| java.lang.Object simpleorm.simplewebapp.context.WPageContext simpleorm.simplewebapp.context.WPageContextServlet
All known Subclasses: simpleorm.simplewebapp.context.WPageContextJsp,
WPageContextServlet | public class WPageContextServlet extends WPageContext (Code) | | Non-JSP servelet.
encodeContextUrl | public String encodeContextUrl(String url)(Code) | | Add context and session id to urls iff appropriate.
getParameter | public String getParameter(String key)(Code) | | From request, or parameter map for file upload.
getPrivateRequest | public HttpServletRequest getPrivateRequest()(Code) | | Keep this private, we do not want webserver data leaking out
into the rest of the web bean.
Not actually private because they are used for unusual cases such as WUploadPage.
getRefererUrl | public String getRefererUrl()(Code) | | Currently not used, but should be used to make submitted crud go back to the correct place.
getRemoteUser | public String getRemoteUser()(Code) | | Ie. the username of the current logged in user.
openDownloadStream | public OutputStream openDownloadStream(String fileName) throws Exception(Code) | | The returned stream replaces the normal rendoring, and its header is set to be a downloadable file.
parseUploadFileItems | public List<FileItem> parseUploadFileItems() throws Exception(Code) | | Interface to Apache Commons File upload.
Returns a list of Files to open, or null if not "MultipartContent" post, eg. a get request.
Non files fields are moved to a map where they are got by getParameter() as normal.
Multipart content is incompatible with normal field request processing.
NOTE that this must be called in onInitialize, ie. before retrieveParameters is called, so
that it can set up the parameters map from the special MultipartContent format.
redirect | public void redirect(String absoluteUrl)(Code) | | Redirects to a new page, typically after a successful CRUD form.