beforePut(Object key, Object value) Optionally (depending on flatten flag) flattens objects of 2 types: AbstractPersistentObject
or Collection of AbstractPersistentObject instances before cachings.
public PoValueTransformer(boolean flatten, boolean clone)(Code)
Parameters: flatten - if true then the object is stored in its flattened form and gets unflattened when retrieved from the cache Parameters: clone - if true then the object gets cloned before it is stored and retrieved from the cache
Optionally (depending on clone/flatten flags) clones and/or unflattens cached objects of 2 types: AbstractPersistentObject
or Collection of AbstractPersistentObject instances.
Does nothing if the value is not of AbstractPersistentObject type.
See Also:ValueTransformer.afterGet(ObjectObject)
Optionally (depending on flatten flag) flattens objects of 2 types: AbstractPersistentObject
or Collection of AbstractPersistentObject instances before cachings.
Does nothing if the value is not of AbstractPersistentObject type.
See Also:ValueTransformer.afterGet(ObjectObject)
Returns copy of a collection with cloned AbstractPersistentObject instances.
If the collection is not of AbstractPersistentObject instances then returns a copy of the
collection referencing the same objects as the original one.
Does nothing if clone == false Parameters: collection - collection to clone Returns copy of a collection with cloned AbstractPersistentObject instances.If the collection is not of AbstractPersistentObject instances then returns a copy of the collection referencing the same objects as the original one. throws: OdalRuntimeException - if the collection is not instance of Cloneable
Optionally unflattens collection of AbstractPersistentObject instances.
Does nothing if flatten == false Parameters: collection - collection to unflatten - gets unflatted in process unflatten collection