J2EEDO APPLICATION > package org.objectweb.speedo.j2eedo.bo
This package contains all business object class handling the data modele.
- DatabaseImpl is the main class
and implements all defined actions. This class defines 3 static vectors used
to store known department,
employee and
project. Those 3 local vectors
must decrease the number of access to database object, they are also called
the static polls.
Remark:Those pool contents are update by the Synchronization class
PollsSynchronizations each time a
department, an employee or a project is added or removed. This task is
performed while the current action is commited (when a transaction is required)
otherwise, this treatment is done when the current Persistence Manager is closed.
- PollsSynchronizations
defines the Synchronization Object used to update DatabaseImpl's static polls content.
- DepartmentFactory,
EmployeeFactory and
ProjectFactory classes define the different treatment on
Department, Employee and Project