Method Summary |
public void | _testDeletionTh10Tx100000Cr1() Tests 100.000 transactions where each of them deletes 1 object using 10
threads. |
public void | _testDeletionTh10Tx100000Cr10() Tests 100.000 transactions where each of them deletes 10 objects using
10 threads. |
public void | _testDeletionTh1Tx100000Cr10() Tests 100.000 transactions where each of them deletes 10 objects using 1
thread. |
public void | _testDeletionTh2Tx100000Cr1() Tests 100.000 transactions where each of them deletes 1 object using 2
threads. |
public void | _testDeletionTh2Tx100000Cr10() Tests 100.000 transactions where each of them deletes 10 objects using 2
threads. |
public void | _testDeletionTh3Tx100000Cr1() Tests 100.000 transactions where each of them deletes 1 object using 3
threads. |
public void | _testDeletionTh3Tx100000Cr10() Tests 100.000 transactions where each of them deletes 10 objects using 3
threads. |
public void | _testDeletionTh4Tx100000Cr1() Tests 100.000 transactions where each of them deletes 1 object using 4
threads. |
public void | _testDeletionTh4Tx100000Cr10() Tests 100.000 transactions where each of them deletes 10 objects using 4
threads. |
protected String | getLoggerName() |
protected void | perform(Task task, int threadId, int txId, Object ctx, PerformResult res) |
protected void | perform(ParamsTest param) |
protected void | prepareTest(StressHelper.TaskManager tm, Object ctx) |
public void | testDeletionTh10Tx10000Cr1() Tests 10.000 transactions where each of them deletes 1 object using 10
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh10Tx10000Cr10() Tests 10.000 transactions where each of them deletes 10 objects using 10
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh10Tx1000Cr1() Tests 1.000 transactions where each of them deletes 1 object using 10
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh10Tx1000Cr10() Tests 1.000 transactions where each of them deletes 10 objects using 10
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh10Tx1000Cr1000() Tests 1.000 transactions where each of them deletes 1.000 objects using
10 threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh10Tx1000Cr500() Tests 1.000 transactions where each of them deletes 500 objects using 10
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh10Tx100Cr1() Tests 100 transactions where each of them deletes 1 object using 10
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh10Tx100Cr10() Tests 100 transactions where each of them deletes 10 objects using 10
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh10Tx100Cr10000() Tests 100 transactions where each of them deletes 10.000 objects using
10 threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh10Tx100Cr500() Tests 100 transactions where each of them deletes 500 objects using 10
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh10Tx10Cr1() Tests 10 transactions where each of them deletes 1 object using 10
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh10Tx10Cr10() Tests 10 transactions where each of them deletes 10 objects using 10
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh1Tx100000Cr1() Tests 100.000 transactions where each of them deletes 1 object using 1
thread. |
public void | testDeletionTh1Tx10000Cr1() Tests 10.000 transactions where each of them deletes 1 object using 1
thread. |
public void | testDeletionTh1Tx10000Cr10() Tests 10.000 transactions where each of them deletes 10 objects using 1
thread. |
public void | testDeletionTh1Tx10000Cr100() Tests 10.000 transactions where each of them deletes 100 objects using 1
thread. |
public void | testDeletionTh1Tx1000Cr1() Tests 1.000 transactions where each of them deletes 1 object using 1
thread. |
public void | testDeletionTh1Tx1000Cr10() Tests 1.000 transactions where each of them deletes 10 objects using 1
thread. |
public void | testDeletionTh1Tx1000Cr100() Tests 1.000 transactions where each of them deletes 100 objects using 1
thread. |
public void | testDeletionTh1Tx1000Cr1000() Tests 1.000 transactions where each of them deletes 1.000 objects using
1 thread. |
public void | testDeletionTh1Tx1000Cr500() Tests 1.000 transactions where each of them deletes 500 objects using 1
thread. |
public void | testDeletionTh1Tx100Cr10() Tests 100 transactions where each of them deletes 10 objects using 1
thread. |
public void | testDeletionTh1Tx100Cr100() Tests 100 transactions where each of them deletes 100 objects using 1
thread. |
public void | testDeletionTh1Tx100Cr1000() Tests 100 transactions where each of them deletes 1.000 objects using 1
thread. |
public void | testDeletionTh1Tx100Cr2000() Tests 100 transactions where each of them deletes 2.000 objects using 1
thread. |
public void | testDeletionTh1Tx100Cr500() Tests 100 transactions where each of them deletes 500 objects using 1
thread. |
public void | testDeletionTh1Tx100De1() Tests 100 transactions where each of them Delete 1 object using 1
thread. |
