| org.objectweb.speedo.naming.api.NamingManagerFactoryItf
All known Subclasses: org.objectweb.speedo.naming.lib.NamingManagerFactory,
NamingManagerFactoryItf | public interface NamingManagerFactoryItf (Code) | | A NamingManagerFactory manages a set of NamingManager instance. It permits
- To bind or unbind a NamingManager,
- To find the right NamingManager managing the identifier/naming of a
persistent class,
- To encode or decode persistent identifier.
See Also: NamingManager author: S.Chassande-Barrioz |
bindNamingManager | void bindNamingManager(NamingManager nm)(Code) | | Binds a new NamaingManager in this factory
Parameters: nm - is the new NamingManager instance |
clean | void clean()(Code) | | clean all naming Manager
decode | PName decode(PNameCoder pnc, Object oid, java.lang.Class clazz, JormFactory jf) throws PException(Code) | | Decodes an object identifer into a PName.
Parameters: pnc - is the PNamingContext managing the naming of the referenced persistent class Parameters: oid - is the object identifier Parameters: clazz - is the java class of the referenced class. this paramter permits of course to access to the class loader of the application. Parameters: jf - is the JormFactory managing the persistent class. a PName (JORM identifier of persistent class) throws: PException - if it is not possible to decode the object identifiercorresponding to the specified class. See Also: NamingManagerFactoryItf.encode(PName) |
getNamingManager | NamingManager getNamingManager(SpeedoClass sc) throws SpeedoException(Code) | | the NamingManager instance able to manage the identifier of a persistent class. Parameters: sc - is the speedo meta object representing the persistent class. throws: SpeedoException - if no NamingManager can manage the persistent class. |
getNamingManager | NamingManager getNamingManager(String hints, ClassLoader classloader) throws PException(Code) | | the NamingManager instance able to manage the identifier of a persistent class. Parameters: hints - is string value containing information permitting to findthe naming manager required. Parameters: classloader - is the class loader of the application. throws: SpeedoException - if no NamingManager can manage the persistent class. |
unbindNamingManager | boolean unbindNamingManager(NamingManager nm)(Code) | | Unbinds an existing NamaingManager in this factory
Parameters: nm - is the NamingManager instance to forget true is the NamingManager has been really found and therefore forgoten. |