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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Database ORM » SimpleORM » simpleorm.simplehtml 
Source Cross Referenced  Class Diagram Java Document (Java Doc) 

001:        package simpleorm.simplehtml;
003:        import;
004:        import;
005:        import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
006:        import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
007:        import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
008:        import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
010:        /**
011:         * Common Super class for Servlet Requestlet Invocations.<p>
012:         * 
013:         * A servlet's doGet|Post method creates an instance of a
014:         * subclass of this class (DDriverRequestlet) that processes the request.
015:         * So there is one instance per request, not shared, so can have state.
016:         * Provides handy methods for output etc. <p>
017:         *
018:         * Ie. A Requestlet is like a Servlet but there is one instance per request, which is important.<p>
019:         * 
020:         * Normally these are dispatched by the HMasterServlet based on the URI.<p>
021:         *
022:         * <p>$Id:,v 1.8 2006/04/03 08:53:23 aberglas Exp $
023:         * @see DDriverRequest which extends this class for the Driver project
024:         * @author aberglas
025:         */
026:        abstract public class HSuperRequestlet {
027:            HttpServletRequest request;
028:            HttpServletResponse response;
029:            HttpServlet servlet;
030:            public PrintWriter out;
031:            boolean isGet = false; // else Put.
033:            /** Yes, public! */
034:            public final HBasicWidgets bw = new HBasicWidgets(this );
035:            public final HPageWidgets pw = new HPageWidgets(this );
037:            /** 
038:             * Registry of all Requestlets that can be dispatched by the HMasterServlet.
039:             * Need to call each requestlets .register() method in a main() in order to 
040:             * put it in this table.
041:             * Used by HMasterServlet to dispatch calls.
042:             **/
043:            static LinkedHashMap<String, HSuperRequestlet> registry = new LinkedHashMap();
045:            /** Register the class in the DRegistry.  Needs a dummy instance. */
046:            public void register() {
047:                registry.put(this Url(), this );
048:            }
050:            /**
051:             * Initializes the requestlet with information about the servlet and call.
052:             * Note that there is also a dummy instance used in the registry table for
053:             * which this is not called.
054:             */
055:            public HSuperRequestlet initRequestlet(HttpServlet servlet,
056:                    HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
057:                    boolean isGet) {
058:                this .request = request;
059:                this .response = response;
060:                this .servlet = servlet;
061:                try {
062:                    out = response.getWriter();
063:                } catch (Exception ex) {
064:                    throw new RuntimeException(ex);
065:                }
066:                this .isGet = isGet;
067:                return this ;
068:            }
070:            /** Full title that appers in <Title>, <H1>, site map etc. */
071:            abstract public String getTitle();
073:            /** (Consitent) Short name to appear in menus, links etc. 
074:             Normally overriden. */
075:            public String getShortTitle() {
076:                return getTitle();
077:            }
079:            /** The web context, ie.
080:             * The part of the Url between the port and the ap.  No outer "/"s. 
081:             */
082:            abstract public String getContext();
084:            /**
085:             * URL of this requestlet.  Used to generate links to this.
086:             * (Could cache the result and save some garbage.)
087:             */
088:            public String this Url() {
089:                return requestletUrl(this .getClass());
090:            }
092:            /**
093:             * Returns the Url of the requestlet class passed.
094:             * Used for generating anchor href=
095:             */
096:            public String requestletUrl(Class clazz) {
097:                String name = clazz.getSimpleName();
098:                if (name.endsWith("Requestlet"))
099:                    name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 10);
100:                String res = "/" + getContext() + "/" + name + ".rq";
101:                return res;
102:            }
104:            /** Returns the registered dummy instance of the requestlet. */
105:            public HSuperRequestlet registeredInstance(Class clazz) {
106:                String url = requestletUrl(clazz);
107:                return registry.get(url);
108:            }
110:            /**
111:             * url of local resources such as images and style sheets.
112:             * Strips of "Requestlet" if present, adds .rq.
113:             */
114:            public String localUrl(String name) {
115:                return "/" + getContext() + "/" + name;
116:            }
118:            /** Called for gets and posts, as set up from initRequestlet.
119:             *  Forms structure of a request: response, header, body, trailer...
120:             *  Traps exceptions and displays them.
121:             */
122:            public void doGetPost() {
123:                try {
124:                    response.setContentType("text/html; charset=utf-8");
125:                    response.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8");
126:                    response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); // Http 1.1
127:                    response.addHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); // Http 1.0
129:                    doInitialize();
130:                    if (paramattr("f.submit") != null)
131:                        doSubmit();
132:                    outHtml("<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n");
133:                    doHead();
134:                    outHtml("\n</HEAD>\n");
135:                    doBodyTag();
136:                    doPreBody();
137:                    doBody();
138:                    doPostBody();
139:                    outHtml("\n</BODY></HTML>\n");
140:                } catch (Exception ex) {
141:                    outHtml("<font color=red><p><b>Internal Error</b></font><p>\n");
142:                    outHtml("<xmp>");
143:                    ex.printStackTrace(out);
144:                    outHtml("</xmp>");
145:                    outHtml("<p>\n");
146:                    throw new RuntimeException(
147:                            "While Processing " + getTitle(), ex);
148:                } finally {
149:                    out.close();
150:                }
151:            }
153:            /** Called before any html is output, can initialize application data structures. */
154:            protected void doInitialize() throws Exception {
155:            }
157:            /** 
158:             * Override to add validation and business logic.  
