Returns the value of the field represented by this PersistentField, on the specified object.
This implementation invokes get() on its underlying Field object.
Parameters: anObject - - The object instance (proxy objects are not allowed here) which we aretrying to get the field value from. throws: MetadataException - if there is an error getting this field value from obj See Also:java.lang.reflect.Field
Sets the field represented by this PersistentField object on the specified object argument to the specified new value.
The new value is automatically unwrapped if the underlying field has a primitive type.
This implementation invokes set() on its underlying Field object if the argument is not null.
OBS IllegalArgumentExceptions are wrapped as PersistenceBrokerExceptions.
Parameters: obj - The target object (no proxy objects allowed). Parameters: value - The value to set. throws: MetadataException - if there is an error setting this field value on obj See Also:java.lang.reflect.Field