public void | testDeletionTh1Tx10Cr1() Tests 10 transactions where each of them creates 1 object using 1
thread. |
public void | testDeletionTh1Tx10Cr10() Tests 10 transactions where each of them deletes 10 objects using 1
thread. |
public void | testDeletionTh1Tx10Cr100() Tests 10 transactions where each of them deletes 100 objects using 1
thread. |
public void | testDeletionTh1Tx10Cr1000() Tests 10 transactions where each of them deletes 1.000 objects using 1
thread. |
public void | testDeletionTh1Tx10Cr2000() Tests 10 transactions where each of them deletes 2.000 objects using 1
thread. |
public void | testDeletionTh1Tx10Cr500() Tests 10 transactions where each of them deletes 500 objects using 1
thread. |
public void | testDeletionTh2Tx10000Cr1() Tests 10.000 transactions where each of them deletes 1 object using 2
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh2Tx10000Cr10() Tests 10.000 transactions where each of them deletes 10 objects using 2
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh2Tx1000Cr1() Tests 1.000 transactions where each of them deletes 1 object using 2
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh2Tx1000Cr10() Tests 1.000 transactions where each of them deletes 10 objects using 2
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh2Tx1000Cr100() Tests 1.000 transactions where each of them deletes 100 objects using 2
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh2Tx1000Cr2000() Tests 1.000 transactions where each of them deletes 2.000 objects using
2 threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh2Tx100Cr1() Tests 100 transactions where each of them deletes 1 object using 2
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh2Tx100Cr10() Tests 100 transactions where each of them deletes 10 objects using 2
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh2Tx100Cr100() Tests 100 transactions where each of them deletes 100 objects using 2
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh2Tx100Cr2000() Tests 100 transactions where each of them deletes 2.000 objects using 2
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh2Tx10Cr1() Tests 10 transactions where each of them deletes 1 object using 2
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh2Tx10Cr10() Tests 10 transactions where each of them deletes 10 objects using 2
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh2Tx10Cr100() Tests 10 transactions where each of them deletes 100 objects using 2
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh3Tx10000Cr1() Tests 10.000 transactions where each of them deletes 1 object using 3
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh3Tx10000Cr10() Tests 10.000 transactions where each of them deletes 10 objects using 3
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh3Tx1000Cr1() Tests 1.000 transactions where each of them deletes 1 object using 3
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh3Tx1000Cr10() Tests 1.000 transactions where each of them deletes 10 objects using 3
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh3Tx100Cr1() Tests 100 transactions where each of them deletes 1 object using 3
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh3Tx100Cr10() Tests 100 transactions where each of them deletes 10 objects using 3
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh3Tx10Cr1() Tests 10 transactions where each of them deletes 1 object using 3
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh3Tx10Cr10() Tests 10 transactions where each of them deletes 10 objects using 3
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh4Tx10000Cr1() Tests 10.000 transactions where each of them deletes 1 object using 4
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh4Tx10000Cr10() Tests 10.000 transactions where each of them deletes 10 objects using 4
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh4Tx1000Cr1() Tests 1.000 transactions where each of them deletes 1 object using 4
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh4Tx1000Cr10() Tests 1.000 transactions where each of them deletes 10 objects using 4
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh4Tx1000Cr500() Tests 1.000 transactions where each of them deletes 500 objects using 4
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh4Tx100Cr1() Tests 100 transactions where each of them deletes 1 object using 4
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh4Tx100Cr10000() Tests 100 transactions where each of them deletes 10.000 objects using 4
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh4Tx100Cr500() Tests 100 transactions where each of them deletes 500 objects using 4
threads. |
public void | testDeletionTh4Tx10Cr10() Tests 10 transactions where each of them deletes 10 objects using 4
threads. |
public void | testInteractive() Tests the deletion of a lot of persistent objects, with interactive
setting of test parameteres (see file userconf/ |