) {
155:                                    load(resource);
156:                                }
157:                            };
158:                            watcher.add(configFile);
159:                            watcher.start();
160:                        }
161:                    }
162:                }
163:                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
164:                    log.trace("Class authenticating (" + authenticatedClasses
165:                            + ")");
166:                }
167:                Throwable t = new Throwable();
168:                StackTraceElement[] stack = t.getStackTrace();
170:                for (Login n : authenticatedClasses) {
171:                    if (application == null
172:                            || application.equals(n.application)) {
173:                        Pattern p = n.classPattern;
174:                        for (StackTraceElement element : stack) {
175:                            String className = element.getClassName();
176:                            if (className.startsWith(""))
177:                                continue;
178:                            if (className
179:                                    .startsWith("org.mmbase.bridge.implementation."))
180:                                continue;
181:                            log.trace("Checking " + className);
182:                            if (p.matcher(className).matches()) {
183:                                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
184:                                    log.debug("" + className + " matches! ->"
185:                                            + n + " " + n.getMap());
186:                                }
187:                                return n;
188:                            }
189:                        }
190:                    }
191:                }
192:                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
193:                    log.debug("Failed to authenticate " + Arrays.asList(stack)
194:                            + " with " + authenticatedClasses);
195:                }
196:                return null;
197:            }
199:            /**
200:             * A structure to hold the login information.
201:             */
202:            public static class Login {
203:                Pattern classPattern;
204:                String application;
205:                Map<String, String> map;
207:                Login(Pattern p, String a, Map<String, String> m) {
208:                    classPattern = p;
209:                    application = a;
210:                    map = m;
211:                }
213:                public Map<String, String> getMap() {
214:                    return map;
215:                }
217:                public String toString() {
218:                    return classPattern.pattern()
219:                            + (application.equals("class") ? "" : ": "
220:                                    + application);
221:                }
222:            }
224:        } | Contact Us
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