| java.lang.Object simpleorm.data.DRecordInstance
DRecordInstance | public class DRecordInstance (Code) | | A real instance of a record, eg. an Employee or a Department.
Normally specialized for the actual record, eg. Emp extends DRecordInstance.
This delegates the actual storage of the record's field to a Commons-beanutils bean.
If needed, users can specialize with dyna beans.
(Not as elegant as our own hashMap of DFieldInstances, for old values etc., but simpler
given main implementation will be simple beans or ddlutils.)
Inner Class :public enum QueryMode | |
equals | public boolean equals(Object other)(Code) | | Compares primary keys only.
getObject | public Object getObject(DFieldMeta meta)(Code) | | Get value as its base object, without any conversion, from the Bean.
hackPrimaryKeyString | public String hackPrimaryKeyString()(Code) | | Hack, and badly implemented (key could contain "~").
hashCode | public int hashCode()(Code) | | Of the primary keys only.
onPreUpSert | public void onPreUpSert(DConnection connection, QueryMode mode)(Code) | | Called whenever the record is updated or inserted, override in subtypes.
Mainly used to validate. Use onPostUpSert to update related tables.