159:             * Usually calls bw.addFieldError etc.
160:             * Only called if an "f.Submit" field is present.
161:             * Called at very beginning, before any html is output, so can redirect.
162:             * However, cannot produce any HTML output as there is no header yet.
163:             * Can add error messages.
164:             */
165:            protected void doSubmit() throws Exception {
166:            }
168:            /**
169:             *Outputs HTML Header, title etc.
170:             */
171:            protected void doHead() throws Exception {
172:                outHtml("<TITLE>");
173:                outHtml(getTitle());
174:                outHtml("</TITLE>\n");
175:                outHtml("<link rel='STYLESHEET' type='text/css' href='");
176:                outHtml(localUrl("styles.css"));
177:                outHtml("'>\n");
178:            }
180:            /** Output the actual BODY tag, can be used to add javascript triggers. */
181:            protected void doBodyTag() throws Exception {
182:                outHtml("<BODY>\n");
183:            }
185:            /**
186:             * output html before the Body.  Eg. Menubars.
187:             * Normally overriden.
188:             */
189:            protected void doPreBody() throws Exception {
190:                outHtml("<H1>");
191:                outEscaped(getTitle());
192:                outHtml("</H1>\n");
193:                bw.outputAllErrorMessages();
194:            }
196:            /**
197:             * Override this to add the bulk of the body code in normal requestlets.
198:             */
199:            protected abstract void doBody() throws Exception;
201:            /**
202:             * output html after the Body.  ie. footers.
203:             * Normally overriden
204:             */
205:            protected void doPostBody() throws Exception {
206:            }
208:            /**
209:             * Outputs raw HTML, does NOT quote it.
210:             * @see #outData
211:             */
212:            public void outHtml(String html) {
213:                out.print(html);
214:            }
216:            /** outEscaped(data, false) */
217:            public void outEscaped(String data) {
218:                outEscaped(data, false);
219:            }
221:            /**
222:             * Outputs data after escaping it so that '&lt;' becomes '&amp;lt;' etc.<p>
223:             *
224:             * Converts spaces to '&amp;nbsp;' iff nbsp<p>
225:             *
226:             * Amazing that I need to write this myself!<p>
227:             *
228:             * @see #outHtml
229:             */
230:            public void outEscaped(String data, boolean nbsp) {
231:                if (data == null)
232:                    out.print("");
233:                else {
234:                    for (int dx = 0; dx < data.length(); dx++) {
235:                        char ch = data.charAt(dx);
236:                        switch (ch) {
237:                        case ' ':
238:                            out.print(nbsp ? "&nbsp;" : " ");
239:                            break;
240:                        case '<':
241:                            out.print("&lt;");
242:                            break;
243:                        case '>':
244:                            out.print("&gt;");
245:                            break;
246:                        case '\"':
247:                            out.print("&quot;");
248:                            break;
249:                        case '\'':
250:                            out.print("&#039;");
251:                            break;
252:                        case '\\':
253:                            out.print("&#092;");
254:                            break;
255:                        case '&':
256:                            out.print("&amp;");
257:                            break;
258:                        default:
259:                            out.print(ch); // Hopefully will be inlined
260:                            break;
261:                        }
262:                    }
263:                }
264:            }
266:            /**
267:             * URL Encodes string in appropriate? encoding.
268:             * used for ?=value Get parameters on links
269:             */
270:            public void outURLEncoded(String data) throws Exception {
271:                out.print(URLEncoder.encode(data, "UTF-8"));
272:                //response.encode();
273:            }
275:            private static final String nullObject = new String(
276:                    "The Null Object"); // not interned, unique identity.
278:            /**
279:             * returns request.getAttribute or request.getParameter if attribute not set.
280:             * So a paramattrs is a settable parameter.<p>
281:             * Prefix names to avoid conflicts in Attributes, for forms fields just f.field should do.
282:             *
283:             * The nullObject is used to set nulls instead of null because null attributes are simply removed by servlets.
284:             * Conversion to nulls is automatic.
285:             */
286:            public String paramattr(String name, String defalt) {
287:                String attr = (String) request.getAttribute(name);
288:                if (attr == nullObject) { // ==, not .equals
289:                    attr = null;
290:                } else if (attr == null)
291:                    attr = request.getParameter(name);
292:                return attr == null ? defalt : attr;
293:            }
295:            /** paramattr(name, null)  */
296:            public String paramattr(String name) {
297:                return paramattr(name, null);
298:            }
300:            /** paramattr == null or ""
301:             */
302:            public boolean paramattrEmpty(String name) {
303:                String val = paramattr(name);
304:                return val == null || "".equals(val);
305:            }
307:            public void setParamattr(String name, String value) {
308:                if (value == null)
309:                    value = nullObject;
310:                request.setAttribute(name, value);
311:            }
313:            /** Initialize paramattr to value iff it has no value.  
314:             Returns the resulting value of the paramattr. */
315:            public String initParamattr(String name, String value) {
316:                if (paramattr(name) == null)
317:                    setParamattr(name, value);
318:                return paramattr(name);
319:            }
321:            public PrintWriter getOut() {
322:                return out;
323:            }
325:            public HttpServletRequest getRequest() {
326:                return request;
327:            }
329:            public HttpServletResponse getResponse() {
330:                return response;
331:            }
333:            public HttpServlet getServlet() {
334:                return servlet;
335:            }
336:        } | Contact Us
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